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Geert Wilders trys to come to the UK


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I am peeeed off with the mindset of our politicians.Now if this bloke had made a film about the bible and christianity being a religion based on hate and violence it would have been seen to be provocative and contraversial,BUT and this is the point.....HE WOULD NOT BE BANNED FROM ANYWHERE !

The british government are yet again pandering to muslim extremists because they know that they will kick off again if they are seen to be in anyway endorsing this fellow.Anybody that agrees with the fanatics is fine,anybody that disagrees must die.Terrorism works sooner or later and this government is prooving it day after day.


And before you hang the bloke henryd..he has been charged,but has not been found guilty of anything !!

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I am peeeed off with the mindset of our politicians.Now if this bloke had made a film about the bible and christianity being a religion based on hate and violence it would have been seen to be provocative and contraversial,BUT and this is the point.....HE WOULD NOT BE BANNED FROM ANYWHERE !

The british government are yet again pandering to muslim extremists because they know that they will kick off again if they are seen to be in anyway endorsing this fellow.Anybody that agrees with the fanatics is fine,anybody that disagrees must die.Terrorism works sooner or later and this government is prooving it day after day.


And before you hang the bloke henryd..he has been charged,but has not been found guilty of anything !!


Totally agree. :good:

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It will be in just a minute.. Soon as Mr. Babb's jumps onto the minority love train :good:


hey since when do i jump on the minority love train?!?!?!?!?


i think they should all be ****** off home at the end of a gun to be honest if theyre scrounging our benefits


edit - and the scum who claim theyre too depressed to work and claim benefits (while thieving and dealing drugs) shouldnt even be given the option to be deported.


bet you didnt expect that one.... :D

Edited by babbyc1000
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And they make the best Kebabs in town.


On the topic of meat+muslims.... I try my very best to avoid Halal meat. I belive they do not use electro-stunning or captive bolt guns as the neck needs to be cut first? Please correct me if I am wrong, but I belive this is quite a barbaric practice. If anyone could educate me futher on the subject... I am all ears.

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On the topic of meat+muslims.... I try my very best to avoid Halal meat. I belive they do not use electro-stunning or captive bolt guns as the neck needs to be cut first? Please correct me if I am wrong, but I belive this is quite a barbaric practice. If anyone could educate me futher on the subject... I am all ears.


I am sure Google can give you all the information you need on the subject.

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On the topic of meat+muslims.... I try my very best to avoid Halal meat. I belive they do not use electro-stunning or captive bolt guns as the neck needs to be cut first? Please correct me if I am wrong, but I belive this is quite a barbaric practice. If anyone could educate me futher on the subject... I am all ears.


You are right in thinking that. Jews do exactly the same. Hitler actually banned this method of slaughter in the Third reich. But, most of the things Hitler did, well, wern't exactly kosher :good:

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Now that is interesting, as I firmly believe that history ALWAYS repeats itself !

Hitler, started with the communists (which at the time were actually labour supporters), didn't take him long to start a few nice wars and whilst doing that also managed to get to the "jewish problem" !

than we had Stalin, who managed to get rid of most people disagreeing with him !

After Thatcher ( and the Falklands) we had the great pleasure of some american idiot looking for WMD which, funny enough, didn't materialize, but didn't he just succeed in labelling everything and anything as "terrorists" ( Once more because they didn't agree with his outlook on things in general?


Now there is me, originally german, who wants to be very careful in what he says ........... but......how is it that a tiny little state/tribe/religious fanatics(just as bad as fundamentalist muslims) can boss about a region about 20-30 times the size of itself?:good:?:D Surely, one plus one make still 2, and that means that they could not do it without the biggest bully on the block (yep, the US of A)

And as to the dutch bloke .............. who is this government going to shut up next?


Just my 2 pence's worth

Edited by Sundowner
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who is this government going to shut up next?


short answer is YOU this present zanulabour, if allowed to keep going, will soon have us under a police state.and I wish I was saying that jokingly !


cheers KW

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"Geert Wilders trys to come to the UK, But is banned becasue he offends islam!"


Silly ***. He went about it the wrong way didn't he?


Now if he'd paid some people smugglers to get him entered into the country hidden inside a bin in the back of an articulated lorry he wouldn't have had a problem. If the Customs had found him all he had to say was "I'm here seeking benefits" and all would be good. No problem. :rolleyes::good:



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People from Great Britain.


Who is the boss in your beautifull country? I cannot believe what has happened in GB. When I see some dhimmie attitude reactions overhere then arise the question to me, what has happened to many of your people? What has happened to that typical British dignity? Where is your prideness to be a citizen of GB? Your country which such a rich history and beautiful traditions. Are you just simply giving away your country to the "MUSLIMS". Do you want to be their servants in the near future?


