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Environmental Protection Act 1990 Section 87 & 88

Stu S

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Errm, just to clarify, I do smoke, but since i only had the CONVERTIBLE 1970's sports car restored last year, including new interior, new paint, new hood etc, i do not smoke in the car. So all of you that are instantly having a go at me over this can **** off really.


I did not throw the butt out of the car, and where i have the issue is that as someone else has already mentionned, guilty until proven innocent is not an acceptable way to run this country.


You say that your blood is boiling over me throwing something out of the car when i didn't? Well i say that my blood is boiling over people like you that attack without knowing the facts, and also that have really been very unhelpful to a fellow member that was asking for some help and advice on how to handle a situation that could have escalated from innocence to a £2,500 fine.


Thank you very much to those that have really tried to help, it is much apreciated. But to those that simply attacked - **** you very very much.


Mods - don't bother banning me, i'm gone.




In fairness to those that have responded condemning littering, it wasn't stated in your original post that you didn't throw out a cigarette butt and that would be your defense.

You were only asking questions about notification time limits.


As regards being banned, why would we want to ban you ?

You asked a question, you have received replies, no Rules have been broken, so its just another day in Internet Forum Land. :yes:

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can we get to the more important bit??? we are all shooters who are supposed to stick together....yet constantly on this forum people are trying to get one up on folk.


another member has fallen to some folk who just cant resist from having a dig. if any one can honestly say they have never, ever littered in their life i take my hat of to them.


what about whilst in the field in long grass when the cartridges are ejected, or the cases from the rounds....do you search round looking for them :yes:?

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can we get to the more important bit??? we are all shooters who are supposed to stick together....yet constantly on this forum people are trying to get one up on folk.


another member has fallen to some folk who just cant resist from having a dig. if any one can honestly say they have never, ever littered in their life i take my hat of to them.


what about whilst in the field in long grass when the cartridges are ejected, or the cases from the rounds....do you search round looking for them :hmm:?


To be totally honest, i have tried to pick up every single ejected cartridge i have ever fired.


The are normally plastic and do not biodegrade, plus it looks good to the farmer when he see's you dumping loads of empty carts in his bin at the end of a shoot, tells him your environmentaly friendly to his fields, and respecting them. :yes:

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can we get to the more important bit??? we are all shooters who are supposed to stick together....yet constantly on this forum people are trying to get one up on folk.


another member has fallen to some folk who just cant resist from having a dig. if any one can honestly say they have never, ever littered in their life i take my hat of to them.


what about whilst in the field in long grass when the cartridges are ejected, or the cases from the rounds....do you search round looking for them :yes:?


I would agree that "bullying", personal attacks, etc., are not acceptable and we will not tolerate it .

Also as a group of sportspeople, we should show some solidarity, but not to the extent of blindingly agreeing with everything we each say, or believe.

To expect everyone to agree on everything is cloud cuckoo land, it just doesn't happen in real life.

Its also undesirable, as the world would be a boring place if we all held the same views.


Debate, discussion and disagreement is fine, in fact its healthy, just stay within the Rules.

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Guest Mr Pieman

Stu S


The council's approach is an incredibly effective way to make revenue. For every person that refuses to pay, 50 'cough' to the offence and part with their money (statistics from a Mori Poll in the Times, late 2007, in case anyone wants to have a peek!!)


You are not required to give any information to the council in this matter. It is acceptable to use one of two primary defences:


1 Anything you say could incrimiate you, which breaches your human rights


2 They need to proove your guilt, NOT you prove your innocence


In fact, if they make it into a legal, rather than cvil matter, the CPS would drop it like a hot rock - assuming you weren't sent photographic evidence. I would suggest that you write to the council, stating the above, and asking them to produce photographic evidence to support their accusation, or ****** off!! If they had cctv fottage etc, they should have supplied it from the outset of the accusation.


And, once the dust has settled and they have gone away, ask yourself this simple question......


Am I guilty of what they accuse me of? If the answer is yes, please send a donation for the equivalent of the fine to a local charity. We can and should stick together to stop the council's unreasonable 'push us around' tactics, but also step up to the plate if we have done something naughty :-) I don't expect you to tell us if you go down the donation route, but it will make you feel good about yourself afterwards!!!

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Stu S


The council's approach is an incredibly effective way to make revenue. For every person that refuses to pay, 50 'cough' to the offence and part with their money (statistics from a Mori Poll in the Times, late 2007, in case anyone wants to have a peek!!)


You are not required to give any information to the council in this matter. It is acceptable to use one of two primary defences:


1 Anything you say could incrimiate you, which breaches your human rights


2 They need to proove your guilt, NOT you prove your innocence


In fact, if they make it into a legal, rather than cvil matter, the CPS would drop it like a hot rock - assuming you weren't sent photographic evidence. I would suggest that you write to the council, stating the above, and asking them to produce photographic evidence to support their accusation, or ****** off!! If they had cctv fottage etc, they should have supplied it from the outset of the accusation.


