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Air Arms S410 Classic vs FX Cyclone


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ok... so next year when i've got the money i want a multi-shot and these two are my favorites of the choice. But im torn between them. The AA is popular right now but the FX has the variable power, the excellent cocking mechanism and the BTAS regulator giving around 180-200 shots per charge in .22



... to me the FX is beginning to take the lead but i would like to know of anyone whos had experience with BOTH since its a lot of money for either and i dont want to regret my choice!


Cheers guys

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u need to go to your gun shop and handle both weapons see how the feel in my mind the aa will beat most hands down but it just depends how it feels to you and on your shooting style it mat be u cant hit the wide side ov a barn door with them and with something like a hw100 u nail it every time

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I've only had an S410K and now have a FAC Cyclone, so I know now't about the shot count's. and it's hardly a fair comparison on the shooting aspect - so I won't dwell on that aspect. Both .22


My S410K was very nice:

Walnut stocked, fairly quiet, quite short and lightweight enough to carry it about for up to five hours or so lamping with an Atom and an oversize battery pack on the butt. Mine was a Pre anti-tamper one without a safety catch. The power curve was evident but fairly predictable, and when hunting it's quite easy to misjudge a few yards anyway. (You don't mention your intended use of the two rifles by the way)


When I got to see the safety catch of a newer S410K I cringed because that particular rifle's trigger also rattled everytime I moved the rifle which annoyed my perfectionist streak immensly. Small crtiscism though because our rifle was very accurate and predictable. My son, grandson and I each found we had to "decisively" work our bolt to achieve a re-load, another minor irk - but I think that often gave away our location to quarry.


My Cyclone is much nicer:

The barrel is screwthreaded - despite it's more than doubled power the (aftermarket) Weihrauch silencer on it makes it quieter than the AA. The rifle seems lighter though I never actually weighed either - with a thinner forestock it might just be that it's a better balance. It's a much nicer piece of walnut that somehow fits me better - even down to a thumb groove in just the right place... erm assuming your a right hander of course.


The biathalon cocking action is both smoother and quieter - and can easily be cycled without moving the rifle much off target. The notably very quiet safety catch is exactly under thumb and Two "FF's" spring to mind when I let anyone try it... Forwards to Fire. The almost silly "rhyme" seems to be memorable though because everyone does it correctly. Magazine loading is tricky to start with but you'll soon get the knack and be able to load in the dark, bet you drop it first time you get it out though :yes:


I think the single most valuable difference is the regulator - though I seem to recall one could be retrofitted to an AA. (anyone?) It is just SO PREDICTABLE. It's taken one of the variables out of the hunting performance: wind, distance and steadiness will vary - but the FPS will be as near constant as can be.


The triple power settings are a bit of a gimmick I think. Mine are about 18, 24 and 27ftlb. If I did any indoor vermin control I might use a lower setting but out in the field I prefer maximum smack to get the job done if I'm marginally off my intended point of impact.


The Cyclone is a better breed - but at a higher price if my memory is correct. If you can afford to spoil yourself for something very important to you spend that bit more mate.

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thanks for such a detailed one too Dave-G. Sorry i forgot to mention some info. Im right handed and I want the rifle for Rabbit, Pigeon and Sqirrel shooting. I have a .22 springer at the moment which is ok but i really want the accuracy and practicallity of having a multi-shot PCP. I think i will go for .22 again simply because i think it takes rabbits down better which is what i mainly shoot. Unfortunately it won't be FAC power but maybe an upgrade later in life when im ready to get a FAC.

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Myself and farther own both these guns ( AA S410: .177 & FX CYCLONE: .22)


What we found is we both prefer the AA S410 so sent it to BTAS and had a regulator fitted :yes: jobs a gooden and is a wicked bit of kit for bunnys, pigeon, crow and squizzers.


We both used to be .22 belivers untill we tryed the .177.


As a result my dad is considering selling the fx cylone as it always gets left behind with the aa s410 the favorite. the only time we use the fx is if we both go out together requiring 2 guns but since we had it it hasnt seen off 50 pellets.


If we do sell the fx the decision is already made to have the exact same aa s410 setup repeated ! :P

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