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steadiness again

darren m

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Jack the lab is coming along fine ( in most things) , but i still have a problem with his steadiness , in the training field he seems ok , he remains steady on my command.

i have thrown dummies around him and used the bolting rabbit etc.


But in the field ( for real ) he is a pain , its not that he is disobiedient on his other commands .

ITS when i need or want him to stay put when there is mega temptation for him to bolt ie for a rabbit , pheasent or another dog . he's impossible to stop.

what can i do ???:)

i have him on the stop whistle while training and he is ok but when its the real thing he hears it and ignores it , and when he does come back he gives me a wide berth , as he knows he has done wrong and that i am angry :lol: .


he's nearly 21 months old now , and we should have it cracked by now i'm sure.

so what i need is a crash course in steadiness .

Any ideas welcomed , i'll try anything .


thanks for your help

Darren .

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Step up your training sessions. Go out in the field with Jack on a long line, have someone flush birds, or bolt rabbits in front of him. If he moves sound the whistle, and give a correction with the line. Bring him right back to the point of the mistake and make him sit. Then set up the same situation again. You must be able to have him under control to make the corrections....when you think he has got it, do it 50 more times to be sure.

I know that you have been frustrated with this dog in the past, but we have too much work into him to not finish. Just remember all the other problems that you have overcome, and apply the same determination to this one........repitition, repitition,repitition it is the only way to get there. Just so you know I have had dogs that didn't turn on till they were 3 years old, so stay in there.

If you want more specifics let me know, but I would suggest you read over the program that I wrote for Gary U.K., it will help with some of the control work as well.



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Thanks NTTF -- glad to see your back on board ??? .


i,m going to ask a mate who as some rabbit traps if i can borrow them , i'll see if i can trap a few . i used the fake bunnie a few times but he as got used to that , he knows the difference .


i think one of the biggest probs with his steadiness as been my other dog a mad border collie , because she is so intense on chasing anything , he as copied her a little i think .

for instance in the garden at home we have a few squirrels visiting the bird nut feeders , this drives tess ( the collie ) nuts as she wants to get out and at them , and because of this i think jack as taken to copying her.

i take them out seperatley now though , maybe i should shoot the damn squirrels ( with an air rifle ) or maybe i could use them to tempt Jack and correct him at the same time :blink: .


Darren .

ps . NTTF - i ,ve searched but i cant find the proramme you wrote for Gary uk , do you still have a link to it .cheers.

Edited by darren m
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By all means use the squirrels as a distraction for training. Have Jack sit on the lead out there while the squirrels run around....this can be enhanced by spreading some peanuts around. Use any training situation that presents itself....and yes you can look like a real daffer occationally following this philosophy, like the time the female cop roled into my drive at 2a.m. and found me shooting coyotes from my drive..naked...that took some explaining but that is another story.

The article is located on the last page of the dog forum and is titled Stop Whistle Training. It is actually one of the articles that I was going to ask Ern to pin for me, along with For Your GSP Tercel, and Training to Blood Trail.

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Thanks Dan / Ern / mad -- now found the post .


if i can crack this , i'm sure i'll have a half decent hunting companion.

He's as keen as mustard ( some times a little too keen ) , and will go any where in any cover and water , i think he just gets a bit confused :blink: , along with me sometimes.

keep the advice coming chaps , i'm always willing to learn .


All the best Darren .

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