And, once the dust has settled and they have gone away, ask yourself this simple question......


Am I guilty of what they accuse me of? If the answer is yes, please send a donation for the equivalent of the fine to a local charity. We can and should stick together to stop the council's unreasonable 'push us around' tactics, but also step up to the plate if we have done something naughty :-) I don't expect you to tell us if you go down the donation route, but it will make you feel good about yourself afterwards!!!


That seems a bloody good and totally reasonable answer!!!!!! :yes::hmm: :hmm:

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The Manchester Evening News in particular has most weeks the terrible story of someone fined 80 quid for littering. the article usually takes ther form of some "outraged" citizen fined for chucking out a fag dimp or dropping a can to the floor with the accompanying headline " I was only putting it on the floor because i was tired due to dyslexia" or some such tosh.

Littering is illegal.

If you get caught expect some punitive action for you have broken the law be it a fag end or a skip full of asbestos.

It is a aginst the law and same as you can not be a little bit pregnant you can be no less guilty in the eyes of the law.

i know this sounds sanctimonious and yes, i have littered and still chuck my fag dimps but if or when I am caught I will hold my handds up.



Whats all this 'dimps' about? Is it a Northern thing?


Never heard of that one?

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How is a cigarette thrown from a car going to kill someone?


Worst case that it hits a biker and bounces off the helmet or leathers.



No, worse case is that it hits them full in the face while the visor is open burning them in the face or even eye until they either pull over and take their skid lid off or loose concentration due to the pain and smash into the back of the cigarette throwers car wiping out it's entire family and themselves.


Or you could just put it in the ashtray :yes:


I'm not a none smoker moaning, I though the same for the 12 years that I did smoke, gave up on December 12th!



Nothing worse than an ex smoker preaching about smoking is there :hmm:

Edited by jerico
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How is a cigarette thrown from a car going to kill someone?


Worst case that it hits a biker and bounces off the helmet or leathers.



No, worse case is that it hits them full in the face while the visor is open burning them in the face or even eye until they either pull over and take their skid lid off or loose concentration due to the pain and smash into the back of the cigarette throwers car wiping out it's entire family and themselves.


Or you could just put it in the ashtray :yes:


I'm not a none smoker moaning, I though the same for the 12 years that I did smoke, gave up on December 12th!



Nothing worse than an ex smoker preaching about smoking is there :hmm:


Could close visor, otherwise you might be just as likely to get a bee in your eye?


Anyway I agree it's better to stick in ashtray.


I hate ex-smokers, that's why I keep finding myself drawn back to smoking, I usually find that if I start giving smokers bad looks or tutting when their smoke blows in my direction or stating loudly how much it stinks then it's time to get back on them again :hmm:


Currently in a stopping mood so will begin to feel self righteous and sanctimonious over the next couple of weeks :)

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The fact is that if it had been a bottle top that was thrown out of the car, nobody would have said a thing. It's just more of the same railing anti-smoking hysteria, :yes:


I'm a non-smoker by the way. I just detest anything hysterical.


I was also stopped one night by a Police car, when I ran over a fag butt, thrown out of the car in front. When I ran over it, sparks flew everywhere, his blue light went on, and the hysteria started. I let him spew out all his anti-smoking **** and then announced that I didn't smoke :hmm:


Incredibly, it made no difference, he wasn't interested in such irrelevancies. He didn't charge me, just gave me a long and extremely sanctimonious lecture. It's a pity he didn't charge me really, I would have enjoyed ridiculing the pompous little **** in court :hmm:

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Errm, just to clarify, I do smoke, but since i only had the CONVERTIBLE 1970's sports car restored last year, including new interior, new paint, new hood etc, i do not smoke in the car. So all of you that are instantly having a go at me over this can **** off really.


I did not throw the butt out of the car, and where i have the issue is that as someone else has already mentionned, guilty until proven innocent is not an acceptable way to run this country.


You say that your blood is boiling over me throwing something out of the car when i didn't? Well i say that my blood is boiling over people like you that attack without knowing the facts, and also that have really been very unhelpful to a fellow member that was asking for some help and advice on how to handle a situation that could have escalated from innocence to a £2,500 fine.


Thank you very much to those that have really tried to help, it is much apreciated. But to those that simply attacked - **** you very very much.


Mods - don't bother banning me, i'm gone.




In fairness to those that have responded condemning littering, it wasn't stated in your original post that you didn't throw out a cigarette butt and that would be your defense.

You were only asking questions about notification time limits.


As regards being banned, why would we want to ban you ?

You asked a question, you have received replies, no Rules have been broken, so its just another day in Internet Forum Land. :yes:





Here here.


Here we are arguing with a fellow member with whom we should be showing solidarity when there is the latest immigrant related headline grabber from the Daily Mail to be debated and outraged over.


Litterbugs, send 'em packing I say.

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