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Rob G

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I have just sat here and added up the value of my shooting gear,guns,scopes,net's etc.I know my fishing tackle is insured while away from home but not sure about guns etc.Just wondered what the rest of you did.Do you take a seperate insurance or does your house insurance cover you.Going to contact insurance company monday and see what they say

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Most home contents insurance will cover sporting goods to a specific value, when away from the home, at no extra cost.


My "specific value" is £3000, which would cover the fishing rods, gun, decoying equipment etc., that I would take out, for a days sport.

It would not cover every item that I own, but I don't take every item that I own with me, on every trip.


You can of course vary the sum insured and this may cause a small increase in your premiums.


Also, check your car insurance.

Some cover loss or damage to sporting goods carried in your vehicle (at no extra cost).

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Before you do that ,call another company and ask their policy,that way you wont be telling your own anything you dont want to .

my own experience is here (canada) but the end result should be no differant,my own company covers all contents in my "locked" gun room ,all my guns and equipment are documented and pictured (digital) and stored saftey deposit box at the bank,when its added too, i update.

pretty simple but very effective for insurance companys .


hope this helps



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Before you do that ,call another company and ask their policy,that way you wont be telling your own anything you dont want to .

my own experience is here (canada) but the end result should be no differant,my own company covers all contents in my "locked" gun room ,all my guns and equipment are documented and pictured (digital) and stored saftey deposit box at the bank,when its added too, i update.

pretty simple but very effective for insurance companys .


hope this helps



Sound advice Martin ;)

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Thanks for the replys,the reason i asked this question is,my sister-in law works for a large insuranc company.She has had claims where people have run there guns over.Another claim was someone had there quad stolen,problem was he had left his .22rf strapped to the front of it.Plod wasn't very impressed

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A local keeper buys a handmade Browning after every shooting season with his tip money, normally a B2G, C2G etc. He now has 15 or 20 and they are worth about £55,000. He insures them with a company in London who advertises in the Field magazine ( cannot rememeber name). It costs him £900 a year to insure 55,000 quids worth of guns.

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