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can anyone help???


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ok so after spending 5 years in the scouts and kayaking every month i got really attached to it, and now after being out of the scouts for 5 years, im sort of missing it, well i really want to get back into it, not join a club or anything (to much hassle) just another little hobby to add to the list, i would use it as often as i could (not in winter though, you gotta be kidding me) but my questions are...


1. does anyone here on PW kayak???


2. can anyone recomend a Kayak (on a budget so keep them below £800 if you can)


3. what is the law on kayaking on rivers? not alone obviously, and if push comes to shove i can join a club, but can you outline the law on the rivers, like who i would need to go to, to get permission to kayak there. (i have a friend who lives on a canal boat and when i brought up the subject he said that he was pretty sure that you dont need to gain permission unless its a private river, he kayaks and canoes but he doesnt go much becuase he has no one to go with...


hope someone can help me out, thanks people


Happy Shooting



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thanks toby, thats helpful and god that ent half creepy, the mate i was talking about, the guy who lives on the boat, he is called Toby B and he lives in bedford so thats just plain creepy lol, but if anyone can tell me if me and my friend would get in trouble for heading down the river with a kayak each and going for a paddle, obviously we will be safe, toby said when we get our boats, he will come out on his little padal boat and would carry things like throw lines and such, i have my experience and i know what im doing when it comes to kayaking, i just never did it as a hobby it was always done via the scouts... so i dont have a clue about the river thing lol....

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i was planning on chatting to my old scout master about going along one time as an extra, just to sorta go along and get some tips from dave (the instructor) and also to get used to it again, when you havent been a boat for a while you do have a bit of un-easiness and i would rather have that with an instructor about rather than just me, i geuss once i can capseyes myself and correct myself out of a capseyes i should be good, ill give the leader a ring about going along, when i left she said that if they ever needed a hand i could help out, so i geuss she will let me go down to the water with them, i mean i know what its like moving the kayaks after the session your hands are numb so they sting as you move these *******, so i geuss i can help out a whole lot in that manner lol...

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i used to work making canoes for pyranha... leaders in kayaks and canoes mate......

theyre a small run business down the street form where i live, but sell boats all over the world...top quality too...

check them out...



anyway... not sure how far you are from them, but they do sell very slight seconds from the small shop at the factory and will always cut you a deal... a second may be a boat which has a polish burn/scuff or had some plastic welding on an insignificant area etc etc.... nothing to worry about anyway?

ask them about older models too which they may have in stock....

or alternativley look for one on ebay... a microbat or balde etc etc .. if you get an old one, check the serial number engraved on it...if it ends in M.B, i made your boat !!!!!!!!!


good luck with it mate...]


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I used to live in bedford and kayaked the Ouse and the Ivel regularly. There is a good club there if you google for it. You are fine going up river till you see the Temple in Queens Park. Just beyond that and it's private. same story for the Ivel. Put in in biggleswade and paddle down till you get to the Pub just south of the black cat roundabout, If you have 2 cars then leave on there earlier so you don't have to go back upstream. Got to go turf the garden now but i'll add some more when I have time.

Cheers, Rob.

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thanks myzeneye i've had my eye on the pyranha lovley boats, used to paddle one when i was in the scouts, lovley boats, ill have a look, heck ill do my best to get one made by you (ill get in it and it'll bloody sink wont it, AND ILL BE ON THE FRIKKEN LAND!!! :good:)

and markio, if i had a clue what the bloody hell you meant id make a wise remark but im a dopy sod so i havent a clue...

JD, were abouts did you live, and do you know about the river that priory marina is on, we refer to it as "the back river", its the one that goes past the cardington lock and such, thats were i was hoping to start, because its a lovley short walk to there, i mean if i get a kayak trolley, i wont even need a car (until i go to different places) and i have always liked paddling up river, wether im knackered or not, but i phoned up my old scout master and had i chat with her today, going to be going kayaking with them may 2nd which will be good, but as i said myzeneye ill look at the pyranhas but ill see about finding a shop if i can that will let me go in and have a look at them (and if possible) sit in one to see if it is comfortable, i wont be touring or anything, it will be purely for a bit of fun, got some cool places to mess around up the river near me, and when the river festival comes around every 2 years, i can take the boat down to the duckmill weir and do slalom in the whitewater, should be fun....

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Yep. i've paddled near Priory. I lived in Brickhill so would rive ith the kayak to Priory Business park. It's just where the man made white water section is (you'll need to join the club if you want to use that). Frome there you can go pretty much anywhere. There's virtually no white water so maybe a touring kayak would be best for you? If you want a good all rounder I bought a pyranha master kayak which is good for a bit of whitewater and tracks quite nicely through the water. A pure playboat can be uncomfortable if you'r over 6 foot so i'd steer clear of on of those for now.


Closest place I found to look at kayaks in the flesh was Northampton - but I can't find the name of it now, maybe they've closed.


Nene White Water Centre is also on the way. Now that is good whitewater.


Cheers, JD

Edited by jammie*dodger
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thanks jd, and i know about the white water course (cardington canoe slalom) and i stand and whatch them for hours, its great, i live just near priory and i fish there aswell, and if you have ever heard/seen the duckmill weir by dame alice all girls school, that is the whitewater that i know a few clubs use and a couple of groups, (not quite clubs just a couple of kayakers that head up there and have a laugh in there, but i will just paddle around and explore to start with, then once i have explored and i know what were, ill start expanding that exploration, im thinking of joining a club, but im not quite sure yet, so ill get back to you on that one, and im going to do a google now on kayak shops near by and if the nearest is northhamptom is not bad because my aunty is just down the road from northhampton, im going to have a look at the pyranha's, but i was looking on the hereforshire and borders website at the Riot Kayaks >>>click<<< i was looking at the magnum but im still thinking, what do people think??? and im about to have a look at the touring kayaks, thanks JD...


and markio lol i totally forgot about that pair :hmm: your a cheeky sod lol, but you have made me laugh lol...

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The magnum looks like a nice creekboat. Just make sure it fits. I have a Pyranha master for the small amount of wiers I run. I also have a dagger savanah for touring and a large 3 man Canadian that I take the kids out in.

It's defintely worth looking second hand. Lots of people buy boats and hardly use them, none of mine have been new.



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