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man vrs wild


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ooooohhhh mate, he is a complete *****. a fraud.... he does the most STUPID, dangerous things, taking stupid risks all the time..... his antics really are laughable....

his show is all staged, he pukes when eats anything, drinks dirty water... takes the most peculiar dangerous routes for the sake of t.v cameras and risks injuries all the time, which is the LAST thing you would do in a suvival situation..... did you see his everest parasending show...... good effort, but what a load of complete toffs.....trustafarian thrill seekers....


lofty wiseman.... now theres a man you'd follow when all was lost.

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yep i watched his show , and he struggled to climb down a waterfall why didnt the idiot just go along the bankside a few meters and he could of got down with no hassle

the camera man should of made the show as he was down before him he should of just followed the camera man

a complete fraud

just another idiot that wants to get on the tv

some survival expert he is (NOT)

he only ate a couple of water snails and a couple of grubs (all that glorious food in the jungle and thats all he could find absolute ****)what happened to eating snakes and other mamals that live in the jungles

anyone fighting for survival would do a lot better than he tryed to do

ive done better when i was a kid and went camping

maybe get someone on the show that knows what they are doing instead they get a fraud to do that show waste of time

well in my opinion anyone who trys to do what he does to suvive in jungles etc

best advice dig a hole and lye in it as you will end up dead anyway so why all the pain to try and survive the way he trys to

he is and IDIOT says i

Edited by radio1ham
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personally i think bear grylls is great. i do enjoy watching his programmes.

and wot would be the point of him taking the easiest route everywhere, he is supposed to show people how to get out of 'difficult' situations and there isn't always a simple way to do things. otherwise he will turn out like ray meares and start adding ingrediants to cook a proper full on meal when you can't even get half the ingrediants in the woods. grrrrrr now that man annoys the hell out of me.

i much prefer bear grylls. and before anyone says i do know that some of it is staged but the infomation is good and it does show you him actually going into some very dangeorus situations and getting out of them. so hat off to him.




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he bangs on about the forces.... bet he's only in the T.A..........

his tequniques for finding calories always burn more than the actall food can provide.... ive seen him use a deer skin as a taboggin and he used the skin the wrong way round.....

he's obsessed with getting his *** out and piddling on everthing.... must be a public school thing......

ray mears would eat him, and his mate gordy would stutter at him before smoking him....

if the guys your hero mate, fair enough, ... he may be fitter than me, but personally, i think id have him stitched up out in the boonies....

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it might make good t.v, and no , there isnt always an easy way.... but bottom line is always... dont take risks... a broken ankle in the middle of nowhere is a death sentance. yes.ok it would be boring if he walked an extra mile down the ravine to findeasier ground.... but, thats what you would do....


like i said, lofty wiseman, the origional.

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he bangs on about the forces.... bet he's only in the T.A..........



"Grylls served for three years as a trooper with the Territorial Army as a Specialist Combat Survival Instructor and Patrol Medic with the Special Forces unit, 21 SAS Regiment (Artists Rifles). His military service ended in 1996 due to a parachuting accident during a training exercise in Africa. His canopy ripped at 16,000 feet (4500 m), partially opening, causing him to fall and land on his parachute pack on his back, which broke three vertebrae (t8, t10 and t12) and left him struggling to feel his legs. Grylls later said of the accident, "I should have cut the main parachute and gone to the reserve but thought there was time to resolve the problem." Grylls spent the next 12 months in rehabilitation and, with his military service over, directed his efforts into trying to get well enough to fulfill his childhood dream of climbing Everest.


Following his military discharge, Grylls has since been awarded the honorary rank of Lieutenant Commander in the UK's Royal Naval Reserve."


Grylls first entered the record books in 1997 by being the youngest Briton to summit Ama Dablam in the Himalayas with his good friend Colm Keaveny, a peak famously described by Sir Edmund Hillary as "unclimbable". He was also the youngest Briton to scale Everest.


I'd say that's a reasonable CV :blush:

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I think his show is a bit fake in places, but it would have to be for TV. Yes he takes risks but as has been said it's to show how to deal with them. I can't comment on his techniques as my survival training is limited to what I learned in the Air Cadets years ago :blush:


I do think he's mad for drinking dirty water, squeezing water out of elephant dung etc, can't see why you'd do it unless you absolutely had to :hmm:

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some unfair comments there frauds do not climb everest.

i certainly wouldnt eat one of those camel spiders :blush:




lol camel spiders(wind scorpion) they are little ********,,,, in all my time in iraq and afga they are the most fun?? i dont think i coud eat one tough,,, or drink the fluid in camel **** :D

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can't beat bush tucker man!!!!


Funny you should say that, I was just thinking the same :D


I used to like Les Hiddins, he made an interesting programme without having to try and look like a macho man :hmm::lol: :lol:


Funny little ****** :yes: Apparently he wrote the Australian Army's Combat Survival manual and did two tours of duty in Vietnam


I looked for the Bush Tucker Man series on DVD, but they don't seem to have it, though I know there used to be some on VHS :blush:

Edited by Chard
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He's better than big gay Ray anyhow. :D


FM :yes:

your joking ... ray would knock shades aof ****e of this fella.... bear just has the wow factor of drinking liquid from poo but rays a real survivor



:blush: ray is a very hard man. mad on judo an all that. did you ever see him wrestle the mongolian champ, AND WIN!

bear grylls? big tart more like. me nan could have a better go, and she has been dead for years.


its ray all the way for me. and as for his stuttering mate :hmm::lol::lol::yes: , now that man eats some mad ****.

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