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My First Roebuck


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Just got back from a 5 day holiday to scotland that i managed to get 3 stalks in, 2 evening and one morning. My First Stalk was an evening stalk and with it being my first ever stalk i was very excited. This Stalk lasted about 3 hours to no avail for my self only seeing 2 doe's running off into the distance it was similar with my brother who was in another part of the estate but my farther did get a young 2-3 year old buck.


The next stalk was a morning stalk that meant getting up at 5 in the morning. it started off far more promising by spotting some 'beasts' on the way to drop my brother off. Once we had dropped him off we went back to where we had seen the roe's but they had gone so as we drove further into the estate about 200 yards down the track there they were but the were two close and then gone in a flash, about 400 yards down further there was another buck 5 foot from the road once again to close then 100 yards further 2 bucks prancing away through a cover crop away from us and as the wind was not working for us they were gone. Finally heading for a wood my stalker got me with in 70 yards of a young buck and as soon as the gun was on the trip pod sticks the wind changed and it was gone. The Stalk was over and no success for any of the 3 of us.


It was later that i took out on my final stalk and after some discussion my stalker decided to go to a high chair as it had the best chance of getting my first buck on my final stalk. so after 2 hours in a high chair and seeing nothing we made a last ditch attempt to get a buck we stomped off to a cover crop where there tends to be some roe's. Then Yes there was 1 buck and one doe 200 yards into a field. this meant a stalk up the side of the adjacent field in the fading light and then i finally had to cross a ditch got the gun on the sticks then took the shot. The Buck was hit and started to run so i reloaded and took a second shot as the buck dropped 10 meters from where it was hit first. the in field examination showed that the first shot had gone straight through both lungs and it was a good clean kill and i was over the moon. :hmm:



Me and my dad with my buck after the ghrolicking (however that is spelt) and blooding.


Edited by groach1234
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