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Was thinking of starting a thread surveying all pw members to see if they share my second hobby (after shedding of course ) of collecting used sandpaper . Its surprising the different swirls and patterns that form when sandpaper is used .I once found a pattern that portrayed the last supper and is one of my favourites in my extensive collection . Any body else interested . Harnser .

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Was thinking of starting a thread surveying all pw members to see if they share my second hobby (after shedding of course ) of collecting used sandpaper . Its surprising the different swirls and patterns that form when sandpaper is used .I once found a pattern that portrayed the last supper and is one of my favourites in my extensive collection . Any body else interested . Harnser .





:good::sly::yes::hmm::yay: LMAO :good:

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I once found a pattern that portrayed the last supper and is one of my favourites in my extensive collection


Gosh, has it led you to the Holy Grail yet? The clues are there.


Who is sat on Jesus's right? Is it a hairy disciple or a hot chick? :good:

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Was thinking of starting a thread surveying all pw members to see if they share my second hobby (after shedding of course ) of collecting used sandpaper . Its surprising the different swirls and patterns that form when sandpaper is used .I once found a pattern that portrayed the last supper and is one of my favourites in my extensive collection . Any body else interested . Harnser .


Harnser, I too am passionate about sand-paper. I would be very interested to inspect your collection. The bulk of mine centres around the golden age of sandpaper (which of course as you know runs from 1932 to 1957), when the full benefits of modern papering technology were being applied, but before the old craftsmanship vanished forever.


My own favourite piece dates back to the late 16th Century. It bears the Tudor emblem and the letters "ER". I have documentary proof that this was Good Queen Bess's own personal buttock-rubbing sheet, the very one that gave her the smooth and rosy ****-cheeks that were the envy of all the potentates of Christendom.


Rumour has it that when she was brought the news of the approach of the Armada she was engaged in a final rub down of the Royal Sinister (from the Latin, of course, meaning left) Cheek. This took place every Thursday in the East Sanding Room at Windsor Castle. With her was Sir Francis Drake, who had just finished his member and was half-way through applying a fine sheen to his testicles.


At the news the gallant Drake leapt up, ready to rush out to lead the fleet against the foe. Elizabeth, displaying the courage and steadiness that she was to become famous for, said to her courtier "Stay, Sir Francis, you have time to finish your balls and yet beat the Spanish!".


As you know this story was censored and altered at the time so as to avoid a scandal, and sadly the lie has persisted whilst the truth is forgotten.


The Spaniards as you know had no knowlegde of sand-paper at the time, and were compelled to use fire to burnish their genitalia. This is the true origin of "the singeing of the King of Spain's beard". His wife of course used neither paper nor fire, as she was completely bald around her Cadiz harbour, a fact that she disguised with a mirkin.



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I just knew there is class and lovers of the arts on pigeon watch . The sand paper lovers are now outing themselves ,i am proud of you . Harnser .

I now know that I have been in the wrong trade for the past 40-odd years, emery cloth and crocus paper just do not have this attraction to the artistic mind. As for Drake, it is time that this gem of information was shared with the British (not including the Welsh) subjects.

I do have a piece of 400 grade Wet & Dry that clearly depicts Adolf Hitler signing the "no war" document beneath the light from a Micky Mouse patterned lampshade, and would appreciate it if you could value this for me? Should I put this item in Sotherby's for auction, or save it as a pension fund?

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I have some very special moon wet and dry paper but it's extremely expensive. I bought it off the same fella that was selling the very sand paper that was used to rub down the cross and take the splinters out of the grail.


Make me a reasonable offer and they are yours.

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I have some very special moon wet and dry paper but it's extremely expensive. I bought it off the same fella that was selling the very sand paper that was used to rub down the cross and take the splinters out of the grail.


Make me a reasonable offer and they are yours.



16 pence and a chipbarm.........

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I have some very special moon wet and dry paper but it's extremely expensive. I bought it off the same fella that was selling the very sand paper that was used to rub down the cross and take the splinters out of the grail.


Make me a reasonable offer and they are yours.

Have you considered that these pieces may be forgeries? It is a well documented fact that the material used in the aforementioned structure was supplied by Jewson's as ready-planed and polished with a pea-green tinted, Foster's lager/ beeswax mix, as waterproofing.

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I have some very special moon wet and dry paper but it's extremely expensive. I bought it off the same fella that was selling the very sand paper that was used to rub down the cross and take the splinters out of the grail.


Make me a reasonable offer and they are yours.


Mungler .

Iam sorry but wet and dry paper is not concidered collectable amongest the purist . I know ,i know , i dont make the rules . The sandpaper collectors of great britain (T.S.C.O.G.B.) are adament that wet and dry paper is to easily forged and if allowed to be recognised within the society it would encourage forgerys . Harnser .

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I am so glad people are coming out with their collections I personaly collect used matches i find this so very intersting even more so them train spotting and metal detecting. the many veried shapes and different lenghts of match that can be found is mind blowing, only the other day a found one that looked like the profit Mohamad it sent a shiver up my spine :good:

Edited by Browning GTS
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