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Cammo nets.....


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I have indeed and am well chuffed with it. ;)


I saw it on the Deben stand at the CLA game fair but it was new and they had no stock. I ordered one and it arrived a few weeks later.  Colouring is spot on and it's not too heavy. I got the one with the nylon net for added durability although I reckon the scrim on its own would be fine. Not cheap but like everyone says, you get what you pay for. 10/10  :)


by the way, I saw the woodland version and it's too green for my liking.

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I only use 2 types of net all year round .The normal green/brown ones when setting up in hedgerows and desert camo net and clothing when setting up around bales on stubble.I think it is just a matter of getting the shades of colour right rather than the actual colour as I am sure I read that pigeons along with most birds and animals are colour blind anyway. :*)

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I read in an old Army manual, many years ago,that camouflage worked on the principle of breaking down outlines.

Therefore colour doesn,t matter as long as you present a "distorted" picture.

There is also the debate whether birds and animals can recognise colour.


I believe this, but do not have the confidence to erect a bright red net, against a green/brown hedgerow and stand behind it all day, hoping to shoot a pigeon. ;)

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There was an article and pictures in "Sporting gun" some years ago where a chap set up a fluorescent orange net in a field with the caption "Would you use a net like this?" They then put the same picture along side it with the colour removed and said this is what the pigeon sees.Of course it blended in quite naturally with the surroundings and the chap was reported as having a normal bag for the day.Last July when I had my best day ever (120) on rape stubble,while the day was mainly sunny,there were times when black clouds came over and dropped the full works on me. During these spells I put up a large multi-coloured brolly for shelter but the pigeons still came in regardless.Shooting was difficult though with brolley in left hand and the gun in the other but managed a few.To sum up,I dont think colour puts the birds off at all. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looking at the 'STUPID' price of hide netting, I found our old friend N&S do good quality 'cheap' netting,

but only have light brown in stock :X  :X


After reading your reports, It seems everyone thinks colour doen't matter  -  BUT you all seem to have green/brown nets.


I don't know if I should go for the "harvest" net or pay TWICE the price for green/brown - if only for my own peace of mind.


I'm sure, in nature, hedge rows contain trees of all srts of colours and shades, which pigeons ignor completely.


But if I go for standard colours it's one less thing to blame for a 'poor day'  :*)  :*)

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  • 1 month later...

A little tip I have been given. When you have constructed your hide, climb in and get your mate (or Mrs) to take a photo of you with a black and white film loaded in the camera. This apparently will show you what the pigeons see. I always use natural materials when I can to break up the outline of the net, kind of camo to camo the camo. Does that make sense?

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Rjimmer; you are correct in Ontario at least during our large game seasons we are required to wear, I believe 400 sq. inches, of hunter safty orange. Since deer, moose,etc. are colour blind it is not a huge deal, since this laws conception though we have virtually eliminated all accidental shootings, ( usually caused by some well meaning townie), during are hunting seasons. The exception to this law is during the bow hunting season when we can wear full camo. The reasoning being during rifle/ shot gun you are stalking and driving, but during the archerie you do most of your hunting from stands. This law changes from province to province and from state to state.

  Pigeon Pieman ; thank you for blaming the correct side of the boarder. It is similar to calling a Scotsman English or an Englishman Wales or a Gentleman from Wales Irish. Before you start no offence meant to any, I'm just saying we are all proud of where we come from.

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we are required to wear, I believe 400 sq. inches, of hunter safty orange.

A chap showed me jacket completely of pink/orange or somewhere between the two. He used it in this country. It was full of goose down. I dred to think how long it would take to dry out after a soaking. It did not appear to be waterproof! Once the winter has set in in North America, I don't suppose you have to worry about rain, just wind and temperature, or am I wrong?

We can go out in -10 F before dawn and experience an inch or two of rain by nightfall, so our clothing has to be multifunctional. That's why we are all questing warm breathable garments that are 100% waterproof. The Riverswest stuff looks as if it might fit the bill.

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From Aug. thru the end of October it rains. Then from Nov. through the end of Feb. it snows wet, dry, blizzard, with occassional rain. Then the month of March takes the rest of the nasty weather that hasn't been used up yet and throws it at you till its gone. Quality clothing is a must. Some of the best stuff I've seen is a product called Storm Wear it's light weight, very quite, breathable, and water proof. There are lots of differant lines on the market over here. If you check out the cabela's on line store they will show you most of them. www.cabelas.com this is a U.S. based store, with online ordering. We don't have any stores of this magnitude in Canada so its probably best if you look their first. Check out your U.S. and Canadian exchange rates I believe you get a better deal in Canada, if this is so let me know what you are interested in and I'll check for it in our stores.  If my memory serves me correct Storm Wear and Shadow Wear are both Canadian products. Just let me know if I can help.

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What netting do you guys use and why do you recommend it?

Has anybody used the new 'moorland' cammo from Deben's?

I use two kinds of netting one dark green and one light green.

When i make my hide i choose the colour i want then when

i have finished making my hide i always put branches around it

and on the roof of the hide this makes it blend in even more.

So i don't needed all different nets e.g (real tree,moorlands)

but they are good and i have seen them as i live 2 miles away

froms debens.

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