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Oxygen thieves.



+1 - what the hell were they thinking when they pulled that stunt? I am surprised that they were allowed to register the name tbh. and as others have said on the comments - that child is going to have a seriously hard time growing up. It is child abuse!

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This is actually very funny apart for the kids who will have to live with their names until they are old enough to legally change them.


Life would be most interesting though - when those muppets from call centres phone up and ask for Mr. Hitler, Mr. Adolf Hitler or when shopping and you get to whip out the credit card. Being paged in an airport is likely to be problematical.

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Admittedly I laughed out loud. Especially at Jocelyn Aryan Nation.

If you follow the the links off the page onto "weird names" I think it is then it is really very funny.

There is a girl called "Tallula does the hula in hawaii". She was taken off her parents.


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The English authorities are more lax, especially where a person wants to rename himself. In 1995, Michael Howerd, a marketing consultant from Leeds, was charged £20 by his bank for a £10 overdraft excess. He got into a furious row with the bank and then went to a solicitor and changed his name by deed poll to Yorkshire Bank plc Are Fascist ********. He said, “I have 69p left in my account and I want the bank to return it by cheque in my full new nameâ€.


This is from the same site.



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It's all for attention...but the kid is going to get the wrong attention.


the kids will grow up resenting their parents...maybe not now but it's inevitable they will.


as somebody else said on here it's abuse but by proxy...they are bound to get a good hiding from other kids for their parents stupidity.


what the hell is going on in the world

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Best bit is,


Had Hitler had his way, crossed the channel, captured Britain, and lets say the Jap's fired back a nuc and was able to coordinate with the others to get across and invade America. (completely impossible i know) Redneck Hacks like them would have been put to death like some many other unfortunate races!! They seem to hail Hitler in high regards where as his would disspised them and would of wiped the floor with them. Not so long back there was a family for the American South whom had twin daughters they put on TV singing Airian race songs and they all thought it was mesages sent from GOD??!?!?


I think they had. had their house burnt down twice and were hiding in secret, these girls were singing on some white supremecy programme every week.....


When they are done picking up squirrels, raccons and **** off the sides of the road to eat perhaps they might be passable as humans, less they forget that Hiitlers regime slaughtered thousands of nationalities - evne some races that were akin to their own! i.e. Hungarians, Cheks, swiss list goes on -- ingorant trash.

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That's just a pair of stupid parents not thinking about how the kid is going to feel later, I hate when that happens.


My old hairdresser called her son Gay. I know it's a good old fashioned name and there's nothing wrong with that, but the poor lad is going to have the **** kicked out of him every day at school due to her bright idea. She just couldn't see it. Kids are smarter than that is what she said! Yeah right :rolleyes:

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Typical numpty parents. In reality this is a half hearted effort at sensationalist social rebellion. I mean apart from Adolf the other references are hidden 'middle names' - so I doubt whether anyone would find out as the kids grow up - their surname is Campbell..... Publicity stunt or just plain stupidity on bahalf of the so called guardians.....

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