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Hand made double strand long net.


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After seeing a double strand hand made net on another forum I just had to have one.


The problem was finding the twine to make it; I eventually tracked down some 100% polyester twine and at a reasonable price. For the double stranded net the diameter of the twine is ideal another plus factor is that no matter how hard i pull I have not been able to snap it.


The main drawback was the fact that it was 100% polyester and white. So it had to be died. Finding a dye that would take on 100% polyester was quite difficult. Most of the polyester sold as net making twine is actually a poly cotton mix and will take dyes quite readily, because of the cotton content of the yarn.


After many hours doing research I finally found a firm that sold dyes that will colour 100% polyester. However you will never get the true colour of the dye just a shade of it. The reason for that is that you need a temperature of 139c to open up the fibres of the yarn so that the dye can take, The problem is boiling point is only 100c so whilst the fibres will open to a certain extent they will not open fully and allow the dye into the core of the yarn.


In this first picture you can see that while the netting is green, it is only a pale representation of what it should be. However, that said I think it will be fine for the purpose that it is wanted for.





So last Friday I drove down to buy the twine, once I got home I could not wait to start knitting my first ever long net. Never having knitted a long net before the prospect was rather daunting, I was not sure how long it would take, after I had done the first 10 yards of net I thought it would take me about 3 weeks to a month. What I did not take into account was the fact that I would pick up speed the more of the net that I done. So much so that 8 days later I have reached the halfway point. 25 yds of rigged net or 50 yds of stretched net. Of course I still have the selvage meshes to sew in even when I get to the 100yds. Then there’s the dying and drying of the net, it all takes extra time.


One thing I will say if you can knit a purse net you can certainly knit a long net. Give it a go, you will get a superior net for your troubles. Here are a couple of pics of the net so far.










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That looks like some net and should lay very well.

I look forward to seeing some pics of it set and a reports of its success. :unsure:


I have always admired net makers, my grandfather and grandmother could have had a cottage industry going, the amount of nets they made for people for all uses, but with fingers like a bunch of autistic bananas I had no chance of inheriting the skills.

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Hi TC.


I made a hemp long net a couple of years ago, and have enjoyed immensely catching bunnies in it whilst ferreting.


Out of interest how many meshes wide are you making your net, when i researched mine everything said 12 meshes wide with 2 1/4 inch mesh size. In my naivety i made it 18 meshes wide which really does a good job of catching rabbits but it is bloody heavy and awkward to pick up after each drop.


Looking forward to seeing your end result, rgds



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You must have the patience of a saint TC :lol:


This is a bit off topic, but a thew years ago i was working on a sardine trawler, and the nets got torn on reefs sometimes if the water was shallow, i can remember 6 of us crew sitting in the harbour for hours and hours fixing the holes, sometimes 10 to 20 meters at a time, and the net had to be check weekly, and 28m by 800m is no easy task.

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Hi TC.


I made a hemp long net a couple of years ago, and have enjoyed immensely catching bunnies in it whilst ferreting.


Out of interest how many meshes wide are you making your net, when i researched mine everything said 12 meshes wide with 2 1/4 inch mesh size. In my naivety i made it 18 meshes wide which really does a good job of catching rabbits but it is bloody heavy and awkward to pick up after each drop.


Looking forward to seeing your end result, rgds




Mine will be 13 meshes wide including the two half mesh selvage meshes and 4.25" mesh. The total weight of the finished net will be approx 1.4 kilos.



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