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Dyslexia rules- KO?


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M spoken like a true 'legal eagle'


IMO... You’re thick if you can’t spell (no shame in that you were born like it!). You’re lazy if you won’t spell (again you were born like it!) BUT to know you can’t/won’t spell AND not use a spell checker in this day and age is just plain DUMB ***** STOOPID!

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M spoken like a true 'legal eagle'


IMO... You’re thick if you can’t spell (no shame in that you were born like it!). You’re lazy if you won’t spell (again you were born like it!) BUT to know you can’t/won’t spell AND not use a spell checker in this day and age is just plain DUMB ***** STOOPID!



STUPID ( I know I know)



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The way i see it, if you have a conversation with someone who constantly has his hand over his mouth and muffles then you'd soon tell them to **** off! If he has a stutter or other such speech impediment then that's hardly their fault and you certainly don't give them the Nelson "haa haaaa".

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I dont expect every post to be spelt perfectly but some of the miss spelings on here are very basic.


I wonder how many folk even bother to proof read thier posts, let alone spell check. ill admit I dont spellcheck but I do proofread.

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I dont expect every post to be spelt perfectly but some of the miss spelings on here are very basic.


I wonder how many folk even bother to proof read thier posts, let alone spell check. ill admit I dont spellcheck but I do proofread.






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it makes me laugh when everybody's going on about people who can't spell.who cares?,when you've got unemployed people who dont want to get a job,milking the system.people who play the disabled card (and i don't mean genuine people) really get me going,they park in disabled spots,pull up on yellow lines just because they've got a sticker and their to fat and lazy to walk.you can't tell me that they can't get some sort of job to suit their so called disability.youv'e got familys breeding kids for the family benefit,and some sad *** fed up with people who cant spell properly and don't use the spellchecker,GET A LIFE.

there's enough going on in the country to moan about,getting at people for not being able to spell is pretty low :good:

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