Your ancestors fought also for your freedom in the past, not to throw that freedom away like many of you are doing right now.


It's not too late yet. Go for your British National Party, like many Dutch people go for Geert Wilders.



Great Britains National Party and Holland with Wilders is the answer.

Western countries who don't like this, becomes the canser.


I'm not a racist. Just a proud Dutch patriot.

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Good on you covenflower !


I admire your attitude but you are wrong if you think the majority of brits wanted your countryman barred from this country.I bet if you held a poll the overwhelming answer would be let him in !


This country is run by yellow bellied politicians who would rather hide than face up to reality.


Unfortunately the BNP is not a viable option to sort out the mess we have got into and i wish there was a creditable option,but at the moment that political party doesnt exist.

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it's peoples attitudes like yours that will be the downfall of Britain, when are people like you going to realise that this is about FREE SPEECH, something that some us hold very dear in life, Gert Wilders is letting Europe know all about the great dangers of islamification and if you take the to look into sharia banking in Britain you will see, mosques being opened everywhere in Britain, a ***** peer inciting hatred by claiming to organise 10.000 ******** into London if Gert Wilders spoke privately to so called British politicians. As a member of The BNP I am all for helping people who are going through tough times, but we must look after our own elderly and needy first but if someone is good enough to let you eat their food and stay in their bed, don't **** in it.


You may not think it's a threat but let me tell you something fella, when the mossy's take over in Britain and they will with people like you around, don't you dare say words like


" I can't believe how bad we are being treated, I never thought they would make me pay a tax or take my guns away or stop me going shooting, I never thought my wife or girlfriend could be taken by a mossy and then be given back to you when he finished with her because you are only a kaffur, you would either give up all of you freedoms or you would submit to izlam.


You watch Fitna then you get an informed viewpoint, then come back at me and tell me that izlam is not racist ideology.




This was written by a member of The BNP and what great reading it is be careful reading it though, as even you may see yourself in there somewhere,


" As a member of the BNP, I resent being referred to as a bigot or racist.


The BNP may be rough around the edges, and it may seem to Brian Gibbons and other readers to be "racist¿. However, this is very unfair. Let me use an analogy. When the Titanic began sinking, the people who first became aware of it were (apart from the poor old stokers), the lower-class passengers, bunked down in steerage. By the time the freezing waters reached the upper (and upper-class) decks, the ship was ready to go under.


Today, Britain is the Titanic. She's just hit the iceberg of multi-culturalism, and the effects of that collision are now being felt by the lower decks of British society. The higher orders, however, remain largely unaffected. They chatter away, sipping (socialist) chardonnay, while denigrating those awful, ignorant lower class passengers for making such a commotion about what must be a figment of their feeble imaginations. There are some upper-deck passengers who can foresee the catastrophe to come, but rather than deign to add their voice to that of the lower decks, they take to the lifeboats, emigrating to Canada or Australia. The increasingly desperate and angry voices, therefore, remain those of the lower decks. And people like Brian Gibbons continue to ignore and disparage them.


Of course, the Titanic was doomed the moment it hit the iceberg. The SS Britain is not yet doomed, but the facts are that Britons will be an ethnic minority in their own land by around 2060. I do, however, have a problem with Britain being invaded (there is no other word to describe it), and growing numbers of poor Britons have a problem with it, because they are experiencing the deleterious effects of that invasion, first-hand.


A lot of people reading this probably didn't get past my seventh word. But if you did, consider this - maybe the BNP members you disparage as "racists" and "knuckle-draggers" know a bit more about what's really going on than you do, in your all-white suburbs or with your middle-class ethnic friends, both about the effects of multi-culturalism, and the BNP. Maybe the upper decks look fine - and the stewards are telling you all is well - but you're about to go under. And when you do, you'll only have yourselves to blame.


Anthony, Port Talbot


You would do well to remember these words,


"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

Pastor Martin Niemoller


No one's safe when freedom fails,

and good men rot in filthy jails,

and those who cried appease, appease,

are hung by those they tried to please.



If and when the time comes to make a stand all you COWARDS out there, you can stand behind the people who will protect this country no mater what, this country is our Britain, we never gave in to Hitler and me and my fellow Nationalists and Patriots will never surrender to islam under no conditions whatsoever.


End of rant.

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On the topic of meat+muslims.... I try my very best to avoid Halal meat. I belive they do not use electro-stunning or captive bolt guns as the neck needs to be cut first? Please correct me if I am wrong, but I belive this is quite a barbaric practice. If anyone could educate me futher on the subject... I am all ears.


