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Pike bait


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caught more pike on sprats then anything else

Another vote for sprats, I have caught 75% of all my 10lb+ pike on spratt, but mostly use mackeral tails because in the summer i fill the freezer with mackeral so it's more economical and handy! Reference using a dead rat it could probably catch you a pike but why would you want to use one?

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Sardines are a good bait soft so use frozen if poss punture the flesh to let out the oil herring tail and yup sprats a live bait will produce 9/10 times depending on how you present it but the killer of them all is smelt i think its a killer bait for the ladys.

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Quick note - but I don't know if tossing a rat into a possible water supply would be legal. - if this makes sence.

most rats frequent all water l if you are going to fish for pike ask yourself one question before fishing (whats is its diet ) the answer is fish so why not use fish , a pike will no doubt take a rat or a duck but its first and easiest choice is fish :good::lol:

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Goldfish are good.



ALSO illegal, i read an article about it in one of my magazines not long ago, ill find it and scan it in, if your using goldfish your breaking the law, if your trying to catch fish on the rivers now, you are also breaking the law, (close season :D) i caught a little 3lb 3oz pike using a comoron lure, it was a 2 section lure, made to look like a little bleak, it absolutey SMAHSED IT, and 10mins before i used it my mate caught a 3lb 1oz (just beat the little sod :hmm:) and once again it HAMMERED the lure, they are good lures, also a GREAT bait for BIG perch is bleak, the ouse were i live (bedford) is at no shortage of this little beggers, catch a couple, (keep them alive) and put a size 8 hook on, peirce it through 1 bleaks lip, and drop it in the margins near over hanging grass/weeds and let it swim about, (put bait runner on, (okuma reels) or adjust the clutch, and let it swim about, you will know when you have found a perch, because the reel will WIZZ, and the tip of the rod will dart from side to side as the bleak trys to escape the perch, and it will jump in the water (only little hops) but you will know if there is a perch chasing, as when the bleak jump the perch jump, you cant see them because of the splashes, but you will hear the jaws snapping on the perch, when everything stops suddenly, and then tries to dart in on directiong, STRIKE HARD this garuntees the perch is hooked, bring it in, and 9 times out of 10, as you get it in the net, the perch just lets go, this is because although the hook has pricked them and given you the extra grip, its mainly because they dont want to let go of the fish (its there spoils why should they?) and then when you get him in the net he notices you will take the fish away, or wants to attempt that final escape (no chance then) i have caught perch to 2lb's like this, great fish, BE WARNED, a strong line/rod and a wire race is ALL necersary, as the fight from the perch and bleak can attract pike, if a pike comes into play a perch will back off, just be prepared, i have had BIG runs with BIG pike that i have lost with this method, as i havent used the correct sized hook, if possible use a decent sized treble, one hook in the bleak the other two out in the open, this will garuntee a pike is hooked correctly if it comes down to it, hoping to catch 2 or three BIG pike at the beggining of this coming season with this method, remember though pike are strong and you really do need to be prepared if you think all your going to catch is perch, because were there are perch there are usually the odd pike, (alot of the time you find these are the bigger ones)


Good luck for the new season people




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Ive never set off to catch a pike, (Match fishing only) but hooked and been smashed many a time whilst fishing on the Wye reeling in a fish. I have even known them to hit a 2lb+ roach. Not uncommon to get smashed 7/8 times in a match. Very frustrating for me, but if tooled up with the right gear plenty of fun for the pike guys.

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If its legal on your water and you want to target the bigger fish you will find it hard to beat a live jack pike of around 1 1/2 lb,

ive had some good 20lb plus largest being 28lb. And had the unfortunate experience of getting smashed twice both times using jacks as live bait.


But as i say make sure it is not banned on your water. :mad:


Past Experience in Ireland on Loch Scur showed good results havind a 5lb Bream on the end, but obviously not intending to get a pike having a go at it.Not with a feeder rod :good:

Just goes to show size doesnt matter they will have a go at any size fish if there hungry. :mad:

Edited by Dougy
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I caught a 9lb pike on the trent and mersey canal in northwich on carp gear :good: I dont know quite how or why but it was about 2 am and my alarm went ripping off and i thought it was a decent carp but when i managed to get it at the front of the bank i wondered what the hell was going on because i had never caught one before. when i netted it and got it on the bank i had to just cut the line as far down as i could without losing my fingers haha but being a carp hook it just fell out of its lip. When I got up in the morning i inspected my gear and on a closer look i found a small roach finn on the hook still.What i think happed was that a few small roach had been swimming around because i used a pva bag and one got foul hooked as it was swimming around then mr pike came along :good: . It has puzzled me ever since though but it is a good story to tell!

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there was an article in pike and predators a few years back about using different baits . they used and caught on sausages and wood pigeon breast . they tried rat aswell but i cant remember if that produced anything i think it did but im not 100%. live jacks as a previous post says can work . i know someone who uses them as big as 3lb and catches. i just stick to deads if im not using lures , herring being my no1 followed by smelt, mackeral and blueys

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remember it is illegal to use live baits that have been caught from another water other than the one you are using including goldfish.mackeral tail, lamphry as mentioned,small trout, whiting,herring etc. there was an article years ago in the angling times with pictures of a 24 lb pike caught on a 18s hook with a single red maggot.

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Any sort of mammel would probably catch the odd pike, but why bother? Fish baits are easier to use and will catch far more


As far as deadbaits go a medium sized sardine is hard to beat, theyve caught for me on every water ive fished and I always make sure they're in the cool box. I tend to fish them with a large single through the root of the tail (make sure you feel the hook go through the spine) and a size 8 treble down the flank. Im sure I get better takes and hook more fish since ive started using the one single instead of a standard snap tackle, Its also rare that I cast a bait off like this as well.

Strangly ive never caught much on Mackeral (heads or tails), although most people swear by them.


Chublets are my favourite livebait, they just dont get tired and keep going till they get taken. On a stillwater I like a 6 inch rudd, they will try to reach the surface so I always feel confident that theyve not buried themselves in weed.

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