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one eye


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Ive just come out of hospital after an op to save my right eye,


I was at work on Thursday putting rubbish in a skip when a load of glass came flying back out and one peice went straight trough my right eye ball!


Had a two hour op on friday, but they think that I have lost my sight in the eye for good, so when I can get back out again I will have to learn to shoot useing my left eye!!


At the mo ive got 5 stiches on my eye ball as well as glue and a lense, and it aint very comfy, have to have anouther op tomorrow after noon, so fingers crossed!


All the best


Lander :o :devil:

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Thats terrible news Lander, I don't usually support the "sue 'em" culture, but I hope you have someone acting on your behalf , regarding a claim.

The loss of the vision in your right eye could take some getting use to. :o


I have heard of people having a cross over stock made for their gun.

This allows you to shoot off the right shoulder, but aligns the gun with your left eye.

I don't know any details, but a good Gunsmith could advise you.


The very best of luck to you. :devil:

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Hi lander, I am really sorry to hear this, what an awful thing to happen. One of my mates at school lost the sight of his right eye when playing hockey, but within a fortnight he was back at school and in fact within a couple of months he was back playing again.


So it just goes to show, the body is very adaptable, and the brain too, it will heighten the other senses. There's two people I know in Northern Ireland who only have the sight of one eye and shoot and I have seen them pull of some great shots. A loss of one sense heightens another, and so it will compensate to an extent.


Good luck, and keep us posted on the ops and your shooting when you manage to get out, I'd ask your Doc to prescribe you a healthy dose of clays to get you back into the swing of things!

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hi lander , im sorry to hear your terrible news mate.i cant say much that i suppose will make you feel much better at the moment but teal is correct it will sharpen up your other senses,my gran was totally blind but she could tell you what time it was to the nearest couple of minutes any time day or night.i hope you start to get things back together soon mate.kindest regards mel

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i can relate, my good friend who i have mentioned before the gunsmith, lost his right eye when a model plane prop came off and hit his eye, that was about 15 years ago, he got insurance money enough to buy a sako with swaro optics, but more to the point, he can out shoot the lot of us......he has switched to the other eye without a problem, the only thing is he still does shoot insinctively, ive seen him shoot a left and right off his right eye......lol.....just goes to show what a good shot can do.


i have no doubt if required you will be able to do the same,


best wishes.....lets hope you get the vision back anyway...

Edited by dunganick
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I lost my left eye 15 years so i can understand what your going through mine was a pin out of a cork board


I had about 60% vision in it yet before xmas i had to have an op/laser treatment to reduce the pressure as it built up damaging the eye now i have about 5% vision


Get well soon m8 and keep your hopes up its amazing what they can do nowadays :devil:


also once your treatment is over even the slightest pain/niggle you get in the eye get down and get it looked at thats why i only have 5% now as i never bothered when i got the pains in my eye :*)

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Sorry to read about that Lander, hope everything goes as well as it can. When I was very young I remember that I had a Great-Uncle who always wore an eye-patch - he'd lost an eye in a shooting accident many years earlier. I don't think it stopped him shooting though. As others say, it's amazing what can be done. Best of British to you.

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Sounds nasty mate, hope you pull through ok. If its any consolation I know of one guy, Blue Thomas, who lost one of his eyes shortly after leaving the sas. Blue was very well known in the deer world and adapted his stocks by carving them out so he could shoot with his left eye........He still thrashed the pants off everyone in all the BDS deer comps, and to this day probably still would! So keep yer chin up, we were made with two of everything in case situations like these arose!

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Lander... All the best...I hope the eye can be saved.


Although I dont know the particular circumstances of your accident, Do you work in the Construction Industry, did this occur at work and if it did were you issued with the proper safety equipment to carry out this duty.


I am well versed in Health and Safety in respect of Construction and if the above apply your Employer would be legally obliged to have adequate Employers Liability Insurance. This is an avenue ceratinly worth exploring.


Best wishes to you.



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