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CH4 6pm saturday night


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The programme was excellent, fair minded, balanced, what was worrying was the spokesman from Animal Aid who said they have to start somewhere, so it was hunting, before farming,shooting & fishing.Germain Greer presented a fantastic programme showing herself to be a caring,sensible,person.The end with the rabbits was priceless.It should be shown at morning assembly in all schools, then for sports lessons the children should run the anti's to ground.

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DAmn, missed it. From all accounts it sounded well worth a watch, I wonder if they'll do a repeat, I know the Beeb would run it to death with repeats if they got their mitts on it :blink: it's all they ever show.


Sam I'll be joining the local beagles for the day.

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I saw the last 20 minutes, or so.

It was a very well balanced programme , pity it was on Channel 4 at that time on a Saturday night, when BBC1 were showing live football.


Germaine Greer made the point that only 16% of foxes are killed by hounds and only hunting with hounds is a, "certain kill/no chance of wounding" method.

The Huntsman, Gamekeeper, Pest Control Officer she interviewed, all came across as sensible, intelligent people (as we know they are, but not usually portrayed that way on TV).


The pro banning "experts" she interviewed, were very unconvincing about the reasons for banning hunting.

They saw it only as a "step in the right direction".

The "right direction" seemed to be the alleged cruel/stressful treatment of animals and poultry, destined to be eaten by us.

What that has to do with banning hunting with hounds they couldn't say.


She made lots of other good points like;

Hunting stops when foxes are breeding, shooting, snaring and poisoning doesn't.

Why are foxes singled out, when its OK to cause "stress" to rats, rabbits, stoats, weasels and other vermin ?

Being chased is a natural occurrence for foxes.


When she asked for answers to these points , the aforementioned "experts" couldn't

answer effectively and really just shrugged their shoulders.


I do hope it gets repeated.

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Here is another recent example of the BBC bias. There have been many many times when it is much more worse as well. I hope I am not the only one who is complaining to them, but I doubt it will do much good. Bunch of tossers, I object to the fact we have to pay them money (if you have a TV), it's not like the BBC has much good to watch anyway.



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I shall be attending the Fitzwilliam hunt on the 19th - showing my support for the countryside.


I too missed the C4 programme but have heard a lot about it.


I think it's a bloody shame the BBC can publish things like the link Teal provided. They are just conforming to the so called majority (or those soap dodgers with government backing) to boost their own popularity ratings. The other thing to remember is that our fees are a legal requirement, i.e. backed up by the Law Lords etc etc, if the beeb rile them then they could stand to lose "the unique way the BBC is funded".


Perhaps we should start hunting politicians - now there's some sport for you ! ;):lol:

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Hi all, I watched the programme, and it was good in that it showed the wider issues and that huntmaster highlighting the point that some anti's quite happily buy a £1.99 "meat" item from a supermarket with no thought of its treatment or how it got there and then call his hunting cruel when they have little or no understanding of what is actually going on.


Greer got a little dramatic when an urban trapped fox was disposed of but later wondered why she was so concerned when she did not have the same feelings for rats, rabbits, squirrels etc. and finished off by walking up her garden with a few rabbits for the pot that had been "killed by hand" - ferreted I guess.


Was it made a few years back ?- no mention of the CA as far as I could tell but did refer to the BFSS.


Andy CM

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