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does your dog do anything unusual?


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Mine does, everytime I take him down this street he seems to hold his lead in his mouth, he doesnt pull on it but it looks like he is taking me for a walk :good: . Its strange as soon as we go down this street he holds the lead and as soon as we leave he drops it. Never tought him to do this.

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mine ***** whilst its walkin!!! stupid dawg



snap mine does that as well


and a few seasons ago she also started to point to game before being told to get on sadly she has not done it this year


also when i first moved into our house there was loads of black berrys she used to go and pick them off and eat them she is lasy now and just waits for the parrot to throw it out his cage

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Our little, (non working), 9 yr old Springer will 'get the paper', 'get the remote', sometimes that takes her a while to pick up the right one :good: , 'get the fags' etc. She'll pick up most things and bring it straight to your hand. Every now and again when the mrs and brat are upstairs she'll come downstairs with a note in her mouth saying 'send up loo roll', you have to squash it down to get it in her mouth but she can't wait to fire back up with it :good: You can pick up any stone from the back garden and mark it with a felt pen, throw it, bury it, whatever and she'll find it everytime without fail and bearing in mind we have south cerney throughout that aint no mean feat!. If you leave your mobile upstairs and tell her 'Ellie.....phone' whilst ringing it she'll go and get it, she's a right little 'gofer'!


The Pointer on the other hand just runs 'round clueless in the meantime, :lol: ......but she isn't stupid, just likes you to think so.

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my year old springer x lab pickes fruit of the bushes and jumps up and pickes them of the low bows of an appel tree in my garden, you can through a stone or wood into a pond of river and let it sink and he will find it, he points when he sees somthing he will retreive, and is so so so determined if you throw a toy in to eaven the thickest of brush if you keep saying find it he will never give up lol, ive not taught him any off it. hear is a pic of him at 7 months


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If I tell Merlin to " Lick his lips" he will do just that.


It came about from him drooling whenever we are eating so I told him to lick his lips. Once he started doing it and he got some praise it just sort of stuck.


Just goes to show you can almost teach a dog to do anything.


A guy in my dog training club will stop his dog after it has been in the water and the guy will do a little wiggle and then the dog will shake itself dry.

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If I tell Merlin to " Lick his lips" he will do just that.


It came about from him drooling whenever we are eating so I told him to lick his lips. Once he started doing it and he got some praise it just sort of stuck.


Just goes to show you can almost teach a dog to do anything.


A guy in my dog training club will stop his dog after it has been in the water and the guy will do a little wiggle and then the dog will shake itself dry.


I really do believe they're natural clowns, our dogs just love laughter...the odd one had taken offence though i'm sure.

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oh yes, one other thing Ted does... He retrieves shoes in pairs.


He'll get one then, when you have taken it off him, he will trot off and get the other one for you.


Good dog!


Good dog indeed......they love it and it's why they're one of the best dogs, period...always willing to please, for whatever reason and always happy regardless. I'm coming 'round to the idea of another springer, I miss my two and their crankey ways for sure.

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They are all really funny, laughed at them all! :lol:


Ok....our dogs!




1. mashes his face on the carpet after eating, yes it's lovely..I've just done the vacuuming and along comes Bryn, throws himself down on the floor and mashes his face, whilst wiggling his bum, all the way along the carpet...great!


2. "High Steps" when he gets excited he high steps and flicks his front feet in the air...it's cool, like a hackney pony trotting in a trap!


3. Back leg flicking - this is the one that really gets Salop sniper :hmm: and gets a shout from the kitchen everytime, when Bryn has done a nice big dump, he walks away "flicking" his back legs and growling, thus creating divets in the back lawn that polo players would be proud of, his Dad does not approve of this behaviour, so he waits until Salop Sniper is stood at the kitchen window drinking a cuppa, and then the turf onslaught begins and I'm just doubled up laughing!! :lol:




1. "snaps" at the air like a crocodile, when he both wants to play and when he thinks his dinner is a little too slow in arriving!


2. stalks things - from a leaf to a chew, he commando rolls on his belly ontop of them, to the side, anywhere, just stalking them!


3. sits in the curatins - Toby loves to sit in the curtains so they are draped over him, this works the same with the duvet, he will bury himself in there! He hides under tables too, just one of his things!


Thats our boys, wouldn't change their quirks for the world! ;):yes::lol::P

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mine ****s whilst its walkin!!! stupid dawg


One of mine does the same.


Last year she took a nasty injury from some barbed wire which ripped the top of her leg right open, luckily it hadn't done any muscle damage but took quite a while to heal.


When I say to her now "How's your poorly leg" she rolls over on her back and lifts it up.



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After eating his dinner, my lab has a bit of a whimper, wanders around aimlessly and then drags his big bed across the room and climbs up the stairs backwards, dragging the bed up with him in his teeth. Once he's at the top, you hear a bit of moving about and then 'thump, thump, thump, thump....' as he humps his bed. After this, he comes downstairs and falls asleep.

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My springer likes to take my clumber for the walk by his ears.

And if she in her mad springer mood .His little legs dont touch the ground.

I think you can say she,s the boss .


When they where pups we used to let them off their leads in the field near us.

Well the springer would go running of with the clumber just that bit behind her .

all of a sudden she would turn round and pick up speed .

It was so funny to see the look of fear on the clumber face as she headed straight for him.

Then watching him go like the clappers.To get back to us before she bowl him over.

He never did make it.

And the silly dog never did learn from it. :good:


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  • 2 weeks later...

after being out for a walk or in the garden, when we come back in the house i lay the dogs towel on the floor...i say "benny....feet!" and point at the towel...he parks his bum on the towel and wont enter the house till he's had his paws cleaned and dried.....

its great !!!

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