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what would you have done


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Well took me dog out after work this evening.

I walk over farmland on a kind of cycle trail. nice walk for the dog


So in the distance i see a police ( comunity officer looking at something)

As i approach i can see he.s looking at a burnt out car ( not uncommon sight on this walk)

So i let on and have a look and tell him thats a new one.


he asks how long i have noticed it there so i tell him it wasnt there day before

Anyway it turns out he.s come acroos this car by chance as there searching for some burgaling scumbags.

They had just robbed someones house and burnt there car out nearby

They have got a area squared off and all exits blocked.They think they have them cornered


He tells me the local scumbags on the estate have been robbing houses and taking keys for cars and taking off in them

and then burning them out


Anyway i leave him to it and head back home. I see a couple more cops in bushes waiting about and sitting in keys positions in there cars.


So i get in and get the kettle on and low and behold. two scumbags i know are junping over fences and hiding in bushes

i go to front window and theres a copper looking for them

I so wanted to shout and tell him where they were

But there were people out watching and milling about. I would have been seen to do so.


i just didnt want reprocutions or revenge attacks if they had known i had told on them


what would you have done??

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you could always go to your local nick and talk to some one there !

but eventually you will probably have to give a statement and go to court !



however imagine it was ur place they broke into and nicked the keys to your motor youve worked years to buy !

or by being ***** speeding around they knocked ur kid over ?




the easy way is to say nothing m8 ! but thats why these sort of people get away with it ! the more people stand up and shout theiving ba****d the better !!!!


yes i do live on a dodgy estate ,

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Well being as I'm just some old bloke called Dave I'd probably quietly draw the coppers attention - and point to their whereabouts. Thus avoiding all the statement stuff that takes for hours with nothing to show for it other than the police visits that will draw the scumbags round again when your probably out. :good:






















































However - if I was an annihilator I'd probably have grabbed them by the bollux and dragged them out to the copper accidently banging their heads on every hard surface I could squeeze past on the way. ???

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well i used to live in a place where you could leave your doors open and car open aswell

mind you thats going back a good few years but now its used as a dumping ground for the local council somewhere to put the problem familys as it was out the way in the countryside

i had lived there all my life 40years and i was glad to get a new house and away from the place as over the passed 10-15years the local council started dumping all the **** there and the place just went down hill

now most of the decent folk i know from that place are also trying to move out so i guess i am one of the lucky ones that has moved away from that place

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called 999 and told the operator that there are loads of coppers looking for scumbag burglars at 1 high st (or wherever) and that thet're in the back garden of 10 high st (or wherever)


Would have defenately called the police.


if it were your house, your keys and your car, I bet you would want someone to let the old bill know where there scumbags were?????? :good:

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called 999 and told the operator that there are loads of coppers looking for scumbag burglars at 1 high st (or wherever) and that thet're in the back garden of 10 high st (or wherever)


Would have defenately called the police.


if it were your house, your keys and your car, I bet you would want someone to let the old bill know where there scumbags were?????? :good:

Yep, it's that simple.

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there are loads of coppers looking for scumbag burglars at 1 high st (or wherever) and that thet're in the back garden of 10 high st


You know too much :good:



Last week someone spent two days sorting out my garden, then sitting in my front room a few days later someone hear's whispers and a cracking noise, someone looked out of the patio doors and see's an arm coming through one of the fence panels, as it was now broken someone helped finish the job by pulling the arm and whatever it was connected too towards him and upwards, the fence popped out and 2ft of wood splintered upwards into said arm, the sounds of horror from the other side of the fence were priceless but someone managed to compose himself and shoulder barge into the fence whilst letting the arm go and snarl "stay the **** outta my yard".


Someone was not seen due to being behind a 5ftx5ft fence panel at all times and will now not have to worry about the local scumbags cowards targeting his home!



So in answerer to the original question "What would you have done" I would have thought "someone should really do something"






And then realised I am someone ???

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:good: I would have dialled 999 asap, and done it without leaving a name if i was that concerned about revenge attacks, people can not be allowed to get away with this, if it was my house and next door did nothing and i found out .... well i wouldnt be happy!!


When you call the cops nowadays they have your number anyway. Yes, there may be repercussions,but, somebody somewhere has to start breaking this vicious circle? Would it be me? I sure wouldn't be bothered about myself but Iwould have to think about my family? So I guess the answer is ............... I don't know ???

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yep they can pinpoint the address straight away, all the services can and if you're on a mobile even that they can get a pretty good fix on. Its so that were you to loose contact half way through the call they can still respond. If you know the names of the people involved you could call crime stoppers that can be done pretty much anonomously

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I hope I would have done the right thing, and the points people have made are absoultely correct, but you can't blame someone for being worried about potential repercussions. Particularly if they have a family and live in a scaly neighbourhood.


I know that this causes a lot of problems for the police, as often if there are no reliable witnesses there is little point in bringing a prosecution, and so their hands are tied. However, we have all heard stories of people who did the right thing, were targetted for revenge, and then found that the police were unwilling or unable to protect them. This is particularly bad because woe betide you if you try to protect yourself.


The answer is simple. The police and the courts should let it be known that those who attempt to intimidate or attack witnesses, their families or their property will be dealt with with the utmost severity. Scumbags would soon learn not to do it if they knew that they would be relentlessly pursued by the police and then dealt harshly with by the courts if convicted. Members of the public would then be able to perform what is after all an essential civic duty without fear of reprisal.


A friend of mine witnessed a gang rape in Birmingham. He was not the only witness, but I believe that he was the only one willing (or foolish enough) to testify. He saw the defendants and members of their families in the courthouse before and during the trial. They openly threatened him within hearing of both police officers and court officials, yet no action was taken against them.


We do have to act individually to break the vicious cycle of crime and anti-social behaviour, and the police cannot do it on their own. However, the lead has to come from the police, the courts and our law-makers.



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Yeah in reality i should have phoned police.

but still i couldnt deal with the reprocutions. i have a car and van to worry about.

I am not scared of them in particular . violence wise.

its just if word got out every scumsucker in the neighborhood would be on me cars.


Looking at the car that was burnt out i did say to the officer that it was someones pride and joy.

Realy was a nice car. such a waste

The officer told me they new exactly who it was who was doing it but they just get away with it

even when they manage to get them into court.


So really maybe i was right to say nothing and not get involved.

Why risk it if they dont get punished.


If i was just walking down a street where no one new me and i had seen them i would have just

told the policeman where they were and kept walking.


Only other thing i can think of doing is finding out who was burgld and telling them anominously.


I know who these scum are anyway and i can tell you there human tracksuit wearing *****.


Must be so frustrating for the old bill.

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Then again if you know who the low life are call crime stoppers its free and 100% anonymous


The police new who they were thats the thing.


From what i hear on the grapevine they got caught :P


And they wernt in me garden (Im allways out quick if anyone looks like messing with me property)


Human filth the lot of them :yes:

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