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Jack Russell Bitch


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She's just about a year old, and just finishing her second season. She's been brilliant in the house since about twelve weeks, using the cat flap as and when (the garden is secure and dog proof).In the last few days she's started peeing literally where she stands, and last night did it on Mrs MAJs lap in her sleep. She didn't seem to realise she had done it.


Any ideas?


Could it be related to her season, or could it be some kind of infection (cystitus etc)

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Get her checked at the vets, her season shouldn't cause her to lose control like that.


My ESS pup did this a couple of months ago, peed all over her bed while sleeping and got up still doing it, she didn't seem to know it had happened.


Took her to the vets, minor infection evident so a 5 day course of antibiotics was given and no problems since.

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Latest update.

Common sense, (and quite a few mates, including some from P.W) told us to contact the vet. An appointment was made, a sample was collected, and it turns out she has a minor infection, with slightly high protien levels in her pee. Mrs Vet wasn't sure if this was a result of her being in season or not, (the dog being in season, not Mrs Vet).


Anyway, prescribed was Metacam in liquid form, no problem, drizzle it on her dinner, and Baytril Flavour Tablets, the active ingredient being, as far as I can make out, Enrofloxacin. Again, no problem, she eats anything.


Total bill £68-50, and worth every cent just to watch Mrs MAJ2 trying to get a sample from a hyped up Jack Russell. I'm still laughing.

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