I might have got this wrong - perhaps through reading the wrong thing somewhere but my understanding of Halal is that muslims are compelled to have a holy person say prayers over meat for payment - which goes to the fighting fund in support of Jihad.


I think it's a kind of tax. I don't know if this is true - but I feel I am entitled to believe it is.

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ok then 955i see how far you would get down the main road in bagdad /karboul/ or any other islamic/muslim city waving plackards with such as behead those who insult christianity and such like in the photos on page 1 of this thread .not far i suspect so can they get away with it here without anything being done ? so if anybody has got a water tight solution to solve this sort of farsical problem then start to lobby their mp to get a change the sooner the better before this great nation of ours is turned into obivion end of rant :rolleyes::good::lol:




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He`s also being taken to court in his own country so he aint seen as a "Golden Boy " there either.


Bad hair day



And before you hang the bloke henryd..he has been charged,but has not been found guilty of anything !!


Don`t see anything about hanging or even whether he is guilty or not in my post..........and BTW I accept your apology in advance :rolleyes:

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so its racist to not let islamics in but its not racist to stop this guycoming in ? it appears to only be racist when its a minority.


thanks dustyfox for backing me up. If I went to islam(Islam is a faith not a country) and demanded they change things to suit me id be laughed at. yet they do that over here.

I am NOT a racist I just want to see it work both ways. ATM from what I see theres no give and alot of take! :rolleyes:

Racism is defined as -

Under the Race Relations Act, 1976, it is unlawful to discriminate against anyone on grounds of race, colour, nationality (including citizenship), or ethnic or national origin. All racial groups are protected from discrimination. This summary of the legislation includes major changes introduced by the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 ("the RRAA") and the Race Relations Act 1976 (Amendment) Regulations 2003 (“Race Regulationsâ€).

Therefore if someone of another race, in this country, is given preference to you then it is unlawful and you should challenge it, especially "positive" discrimination, which is also illegal. The above act and it`s recent amendments are driven by the EEC so any beef with it should be directed there not at MP`s etc.


Unfortunately you are misinformed, I have been to a few Muslim countries and was treated with respect for my faith and also for the fact that I am allowed by my faith to drink alcohol and other stimulants. From another perspective the give I see is the matter of the lovely foodstuffs we now have surrounding us, kebabs, curries etc. etc.

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"Positive discrimination" is there for all to see.The government positively discriminate every day with this being the latest example.They protect the minority,while ignoring the majority.If they spent less time pandering to the minority and listened to the majority britain might be in a better state.

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I tell you what Henry having been to Morroco last year I can assure you the kebabs and cuisine served over here is a damned sight better :rolleyes: But they were fine with us drinking alcohol and you could buy it in quite a few of their supermarkets. Over here the Daily mail and the likes do like to try and whip up the readership into a frenzy as to how badly you are treated if you are white English. The reality is somewhat different but you have to get out of your house to see it and see that in many ways its enriched the UK. Certainly my local curry house is a plus point.

Edited by al4x
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it's peoples attitudes like yours that will be the downfall of Britain, when are people like you going to realise that this is about FREE SPEECH, something that some us hold very dear in life, Gert Wilders is letting Europe know all about the great dangers of islamification and if you take the to look into sharia banking in Britain you will see, mosques being opened everywhere in Britain, a ***** peer inciting hatred by claiming to organise 10.000 ******** into London if Gert Wilders spoke privately to so called British politicians. As a member of The BNP I am all for helping people who are going through tough times, but we must look after our own elderly and needy first but if someone is good enough to let you eat their food and stay in their bed, don't **** in it.


You may not think it's a threat but let me tell you something fella, when the mossy's take over in Britain and they will with people like you around, don't you dare say words like


" I can't believe how bad we are being treated, I never thought they would make me pay a tax or take my guns away or stop me going shooting, I never thought my wife or girlfriend could be taken by a mossy and then be given back to you when he finished with her because you are only a kaffur, you would either give up all of you freedoms or you would submit to izlam.


You watch Fitna

then you get an informed viewpoint, then come back at me and tell me that izlam is not racist ideology.




This was written by a member of The BNP and what great reading it is be careful reading it though, as even you may see yourself in there somewhere,


" As a member of the BNP, I resent being referred to as a bigot or racist.


The BNP may be rough around the edges, and it may seem to Brian Gibbons and other readers to be "racist¿. However, this is very unfair. Let me use an analogy. When the Titanic began sinking, the people who first became aware of it were (apart from the poor old stokers), the lower-class passengers, bunked down in steerage. By the time the freezing waters reached the upper (and upper-class) decks, the ship was ready to go under.


