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**** it yeah lets ban him. lets see him lose his job, end up on the dole and end up paying for him to live all because being over 100 is so dangerous.



infact, lets see him go to jail. maybe they can let a rapist or a paedophile out in order to make room for him.

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**** it yeah lets ban him. lets see him lose his job, end up on the dole and end up paying for him to live all because being over 100 is so dangerous.

infact, lets see him go to jail. maybe they can let a rapist or a paedophile out in order to make room for him.



At least he will get a BASC discount, :good:

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I suggest that the arguments about whether the "my reactions are better than yours" or it "works ok on the autobahns" or "modern cars are better than they were years ago" are perhaps irrelevant in respect that everyone knows what the speed limits are. If you decide to break them then accept the consequences when they occur. There are large signs at the side of the road telling you what the legal speed limit is ;) If you break the limit and get caught, you accept your fate and your penalty; be it a knock with another car, a cop with a speed camera who nicks you for speeding, or a fatal road accident.


I spent several years working at the sharp end of an A&E dept and have seen the results of traffic accidents. I have also been caught speeding and accepted the penalty as a result of my actions.


As an aside, I got knocked off my pushbike this afternoon by a driver who "didn't see me"


Had he been speeding, I might not be here typing this but lying in a resus room or mortury slab in my local hospital :good:

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Over 100mph - ban - full stop.

He was going quickly, but when people say that speed kills - I have to smile. Show me one person who says they don't speed and I will show you someone who would not know the truth if they fell over it. Travelling anywhere, people do 35 in a 30 zone, just to keep up with traffic. 31 in a 30 zone is speeding. The law draws the line at 1mph over, not 10, 20 or 40.


His speed was excessive and he got caught, but spare me the self righteous who say they never speed. It's laughable and untrue.

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It's not the speed itself that kills it's the inability to stop before the inevitable collision if it all goes wrong.


Have you tried stopping a vehicle eg; a car or a bike from over 100 mph and found it amazing how far you travel even on a dry road.


And for once I tend to agree with Gordon.

Edited by BlaserF3
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I love these threads. He made a decision to speed and got caught, he should take his medicine (while working the system if possible) and not complain about it. Driving isn't a divine right, it can be taken away when we do stupid things. 107mph on any road, in my opinion is stupid. I've been stupid in the past, not been caught, hurt or worse hurt anyone else, by luck, grace of God or whatever. I don't speed now, I don't take chances on the road. Simply put I absolutely need my car and the ability it gives me to get around and go to work. My wake up call was a small thing, turning right where I shouldn't have, traffic corps nabbed me. One point, 60 Euro fine and it's the best thing that happened to me that year :good:


You pays your money and you takes your choice, no one held a gun to his head and made him do it.

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I think over 100 is a ban not just speeding points! Couple of months atleast + a hefty fine :good: best of luck mate. I think everyone here as gone over 100 :lol: If you aint either your lieing or your full of poop lol ;) My car's a 1.0 and got up to it, only just mind (Downhill) hahaha :lol:


Oh and I definately didn't kill anyone! At certain times going faster than 70 isn't a problem. The conditions all factor in :lol:

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On another note, if you think you're safe at 70mph then think again, just because it's within the law doesn't mean it's safe, it's just less likely to **** you up. I'll hazard a guess that 95% of us on here couldn't right a car once it's lost control at 70mph. 70mph is still too quick when you facing the wrong direction.

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Below is the magistrates court Sentencing Guidelines:


On a road with a 70mph limit:


71 - 90 mph Band A Fine and 3 points

91 - 100mph Band B fine, 4 - 6 points OR disqualify 7 to 28 days

101-110mph Band B Fine, disqualify 7 - 56 days OR 6 points.


Band A fine starting point 50% of relevant weekly income with a range of 25 - 75%

Band B fine starting point 100% of relevant weekly income with a range of 75 - 125%

Edited by Dibs
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On another note, if you think you're safe at 70mph then think again, just because it's within the law doesn't mean it's safe, it's just less likely to **** you up. I'll hazard a guess that 95% of us on here couldn't right a car once it's lost control at 70mph. 70mph is still too quick when you facing the wrong direction.


What a pity that the young drivers who crash with a car full of friends will not be here to read Markio's post.


It say's it all really.

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I have to smile when people claim that speed kills, rather than inappropiate speed kills - as if they think that sort of indoctrination will really convince people capable of more reasoned thought. If it wern't safe to travel at high speed then emergency services would not be allowed to do it courtesy of their union under health and safety excuses. If emergency service drivers feel they are the only ones capable of handling a vehicle at more than the set speed limits give me strength.


"Slow down on wet roads" is one myth that really needs looking at because it's mainly relevant at higher speeds. Take a guy doing the limit in a built up area, funny how he sometimes has to pull over for a gungho copper hurtling down the road at very inappropiate speeds just because he can, normally a youngish one at that. Meanwhile every time it rains our roads get bunged up with wimmin drivers slowing down to a crawl because they have been brainwashed.


