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hiya as you can probably tell im BRAND NEW to shooting i want to start hunting and im in the process of gaining permission to shoot pigeons at a nearby field/barn im 14 and i have just got my first gun, its a gamo whisper X 11.5 ft lbs a powerful rifle and i have done some shooting bagging my first pigeon o thursday the day after i got my gun :good: now i have only shot 1 pigeon lol but i shot the the flying rat whilst it was up in a tree, the satisfying sound of a THUD as the little blighter hit the ground, well now to my main point, my gun is a break barrel .22, now outside my back door we have a building with a roof made of plastic and this amplifys everything, a bit of spitting rain sounds like a monsoon.... well i was recently tidying up and i could here this sound like grit falling on plastic and then some louder bangs, i thought "what the hell is that" i went outside and it was those bloody pigeons picking grit out of the gutters and throwing it onto the roof and then they go to the chimny and pull bits of brick off and throw them down onto the roof it is HIGHLY annoying and i cant stand it, i also have a ledge outside above the front door and that is under my bedroom window, well they sit on that poo over the edge which lands my bike or on the bins which are emptied weekly, i want to know, were do i stand on shooting the dirty winged rats, coz i do have a taste for wood pigeon, these are all wood pigeons By the way..... thanks for reading..... im sorry for the terrible punctuation and probably spelling thanks.....



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Hi Mark


The law states you cannot fire any weapon within 50 feet of the center of a road so the front may be difficult. Im not sure if this applies if you are in your back garden since your house tends to be in the way! I know the rifles spring but a silencer and maybe some sort of covering for the gun (a dense rag of some sort maybe?) might help noise levels in your monsoon ally. Might look rubbish but if it works.... If not and you get complaints maybe have a look at buying/swapping your gun for a gas powered gun which are usually quieter with silencers.


Hope this helps in some way.



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Hi Mark


The law states you cannot fire any weapon within 50 feet of the center of a road so the front may be difficult. Im not sure if this applies if you are in your back garden since your house tends to be in the way! I know the rifles spring but a silencer and maybe some sort of covering for the gun (a dense rag of some sort maybe?) might help noise levels in your monsoon ally. Might look rubbish but if it works.... If not and you get complaints maybe have a look at buying/swapping your gun for a gas powered gun which are usually quieter with silencers.


Hope this helps in some way.




hiya lewis

well i have a built on noise dampener removes 52% of the noise but still has a bit of sound, i dunno though im only 14 and im not one for getting in trouble there arent many air rifles around my area and i think it wouldnt be long for the armed response to be out, my 2 mates had the armed response unit called out on them for playing lazer tag in the street the guns didnt even look real..

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You also need to ensure when you take your shot there is a backstop behind the Pigeon, so if you miss or the pellet goes straight through it doesn't hit anything/anyone else.

I'd also say its head shots only for me with pigeons with air riles.


He's right you know! :-p Headshots only on anything i say its about as fair as you can make shooting something. Although the neck may be of a worthy shot. If you cant try and stay out of public view. You can try notifying your local bobby to say you will be shooting on your own premisses. Its always best to keep out of trouble.



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Hi Mark


The law states you cannot fire any weapon within 50 feet of the center of a road so the front may be difficult.





from BASC:


"It is also against the law, in England and Wales, to fire an air rifle within 50 feet of the centre of a highway if this results in someone being injured, interrupted or endangered. These offences could be committed, for example, when someone is shooting in their garden close to a road and the pellets ricochet onto the highway."


make sure your shot will not leave your land and the noise will not distract or worry vehicle drivers or passing pedestrians and you should be within the law.

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im trying to get shooting rights to new places now as i have 1 place i can shoot but its a long way away and im looking for somewere a little bit closer..... i am joining BASC today.... and im writing to my local police station to tell them that i am going to be shooting on my land and that if they really wish to come over and check out my garden to make sure its secure and that i have a good backstop for it then they can feel free.... and (wow i talk alot) lol im going to in the new year im hoping, apply for my SGC that should help me out... thanks for all the help guys your soo helpful and i wasnt sure about this forum i though i might get given a hard time because im new to this all but you guys have really made me feel welcome... thankyou...........

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