Today, Britain is the Titanic. She's just hit the iceberg of multi-culturalism, and the effects of that collision are now being felt by the lower decks of British society. The higher orders, however, remain largely unaffected. They chatter away, sipping (socialist) chardonnay, while denigrating those awful, ignorant lower class passengers for making such a commotion about what must be a figment of their feeble imaginations. There are some upper-deck passengers who can foresee the catastrophe to come, but rather than deign to add their voice to that of the lower decks, they take to the lifeboats, emigrating to Canada or Australia. The increasingly desperate and angry voices, therefore, remain those of the lower decks. And people like Brian Gibbons continue to ignore and disparage them.


Of course, the Titanic was doomed the moment it hit the iceberg. The SS Britain is not yet doomed, but the facts are that Britons will be an ethnic minority in their own land by around 2060. I do, however, have a problem with Britain being invaded (there is no other word to describe it), and growing numbers of poor Britons have a problem with it, because they are experiencing the deleterious effects of that invasion, first-hand.


A lot of people reading this probably didn't get past my seventh word. But if you did, consider this - maybe the BNP members you disparage as "racists" and "knuckle-draggers" know a bit more about what's really going on than you do, in your all-white suburbs or with your middle-class ethnic friends, both about the effects of multi-culturalism, and the BNP. Maybe the upper decks look fine - and the stewards are telling you all is well - but you're about to go under. And when you do, you'll only have yourselves to blame.


Anthony, Port Talbot


You would do well to remember these words,


"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;

And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;

And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

Pastor Martin Niemoller


No one's safe when freedom fails,

and good men rot in filthy jails,

and those who cried appease, appease,

are hung by those they tried to please.



If and when the time comes to make a stand all you COWARDS out there, you can stand behind the people who will protect this country no mater what, this country is our Britain, we never gave in to Hitler and me and my fellow Nationalists and Patriots will never surrender to islam under no conditions whatsoever.


End of rant.


A disgrace by whose standards?


If you mean those of the BNP and their followers then I have to say I'm not overly concerned about that!!


You need to think about what has actually been written before trying to insult people who have posted.


I have neither agreed with the beliefs of the fundamentalist Islam groups, nor have I said that I agree with the amount of immigration into this country (another favourite issue of the 'non-racists' on this board).


What I do disagree with is bigotry, intolerance and bullying from ANYONE regardless of race, creed or colour.


Islam is not asking you to surrender, there are a minority whose intolerance means that they group the whole of the west into one big hate figure that they can focus all the percieved problems of their lives onto (sound familiar?), but the majority of believers in Islam are pacifists and have no opinion on you or this country and probably have no interest in coming here as you seem to fear so much.

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A disgrace by whose standards?


If you mean those of the BNP and their followers then I have to say I'm not overly concerned about that!!


You need to think about what has actually been written before trying to insult people who have posted.


I have neither agreed with the beliefs of the fundamentalist Islam groups, nor have I said that I agree with the amount of immigration into this country (another favourite issue of the 'non-racists' on this board).


What I do disagree with is bigotry, intolerance and bullying from ANYONE regardless of race, creed or colour.


Islam is not asking you to surrender, there are a minority whose intolerance means that they group the whole of the west into one big hate figure that they can focus all the percieved problems of their lives onto (sound familiar?), but the majority of believers in Islam are pacifists and have no opinion on you or this country and probably have no interest in coming here as you seem to fear so much.


Hang on a bit sunshine! you say Islam is not asking us to surrender? er yes your dead right there, as Islam wont accept surrender, the quran, er the workshop manual of the islamists says NO surrender kill the sodding lot if they don't believe,

so where does that fit in with your cosy interpretation as surely moderate's as well as the lunatic radicals,follow "the manual"


This country has now gone tits up in trying to appease Islam, unfortunately those who have allowed this have not yet managed to grasp that it is all one way ie we give concession after concession but they still will not grasp our beliefs and heritage and respect our ways, you know its called live and let live, so to put it bluntly for my part let Islam sod off back to the failed society it has come from and let it sit squarely where it belongs ie in the 14th century, modern world has no place for beliefs that encourage beheading , stoning, hanging of those whose sexual orientation is different etc etc. which is what your lovely nice Islam is truthfully ALL about,


oh and HD can you tell me exactly where these "Muslim countries" are, as there is no such thing,mind you there are plenty of countries oppressed by muslims? are you born catholic? are you born Muslim, Hindu or a worshipper of the one eyed gog monster? no you CHOSE that belief.


cheers KW

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