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The Irony of the Hunting Ban


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If Hunting is banned after 19 February, and I use the word "if" advisedly, it will result in many more foxes being killed than had hunting continued.


In order to retain the hounds hunting skills and the infrastructure of the Hunt until the Hunting Act is repealed, trail hunting may be practised by some Hunts. As the hounds are only trained to follow fox scent, a dead fox will need to be dragged behind a horse to lay the scent. So for each trail hunt a fox will certainly have to be shot. I doubt many Hunts have such a 100% record.


If I was a fox I think I'd look forward to the date when the Hunting Act is repealed.

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most of us on here are well aware of this.. when hunting 'most' of the time they catch the old mangy ones that need killing...

but when shooting.. you just shoot any you see.. healthy and un-healthy..

the governmant doesn't realise that the amount of fox's killed will proberly go to about twice of what it is if Hunting continues...

i dont think many people know what is going to happen.. bit like farming really.. know-one knows whats around the corner for us :lol:


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the fact that it appears to be a strike against the 'toffs' really ****** me off, if you go to any hunt around here you will find plenty of 'normal' ie non toff people riding for the thrill of it, the purpose of fox hunting is not for toffs to kill foxes it's just not like that in real life.trouble is some people never look for themselves because it is far less effort just to slag it off as cruel.

rant over for now


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Time to wee wee all over the bonfire of rubbish posted above .


1, hounds will follow ANY scent

2, more foxes will not be shot to train hounds

3, The ban is not just about folks wearing red coats , it includes more sports than fox hunting .


all the best yis yp :lol:

You just burst their bubble YP :lol:




LB :lol:

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YP, I agree with your points 1 and 2 and I accept that banning hunting with hounds, is about more than just fox hunting.


But, the MP's that voted against it, the Media and the General Public don't think so.

Ask them about coursing, beagling, etc., they won't know what you are talking about.

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cranfield you have put that perfectly, well said chap.

the scary thing is that everybody has an opinion about the ban, even if they have only gained there knowledge from the press etc and most of them trust our goverment to do the right thing, where will it end ?

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I doubt there is a person left in the Country, who believes the hunting with hounds ban is anything to do with fox welfare.

Its a "class" issue, plain and simple.



You are so right. Albeit this is a perceived Class issue, one perpetuated by those hungry for power and retaliation. New Labour think we are all middle/upper class, which is quite wrong. I have never hunted, but I know one thing.....if you want hunting to continue... Vote Conservative at the next General Election. We will repeal the Act. Period.



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  • 1 month later...
Time to wee wee all over the bonfire of rubbish posted above .


1, hounds will follow ANY scent

2, more foxes will not be shot to train hounds

I wonder if Yorkshire Pudding and those other self styled so called experts who agreed with his post some weeks ago saw Inside Report on BBC 1 tonight. Like many hunts down here in the South, from this weekend, foxes are going to be shot on the morning of a drag hunt so the hounds can follow the scent. Therefore more foxes will die as a result of the Hunt Ban. - Quad Erat Demonstrandum.


I don't know about the Yorkshire packs, but down here our hounds are trained to follow the fox, dead or alive!


Sorry to wee on your bonfire, or was it a sparkler YP

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Time to wee wee all over the bonfire of rubbish posted above .


1, hounds will follow ANY scent

2, more foxes will not be shot to train hounds

I wonder if Yorkshire Pudding and those other self styled so called experts who agreed with his post some weeks ago saw Inside Report on BBC 1 tonight. Like many hunts down here in the South, from this weekend, foxes are going to be shot on the morning of a drag hunt so the hounds can follow the scent. Therefore more foxes will die as a result of the Hunt Ban. - Quad Erat Demonstrandum.


I don't know about the Yorkshire packs, but down here our hounds are trained to follow the fox, dead or alive!


Sorry to wee on your bonfire, or was it a sparkler YP

Don't get your point son ;)


Make it clearer or **** off :lol:

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If you read my first post in this thread all should become clear, Mr Lurcherboy.

Hounds - GreyHOUND , BassetHOUND , BloodHOUND .


As to more foxes been shot . A bit of lateral thinking is needed here . Try and apply this simple thought .


Jane has 5 apples , naughty Peter takes 2 . Jane now has only 3 apples to eat , but she started with 5 . Quad Erat Demonstrandum

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