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Does shooting run in your family?


Have family influenced your interest in shooting?  

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Just wondered how many on here got into shooting through relatives and how many just decided it was something they would enjoy.


As far as I know there are no other shooters in my family but I have enjoyed shooting and bowsports since I was young, but have no idea what attracted me to it.

Edited by 955i
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My grandad was an acomplised game shot and spent alot of his years shooting. He still kept guns until I was about 3/4 but had decided several years before that 'shooting game was bad for the soul' no idea what changed his mind, he must have just had his fill of birds over the years? He still shot rabbits and vermin on odd occasions when I was very young for his friend but then just gave it all up. My dad shot targets for Lucas CAV but neglected to tell me this until a dew months ago when he 'remebered.' My mum is more or less a screaming anti and 'tuts' at me on every occasion I am with a gun. I MADE her come with me on a clay lesson and that has sort of turned her as she seemed to enjoy watching me do something I am good at, this doesn't happen frequently! To sum up it seems the shooting has skipped a generation in my family but I can firmly say it is my passion, and any children I have WILL shoot.

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Just wondered how many on here got into shooting through relatives and how many just decided it was something they would enjoy.


As far as I know there are no other shooters in my family but I have enjoyed shooting and bowsports since I was young, but have no idea what attracted me to it.



My Great Grand Dad has a some blackntans under his belt but not sure that it counts or that it will be on this thread tomorrow.






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well now, where do we begin... :blink:


ok, for the local guys, look up the ballad of archie mcgrann (or you might know it), great great... etc.... uncle of mine :good:


great grandparents generation (cant be bothered going further back) 36th ulster division, great grandfather gassed at somme (and lived), great grandmothers brother was captured by the germans in france and shot at dawn after living behind the german lines for over a year with a couple of other soldiers (name was david martin)


grand parents generation - mixture of ww2 home guard, para's (normandy/arnheim), desert rats, raf (air sea rescue), and the b specials / ulster defence regiment


parents generation - dad 2 para and udr (gulf, ni, bosnia most of the world really), uncle's - royal navy (falklands), udr, green army, b specials


my generation - me very short lived career in rn (dont ask), all of us been cadets, etc, as well


so yeah i suppose you could say my family have a history of involvement with weaponry :good: my first memory is finding my dads .44 smith and wesson and flak jacket when i was 3, and i had a model m16 with underslung 203 in my room as a kid. i could go into some very interesting stories (especially about home here) but dont want to cause a row (or be arrested...) :good:

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My Great Grand Dad has a some blackntans under his belt but not sure that it counts or that it will be on this thread tomorrow.




Priceless. And I'm amazed it's still here for me to enjoy this morning.


Most of my family shoot, females included. We've got former PHs, former snipers and keepers in the Baldrick clan. I've always understood that gun ownership is mandatory in God's chosen county, Norfolk.

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No one in my family show (apart from my grandad in the War!) So I had to make my own way as it were. But I was lucky that my mum and dad were not anti shooting, so I had my first air pistol when I was 13 (Christmas) , my first air rifle when I was 16 (for passing my O levels) and my first shotgun in my ealy 20's (I had to fork out for this!).



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my uncle (mum's side) taught me to shoot, always been like a big brother to me - he's a regular hunter (and ex Met Police. now US police bomb squad).

My old man shoots a little bit - he's in the film business and introduced me the the armourer on Full Metal Jacket when i was 14, used to work holidays and saturdays for him which was an awful lot of fun.

How times change - my old man got pulled over for speeding on the M25 once and the cop noticed a fully operational M60 lying in the back of the estate, "do you have a license for that, sir?", "no" replies my dad, but i do have a covering note. "Very well, carry on" says the cop!

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As a family we were born and brougt up surrouneded by country ways, fishing, shooting, and my sister occasionally followed the hounds.

Dad bought a gun and a quality black lab in his 30's thought it would complement his love of fishing. Dad loved going out with shoots on rough shooting days: Until he shot something, he has not shot since (although he still fishes) in his own words "if i had to shoot to live , i would do it, but i dont want to shoot for sport" . His descion and hes stuck to it. Around the same time my brother and i used to beat on a local shoot.

Mam hated shooting, from the beginning and went out of her way to try to stop me. No chance. Was not allowed a 410 in my younger days. As soon as i was old enough got my own shotgun certificate, used Dads old gun, have enjoyed air rifle shooting and rough shooting since. (Fishing was always acceptable for some reason)

My brother turned his back on all field sports in his teens, became a bit of a townie, girls, rugby, fast cars etc. However he too has come back to the fold, and shoots and fishes regularly. Strange how the wheel turns, my son and daughter will both (if they wish) have opportunities to enjoy field sports.



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I'm the only one in the Family with a SGC, my old Dad has never even fired a shotgun!


Just something I've had an interest in. Coming from the channel islands I always wanted to get into target pistol, but moved away in '95 so never got the chance to have ago.


Once I get settled into a job I hope to take up fullbore (had a ago at that and enjoyed it) and get a couple of rifles for rabbiting.

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