Apologies for any bobbies on here that have a grip on things but I'm sure we have all seen it.

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I think a lot of it will come down to the conditions and the time of day. I would reckon 6 points and or a short 2 week - 1 month ban plus fine.


107 is quite a way over the motorway speed limit and not easily explained as a momentary lapse, you mention Warwickshire so would suspect it was on the M40. Just for any of the guys way up north the M40 moves very quickly, if you were doing 70mph pretty much everything in lane 2 and 3 would be passing you at a considerably higher speed.


OK, the limit is 70mph but Thames Valley Police will pretty much not stop anything on the M40 doing less than 90 otherwise they would be stopping virtually everything on the road, i was told this by a traffic officer when i was stopped on there a few years ago.


I know i'll probably get flamed for this but yes, i used to speed very regularly. I was followed by an unmarked car for about 12 miles, when they stopped me the vascar reading was an average of 98.52mph over a mile or so. They told me that they had clocked me in places at 135+ but due to the manner of driving they used their discretion and gave me the choice of going to court or take 3 points and a £60 fine plus being read the riot act. They took into account the fact that i had taken advanced driver training etcbut there was no excuse for it. From that date i can honestly say i have never been over 100 (in the UK anyway) got rid of the high performance car and bought a sensible, economical car and stick to the speed limits.


On the day i was stopped the car i was driving had 505BHP and capable of 199mph backed up with 4wd etc but i learnt my lesson, trust me 100mph arrives and disappears VERY quickly.


IMO 30mph past a school at 8:45am is far more dangerous than 100mph on a quiet motorway.



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When I was was 22 I got stopped in my fathers car by police doing 111.1mph on the A1, I got 3 points and a £40 fine. That was 14 years ago. I have no reason to lie.


Do I regret it - yes, have or would I do it again - no. I was young and stupid and the fine and points worked.

Edited by markm
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I would not agree that riding or driving on wet roads at slower speeds is a myth, the grip levels in the wet are much lower than in the dry.


I have ridden motorbikes for over 40 years and can assure you that you need to slow down in the wet.


The braking distance in the wet also increases too.

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Those that speed keep me in a job, just as much as those that shouldn`t be behind the wheel.

I have never had a death in a 30mph zone though I do know of 2 in the past 20 years or so, one was due to a disqualified driver not wanting to get caught and doing @ 60-70 in a 30 limit and the passenger got killed, the driver ran off. Deaths on the M-way or A-roads are very regular nowadays.

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I cant understand the need to drive at speeds over around 85 mph unless a empty road late at night, there is very little time saving and fuel economy goes out the window.


Ive done my share of 100mph motorway driving in the daytime and found that I achevied little benefit in journey time over 80-85 mph ish as i was constantly changing lanes to avoid the pillocks who whouldnt move over.

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I think that 107mph is a bit much, even with todays modern cars.

Hey, dont get me wrong, i have done over 70mph before. I once had to do 80 to stay safe, but thats it for me im afraid. I dont speed around town, if folk want to get past me....leave em to it. ;)

I have now got 3 kids, and having seen dead folk with no limbs, i aint taking NO CHANCES! I just wish everybody had the sense to slow down. :lol::lol::lol:

When i drive around my shoot, the hedgehogs are passing me :good:



107 :lol: not good.

does that include overtaking hares,in a meriva in the dark,in a field :hmm::yes:
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I race cars (on track) and to get a national race licence it requires a test, this includes skid control, cornering, braking, and what to do when...


However, when i had a blow out at around 65mph in a large saloon car, middle lane of motorway in wet conditions it took all my experience and a hell of a lot of luck to hang on and not crash.


Speeding is part of life, we all do it on a daily basis, but there is a time and a place for over 100mph. That time and place is weekend trackdays where everyone is going in the same direction and are experienced in doing it.

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Those that speed keep me in a job, just as much as those that shouldn`t be behind the wheel.

I have never had a death in a 30mph zone though I do know of 2 in the past 20 years or so, one was due to a disqualified driver not wanting to get caught and doing @ 60-70 in a 30 limit and the passenger got killed, the driver ran off. Deaths on the M-way or A-roads are very regular nowadays.


I am pretty sure this is not the type of job security you desire :good:

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depends Where he was doing 107 if its say an A road divided carriageway and the road conditions where good ,and provided he presents a clean license, he has every chance of a decent fine and six points, there is no such thing as a mandatory BAN for speeding it is all down to discretion, of the magistrates, the mandatory ban thing for topping a ton is urban myth simple as, oh and six points will put a weighting of £40 on his insurance.


cheers KW

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i have never, EVER, EVER done 100moh. ive been driving over 10 years, and only crashed once. (i was going 15mph :good: ) When on the m-way, 70 seems too fast for me. i dont like fast, it all goes by too quickly.

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