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Dogs and bones


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Simple question prompted by a discussion with another member who says that lamb bones can't be given to dogs because they splinter. I thought they could. I know chicken bones are a no no because they splinter but I thought other bones, and in particular lamb bones, were ok.


What say ye?

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Mungler, I always give my dogs small cooked lamb bones from chops etc,.. they go mad for them and have had no i'll effects so far.


Under no circumstances give them cooked chicken or turkey bones. Although last year I did give them what was left from the X-mas turkey carcass and ham minus the bones........talk about a feeding frenzy! they loved it, the springer was only 14 weeks at the time she ate so much she nearly exploded.

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I never feed mine cooked bones cos they're brittle and can splinter badly.Dogs generally are greedy and will try to eat the pieces which inturn could pierce their insides.


Raw bones albeit messy are the safest option because they're relaivley soft.Butchers often will gove you as many as you want as it saves them money on wheelie bins.

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Simple question prompted by a discussion with another member who says that lamb bones can't be given to dogs because they splinter. I thought they could. I know chicken bones are a no no because they splinter but I thought other bones, and in particular lamb bones, were ok.


What say ye?



Old wives tales I think as I haven't lost a cur yet through bones.


I feed the dogs all bones including chicken so **** knows why they ain't dead.


Raw is best and realy cleans there teeth.


When did you get a dog Mungler or are you thinking of the wife?




LB :hmm:

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Mine gets a complete dry mixer (James Wellbeloved) I never feed her bones of any sort. She gets half a tin of sardines or other oily fish with her evening feed, and sometimes leftover veg or meat from our main meal.


I've spent to many late nights clearing up doggy do in the small hours after feeding her something different...

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We feed my lab mostly Dr johns gold and often out some tinned sardines in with it. Sometimes get cows 'knee' from the butchers and she always has the cokked lamb bone after a roast, and eats the whole thing. We occasionally give her chicken wings and legs raw, but i have to hold onto them to make sure she chews and doesn't swallow the whole thing.

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a friend who breeds and races huskies gets me chicken wings carcasses beef rib bones turkey legs etc but all raw ! my pups have had them all from 6 weeks old


one of my dogs swallows chicken wings whole and aint dead yet !


i always feed wings on there own then there dry food later so they dont tend to gulp them down as quickly !



but i also feed cooked beef bones from the pet shop


the only trouble i have is the crumbly poo they seem to do after wards ;) especially as they seem to not be able to hold is for as long ! thats where the dyson comes into its own :oops: ( dont tell the missus ) lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had a dog die after eating cooked bone.


From memory it was a lamb leg.


It was me that gave it to the dog.


Apparently it had cut the insides of the dog and it later died after coming off the operating table.



So, there you go.



I will never give a dog a cooked bone again.


As for giving raw bones, Im happy with this and have given Jaz Beef Shin, Lamb Rib, Venison Rib but thats about it.

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