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Woodcock Recipe


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Sorry Ollie, but you DO eat the guts. The woodcock has a peculiar characteristic in that it evacuates its gut as it takes flight to get rid of excess baggage so it's actually perfectly safe to eat. Therefore you pluck and roast complete. Roast it on a thick slice of toast and the stock and trail makes a savoury sauce. Sounds disgusting but when you get over the thought, it's actually delicious. I've had it many times and never been ill from it!!


Whatever you do, you cannot draw them before cooking as it spoils them.


Woodcock needs to be well hung - in this weather, about 10 days should do it. Wrap in fat bacon to keep it moist. I cover with foil and slow roast for longer than the recipe books say to make it really tender, basting every 10 minutes or so. Afterwards, I remove the foil and put it back in the oven to finish off for 1/4 hour or so.

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