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speeding is innapropriate, thinking times reaction times, all out the window, you would be ok having a blow out at 100+ mph, its mindless and irisponsable at the least,



yet works fine in Germany, without knowing whether it was on an empty motorway at 2am or a busy wet one its a bit hard to call it innapropriate. I take it you've never been over 70mph?

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don't be too silly, speed doesn't kill inappropriate use of speed does.



speeding is innapropriate, thinking times reaction times, all out the window, you would be ok having a blow out at 100+ mph, its mindless and irisponsable at the least,



you would be ok having a blow out at 70 to , and as for thinking and reaction times ask shumacher about them , maybe yours might be slow doesnt mean everyones are

Edited by roadkill
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I know a dude here in my neck of the woods that was doing 65 in a 25.. He was stopped by the local county mounties and asked why he was speeding.. He said he had a sick stomach and needed to get home.. He went to court and handed the judge a plastic bag with his **** stained boxers, and all fines were dropped..

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in a 4x4 a blowout is likely to be worse than in a high performance car at 120 plus so its all a bit of a rash statement to condemn the actions straight out. I'm sure I'm not alone in having survived the odd trip over 100mph

Edited by al4x
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should be banned for life, doesnt deserve a ******* drivers license, its all ok till you kill someone,



lol..... :good:


bet I can handle my car better at 100mph than the 80 year old down the road can at 60..... ;)


as alex said - inappropriate speed kills.

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Usual play ground responses I see. Lets hope he get a heavy fine and points and keeps his licence



107 mph not excessive in new motors. Cars now are like high performance motors compared to when the motorway speed limits were set and the fossils drove around in allegros and maxi's



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I was stopped by Sussex the same day I received my FAC :good: I was in just too much of a hurry to get to the gun shop.


Anyway, I was clocked at 100.1 MPH and the Officer in charge explained that as it was in excess of the magic 100mph it automatically goes to court. I sent a letter in my defence explaining the empty motorway, my driving history and requirements for work etc and was, in my opinion, let off with a £300 fine and 5 points.

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Ban. Easy.


In germany on selected autobahn there is no speed limit, but there is a designated lane for it, and other drivers expect it.


In the UK, cars doing 70 in the outside lane do not expect others doing 107.


Its not about blowouts - thats what indiecar drivers have. If you see a car well back in your mirrors on the M Way you make decisions based on the assumption that he is not doing nearly 40MPH faster than the speed limit and will be on top of you in the blink of an eye.


Lets face it, some people push it to 80ish, maybe faster, but next time you are on a MWay look and you'll see the vast majority are not tearing along hell for leather. And that is when theres no traffic and they have the choice.


"you would be ok having a blow out at 70 to , and as for thinking and reaction times ask shumacher about them , maybe yours might be slow doesnt mean everyones are


also 70mph is so out of date now cars are so much more safer and can stop so much better , i think the speed should be raised"


And yet, deaths on the motorway are increasing. People push it when they think they are safe. Making cars that kid drivers into thinking they are safe makes driver take chances. Proven.


Nobody's got the reactions times to deal with a car pulling out cos they werent expecting to see you there doing 107. Not even Michael Schumacher.


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I think that 107mph is a bit much, even with todays modern cars.

Hey, dont get me wrong, i have done over 70mph before. I once had to do 80 to stay safe, but thats it for me im afraid. I dont speed around town, if folk want to get past me....leave em to it. ;)

I have now got 3 kids, and having seen dead folk with no limbs, i aint taking NO CHANCES! I just wish everybody had the sense to slow down. :lol::lol::lol:

When i drive around my shoot, the hedgehogs are passing me :good:



107 :lol: not good.

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If he shoots and has a FAC there's a good chance he'll lose that as well - judgement, safety conscious, fit and proper person and all that.


Agree with you martin - I love people who think they are safe to drive at 100+without any training at all. They are not, they just haven't been in a situation to find out yet.


You never hear from the ones who found out they are not safe - they are the dead ones.


It's like russian roulette - just cos you aint shot yourself that time, dont forget there'll come a time when there is a round in the chamber.

Edited by cubix
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The law is the law. It shouldn't be different for people because they think they can get away with or because they think they can handle the speed. Imagine if everyone went tearing about at 100... accidents would increase dramatically.


Of course if the road is fairly clear then fine, but he shouldn't put other people at risk - i.e. the law was made!

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yet works fine in Germany, without knowing whether it was on an empty motorway at 2am or a busy wet one its a bit hard to call it innapropriate. I take it you've never been over 70mph?


Funny that... The Autobahn actually has its own ambulance service stationed every 15 miles or so and helicopters that only serve the motorway. I believe they're called the Road Angels and pick up endless people who have crashed.


Sounds like it works a treat :good:

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