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Am i just unlucky ????

Yorkshire Pudding

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Just got back in with the Lemmy . We went out early this morning , so we could excersize the local hare population .

The field in question is on my permission . watching the field yesterday it was teaming with hare . I counted 3 different hares on it .

So this morning we got out and have a walk about the field . NOT once did i , or the Lemmy for that matter see any hares .

We walk across the field boundary , into some more permission , this field is disected by a public foot path .

The Lemmy is starting to pull on his "slip" like a steam train . I look about but see nothing . To save my arm being pulled out , i slipped him . He went like a bullet out of a centerfire .

He made straight for the hedge back , went along the hedge and through it , into the next field .

Those of you that keep running machines , will know this is the time to light a tab . No chance of seeing the course , you hope your dog is going to stay off the road , and that he comes back safe and sound with his prey .

A ciggys worth of time passes , and i hear shouting and rawping . Have a look about an the Lemmy is way to the left of me , tail up nose down , an following some fine smell or the other . With this fella 150 meters behind him .

The fella's still shouting and waving his arms about , so i put my hand up to acknowledge that i have seen him , and start to walk over to where he is .

Got within a couple of feet of this fella , when he exploded . Told me that what i was doing was illegal , and that i was a murdering * . I calmly pointed out to him that i was'nt doing anything wrong , as i was just taking my dog for a walk .

He was having non of it .

"Your hunting" says he . "No i'm not" says i " the dog is "

This got him really chomping at the bit , i love a bit of a banter .

He was still carrying on , mentioning various choice phrases , which can not be posted here . Then he sparks up that he has taken a picture of me . Yet another thing i can't post but the word SJ and you going to have a tug over the picture featured strongly in my reply to this . :)

Anyways the Lemmy has taken it upon himself to come back . I put him on his lead , when on his lead he decideds to greet this fella in the usual Lemmy time honoured fashion by jumping up at the fella , and putting both of his muddy hands into the fellas mouth . Laugh i nearly died . The Lemmys bouncing up and down covering this bloke in **** .

I took this as my lead to leave , mentioning that i hoped he enjoyed the picture , and if he had any problems , i knew where to get some viagra from .


All in all an entertaining morning , but still no hares :o


all the best yis yp :)

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Keep at 'em YP.


I was lucky enough to be invited to a Whippet meeting last week run under club rules at a very respectable and well know country estate. The sight of a properly dressed slipper walking out accros landscape like that with well dressed keepers leading a dedicated line of dogs and people from a variety of ages and backgrounds was an absolutley amazing sight. We had over twenty runs and not a hare killed - just some very spectacular coursing. The only pity is that it will probably be the last time such an event is run on that site.


Chin up and fight the ban



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Just got back in with the Lemmy . We went out early this morning , so we could excersize the local hare population .

The field in question is on my permission . watching the field yesterday it was teaming with hare . I counted 3 different hares on it .

So this morning we got out and have a walk about the field . NOT once did i , or the Lemmy for that matter see any hares .

We walk across the field boundary , into some more permission , this field is disected by a public foot path .

The Lemmy is starting to pull on his "slip" like a steam train . I look about but see nothing . To save my arm being pulled out , i slipped him . He went like a bullet out of a centerfire .

He made straight for the hedge back , went along the hedge and through it , into the next field .

Those of you that keep running machines , will know this is the time to light a tab . No chance of seeing the course , you hope your dog is going to stay off the road , and that he comes back safe and sound with his prey .

A ciggys worth of time passes , and i hear shouting and rawping . Have a look about an the Lemmy is way to the left of me , tail up nose down , an following some fine smell or the other . With this fella 150 meters behind him .

The fella's still shouting and waving his arms about , so i put my hand up to acknowledge that i have seen him , and start to walk over to where he is .

Got within a couple of feet of this fella , when he exploded . Told me that what i was doing was illegal , and that i was a murdering * . I calmly pointed out to him that i was'nt doing anything wrong , as i was just taking my dog for a walk .

He was having non of it .

"Your hunting" says he . "No i'm not" says i " the dog is "

This got him really chomping at the bit , i love a bit of a banter .

He was still carrying on , mentioning various choice phrases , which can not be posted here . Then he sparks up that he has taken a picture of me . Yet another thing i can't post but the word SJ and you going to have a tug over the picture featured strongly in my reply to this . B)

Anyways the Lemmy has taken it upon himself to come back . I put him on his lead , when on his lead he decideds to greet this fella in the usual Lemmy time honoured fashion by jumping up at the fella , and putting both of his muddy hands into the fellas mouth . Laugh i nearly died . The Lemmys bouncing up and down covering this bloke in **** .

I took this as my lead to leave , mentioning that i hoped he enjoyed the picture , and if he had any problems , i knew where to get some viagra from .


All in all an entertaining morning , but still no hares :(


all the best yis yp B)

Yp, you are lucky that you live where you do. Your reported incident is all too common where I am, in fact too bleedin common. The only difference is I, sorry, we, handle it differently.


Lemmy has the right idea though.


I am glad he is doing well and I am sure he will be on the hare soon.


I had a good shoot today, saw 5 pheasents and nailed them, also had my first woodcock, dog turned into a star sign, but hey! lifes too short :) :o :/


LB :)


PS. Forget the tee-shirts, everyones worn them out or their mums have dumped them :lol: sorry geezer :/

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