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I must be mad

Mrs Sweepy

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Right i have been thinking about it since Christmas.

But have now decided today the day.

That Suzy hits the roads again


Am i mad or what.

The last time i put my running shoes on was about five years ago .When i was a lot fitter and younger.

Then i had to stop because of a foot injury.

I was also running twice a day (i some how dont think i will be doing that this time around) :oops:

And in between that i was cycling too :oops:



Now i think i will settle for a hours run across country . What with that and walking the dogs i should soon get my fitness back up to stretch.

Any way so here i sit in my new sports bra .Do you know i have gone up two cups sizes since i hang up my running shoes . I do hope they are not the first casualties of my new hobby. I kind of got use to them now.And poor sweepy would be devastated :sad1:.


So now i must go and start warming up.

O dear am i doing the right thing <_<

O well theirs only one way to fine out .

So here we go :yes: Besides if it ends up killing me .At least i will go with a lovely toned body :yes:

So wish me luck

And if you hear nothing more from me. ever again your know why.

xxxxx(Biting at the bit )suzy

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err barking mad i am affraid, running is best left to our friends with four legs or to get you out of trouble should the need arise,


I am on the estimated weight plan, you dont get on the scale, you just guess you own weight, I rekkon I am about 12 stone which means my scales are 2 1/2 stone out if you catch my drift <_<

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Running?!?!?! Yes you're crazy. Come horseriding with me instead. Tone up while enjoying the scenery and being carried around the countryside. Much better for your knees too I reckon.



Tone up?


Does your knees good?<_<??


So how do you excercise while horseriding? Or do you have to wait until you get back to the stable where all the hay is?


I would love to know?


Regards starlight32

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Well done Suzy, the first step is always the hardest.


Its not you know. I ran to the off license before it shut the other night and by the time I got there I were ********. The last step was definetely the hardest.

Without a doubt. The first was relatively easy really.


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Yes Shaun

I made it back .

Wow that was a experience .

I felt like all my neighbours were hiding behind their curtains and laughing at the mad women :blink: Most probably where actually.

And am sure when the horse in the field went nay it gave a little chuckle :blink: .

And because of this i decided i was going to put on a show .And even though my legs had turn to jelly i was not going to stop .

I was going to teach that horse how serious i was about my running.

so i waited till i got to the woody bit. then sat down to have a breather :hmm: .

i then kick myself cause the horse could still see me (god i hate that horse).

Anyway up i got . Gave myself a good talking to :blink: .

Then got my feet back into motion.

unfortuntly it was only my feet that wanted to run the rest of me wanted to stay in my little hidy hole i had found .

But o no i am made of stronger stuff then that (o i do kid myself sometimes )So of i went .jumping over Bunnie holes as i came across them .(bloody bunnies) :mad:

At this stage it was then that i got my second breath.

many years ago i use to run with someone who was ex army .And boy do they push you .

So to help me along i just imagine them pushing me harder and faster .

AND IT WORK. :good:

my little legs suddenly took on a life of their own .And i was flying. ok i lie i was still going at a snail pace . but i was starting to feel good .

And my breathing was getting a rhythm.

Anyway i decided as it was my first time out for a very long time i was not going to push myself to hard .

so after about a mile i headed back home.

I decided i was not going to give the neighbours the thrill of seeing me dragging my poor broken body home so once i got into my street .

I stood up straight thrust my chest out and wiggle my **** all the way home .(those poor workmen .they really shouldnt have had to witness that .It most probably put them of women for life :lol: )

Anyway once the coast was clear i nip round the back off my house and collapse on the back lawn .

Were a clumber try to administer first aid on me .

by given me the kiss of life :sick:


So here ends Suzy's first attempt to beat the ageing progress by getting fit .

I hasten to add that i have not been out since .

But like the saying gos .

Tomorrow is the other day.





P.S Do you think i might stand a chance of entering in that big sport thingy we got happen in a few years time .

I really do fancy a bit of gold round my neck :hmm:

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I didnt think you knew the meaning of the word blush

Mr LV :blink:



Keep up the exercise. I couldnt get my usual space next to the office today. I had to park 20ft away, Jeez I was out of breath when I finally

stumbled into my chair.. !

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You have to come for a run with me .

we could pace each other




thats a deal. I will drive alongside and occasionally shout words of encouragement out of the car window to you ! :blink:

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