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So after 12 days...

mr lee

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the gas board finally decided to come and check out a strong smell of gas in our cul de sac at 8pm this evening. :rolleyes: Last week they sent a guy round punching holes in the road and poking as detector down them. His conclusion?


'Yup, there's a gas leak from somewhere but we can't pinpoint it. It is however leaking up through a drain outside our neighbours slightly and somewhere in the middle of the road. Well be back shortly to investigate further..'


So this evening 4 vans turned up, placed cones galore on our road and proceeded to poke the holes with their prongs again. The guys then start to cut the road in what can only be described as a jigsaw of lines and start to dig. 1 bloke was digging like a madman whilst the other7 guys stood and watched him. :lol: The word panic does not describe the look on the guys faces as a young lass starts to walk on the road smoking a fag. I can honestly say I have never seen one person put out a cig as quickly in my life as this lass did when shouted at by a load of guys.


Anyway, they have now been digging our road up in multiple places and putting numerous cones out round the holes. About an hour ago one of them knocked on the door informing us they would have to turn the gas supply off to all the houses on the street whilst they replaced a section of damaged pipework so could we turn off our boiler etc. He also asked if he could be so cheeky as to request a few hot cups of coffee for the lads as it is raining and cold outside. :huh:


Sorted those out and took them out when they asked if I knew the lad across the road. 'Yup, he's a mate of mine why?'


'Were going to have to dig his driveway up shortly as the main leak is on his property. Were just waiting for a new blade for the cutter. he ain't happy though. We spoke to him about an hour ago to tell him. Has he just had his driveway laid?'


My mate has just spent £4000 having imprinted and coloured concrete laid on his driveway about 3 months ago. :oops:


So it looks like there will be no sleep for quite a few hours yet once they start cutting and breaking his driveway up. :( These guys must be making a decent wage too working a bank holiday weekend late sunday night.

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Madness :rolleyes:


Oh and the guy doing all the digging is a Polish guy, and everyone standing around him are british, such as the health and safety officer, worksite manager, machine operator, and numerous supervisors. :oops:


Hope you get some rest..

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Sorted those out and took them out when they asked if I knew the lad across the road. 'Yup, he's a mate of mine why?'


'Were going to have to dig his driveway up shortly as the main leak is on his property. Were just waiting for a new blade for the cutter. he ain't happy though. We spoke to him about an hour ago to tell him. Has he just had his driveway laid?'


My mate has just spent £4000 having imprinted and coloured concrete laid on his driveway about 3 months ago. :rolleyes:


So it looks like there will be no sleep for quite a few hours yet once they start cutting and breaking his driveway up. :huh: These guys must be making a decent wage too working a bank holiday weekend late sunday night.



If he in't happy at that then he will be well and truely Pi**ed when they bill

him for the repairs :oops: .


They can do if they find the leak on his land.



Edited by taz24
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If they sourced the leak to my land I'd dig the bloody hole myself rather than pay the gas companies. :rolleyes:


So they have now cut and hammered, swore and thrown shovels about whilst breaking through my mates driveway so far.


One guy is sat in the back of one of the vans playing what looks to be a Nintendo DS or similar, 2 are asleep in the cab whilst the others dig and sit around the hole watching.


I've now run out of beer, there is nothing interesting on tv, I'm wide awake and seriously tempted to nip out to the garage to wire up the spotlights on the vitara through thorough boredom. :oops:

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The way a full team turn up and yet only one or two seem to be doing anything always amazes and irritates me.

Roadworks are a classic case for this.

You queue for ages at the temporary lights and when you are going through the roadwork section, nobody seems to be doing anything and some are obviously just standing around having a smoke, or sitting on the dumper reading a newspaper.


I saw a very funny incident in roadworks on the M6 many years ago.

It was near Stafford and the motorway had been coned down to one lane for weeks.

I was coming back from Manchester, hot sunny afternoon, steady stream of traffic going through the roadworks at about 15-20 mph.

We came across the sunbathing workmen and the bloke in an open topped car in front started hurling abuse at them.

About 25 yards later the traffic stream came to a halt.

We sat there for about 3 minutes with the driver trying to hide in his glove compartment. :rolleyes::oops::huh:

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:huh::lol: :(



The guys outside stopped digging around 4am. They have now all gone and we have a coned/barriered street almost. It's going to be fun driving through all those. :oops::lol:


Cranfiled, I know exactly what you mean when driving through roadworks. Annoying as hell that they have 2+ miles coned off and they are working in a small area normally two guys. Just cone off the area you are working in for gods sake! :rolleyes:

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Cranfiled, I know exactly what you mean when driving through roadworks. Annoying as hell that they have 2+ miles coned off and they are working in a small area normally two guys. Just cone off the area you are working in for gods sake! :rolleyes:




No i have grown rather attached to sweepy over the years.

so if it means having 2miles off cones protecting him . from some driver who just took their eyes off the road for 1 sec.

to just one cone in front off him .

then i think i will take my place in the queue waiting to get pass them. :oops:


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