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Louis Theroux's African Hunting Holiday


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A bit out of a pigeon's league...


"The South African hunting industry is big business; it is now cheaper and easier to hunt than ever before. Louis travels to Limpopo Province where he stays at a hunting lodge - Shingani Safaris - owned by professional hunter Riaan Vosloo. Louis discovers that companies like Riaan's cater to hunters of all abilities and budgets - the cost of a trophy animal ranges from as little as $250 for a baboon to as much as $70,000 for a rhino.


An American hunting party arrives and Louis spends time trying to understand their motivation to kill and travels out with them each day to private game farms where wild animals are reared for hunting. Louis meets Lolly Furie and Piet Venter, two men who own game farms where the animals are hunted. He discovers that the men have an attachment to the animals on their land. They will only allow bow hunting on their property, as the noise of gunshot causes the animals stress.


A few days later Louis journeys with novice hunter Ann Marie, who originally came only to accompany her husband. But she has become caught up in the excitement and decides she wants to hunt an animal herself. The next day, Louis visits lion breeder Piet Warren who insists that hunting, by putting an economic value to the animal, has allowed populations of exotic species to flourish. Finally, Louis is challenged to hunt an animal himself."


Normal Theroux "get the nutters onside while secretly mocking them," but rumour has it the audience ends up siding with the hunters.

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looks like it will be an educational programme, I'm not sure about how true it as regarding the canned hunts. From the US forums on big game hunting it doesn't look like many of the hunters go for canned hunting. Its very true though that its what will actually save many of the endangered species as we all know Shooting and conservation go together. If there is a value to the animal the locals will be less likely to kill them for eating their crops or eating their sister :hmm:

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I will be watching, it is tough issue though, hopefully it will be reported in a balanced way - I like Louis programs normally.



A familar name in amongst the comments section.



"This article almost makes fox hunting in Britain seem quite noble in comparison.

Cat_amongst_pigeons, Beckenham"

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I actually think we may not approve, mostly because it only shows canned hunting and I'm not too sure about the ethics of shooting a big game animal under those circumstances.



My thoughts exactly then on reflection I thought whats the difference between canned hunting and pheasant shooting where semi wild birds are driven over a line of guns. Food for thought.

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Did you see the way he chickened out, shooting that pig with the crossbow.

What a damn nancyboy wuss.


I honestly thought that Peter who was one of the breeders was gonna lamp him one. When he kept asking him if he though that what he was doing was right.


It seemed funny that Louis couldn't seem the grasp the concept that until the end, that without this kind of sport going on a lot of these big game animals would be extinct!!

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