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Tick on Ferret.


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i caught a polecat at my mates place and it was covered in them poor little sole so called rspca and they sent a guy out to collect it to take to their vets

best get the tick sorted incase its laid eggs anywhere clean ferret hutches out and disinfect aswell as they not nice when they hook in to the ferret

dont try to pull the tick off , as it may come off you will leave the ticks claws in the ferret like above says quick touch with a ciggy if that not work then take to vet

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Use an O'Tom tick remover. It hooks under the mouthparts and removes the tick without squeesing the juices back into the body or leaving the head in to get infected.


Whatever you do don't **** around trying to burn it off with a fag, only need the ferret to wriggle (wouldn't you if you had something hot being thrust about your nose) and it to recieve a nasty burn/blinding.


FM :welcomeani:

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  • 3 weeks later...

As I work my ferts 2 or 3 times a week They are always picking up ticks, The best way to deal with the odd 1 or 2 is to dip a cotton bud in surgical spirit or alcahol (spirit) and soak the tick in it 2 or 3 times, they should drop off within a day or 2. Or you can get some stuff from the vets/farm supplies or pet shop I think it's called spot on (or that could be something we use on the sheep) anyway you put rubber gloves on, put this stuff on the fert and then rub it in all over this is especialy good if your fert has a bad infestation. never heard about drowning them off, still we live and learn, what ever you do DONT pull them off, worse thing you can do. if anything gets left behind it can go septic and then you'll end up with an absess and all that entails hope this helps :hmm:

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my last dog had 2 ticks (that i remember anyway) the first was on the back of his neck the second on his nose between the eyes and the nose, the first on the neck, my mum touhed with a ciggy and it dropped of straight away, the second she got a cotton bud and some lighter fluid, soaked the end in lighter fluid (i think zippo fluid might work but we used the spray stuff in the aerosole can and soaked the tip in it (outside) and then almost instantly afterwards we held the bub against were the body ended against the skin, 2 seconds and it let go, then as soon as it lets go and you have it off the animal, get a surgi swab (alcohol wipe) and quickly dab the area (stops the lighter fluid getting in the wound and helps stop infection) then you leave it to just heal up (check it every day though, gently because if it scabs over and the scab isnt very thick the roughness could break it and cause infection) if you dont want to try this, seriously get a special tick remover, the swab is good because if it slips and touches skin it wont burn, but you need to protect the ferrets eyes, like cover them when you dab the swab on (it could take 2 people because no animal is fond of having its eyes covered)


Happy Shooting



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As I work my ferts 2 or 3 times a week They are always picking up ticks, The best way to deal with the odd 1 or 2 is to dip a cotton bud in surgical spirit or alcahol (spirit) and soak the tick in it 2 or 3 times, they should drop off within a day or 2. Or you can get some stuff from the vets/farm supplies or pet shop I think it's called spot on (or that could be something we use on the sheep) anyway you put rubber gloves on, put this stuff on the fert and then rub it in all over this is especialy good if your fert has a bad infestation. never heard about drowning them off, still we live and learn, what ever you do DONT pull them off, worse thing you can do. if anything gets left behind it can go septic and then you'll end up with an absess and all that entails hope this helps :rolleyes:


theres no need to rub Spot On in as its a systemic , that is it is absorbed into the ferrets body and will kill the tick and any other parrasites that the fert may have including worms.

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Use an O'Tom tick remover. It hooks under the mouthparts and removes the tick without squeesing the juices back into the body or leaving the head in to get infected.


Whatever you do don't **** around trying to burn it off with a fag, only need the ferret to wriggle (wouldn't you if you had something hot being thrust about your nose) and it to recieve a nasty burn/blinding.


FM :good:


The BEST option :rolleyes::angry: :angry:

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Trouble is with ticks you dont know there infected untill you become ill, treat them as if there infected , use the propper tick remover or frontline if its a bad infestation


Dont cover them in anything like petrolium jelly or burn them off as they reguritate the contents back into the host , if there infected then you risk becoming infected with whatever there carrying humans & animals alike

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As this post was started on FEB 23 its probably died of old age of its own accord by now


No, I've just got a massive tick about the size of a ferret, that I send down rabbit holes. Best worker I've ever had.

Edited by Bleeh
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