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Anton Sodia

Fisherman Mike

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OK gun Buffs Ive asked this question before... But not had much joy..


I have a 16G Side By Side non ejector 28ins barrels. manufactured by Anton Sodia ( Ferlach ) Austria. The barrels are stamped BOHLER BLITZ


All I have been able to find out is that Ferlach is a famous gunmaking Village in Austria and that Anton Sodia and Franz Sodia produced high quality hand made guns similar to the bespoke English Models.


This gun is very nice and has nice engraving of duck rabbit and Woodcock on the side plates. The stock is Walnut and has a raised Cheek.


I will post some photos of it in the next few days... But if any one has any information on this gunmaker, if they are still going, etc etc. I would be very grateful.





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Mike type in


anton sodia austrian gunmaker


in google and you get three results for catalogues circa 1910 +1930






Tells you about ferlach that you already know but gives a web addy but it doesnt get found www.felachjagdwaffen.at but it may give you something to start a search on ie do a ferlach jagdwaffen search in google brings up some gun pages .


Going by the information that is going I would reckon he has probably popped his clogs by now and your gun may be worth a bit , is it the one you used on the stubble last year ?


Good luck with your new job also :wacko:

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Yes it is mate and as you know the barrels are not quite straight :wacko: :lol:


Whist writing can you recommend a good book which I can buy to brush up on my computor use. Something that covers Windows and Excel. I am not a complete novie but could do with a bit of a refresher as my 11 year old has rather overtaken me in the compotor stakes.


Cheers for the info.



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Try these windows xp+office xp for dummies (don't be offended by the titles) as they are good basic books , they have a deal when both are bought at the same time for £21 . If you think thay are simple they have many other books , just have a look at users ratings next to them .







Better still Mike join your local libary as most are open saturday mornings


go here http://opac.gloucestershire.gov.uk/www-bin/www_talis32?


click author/keyword search and in keywords try excel then windows xp both books above are there and many others , if they are in a different library to where you are in Glos they will still get them for you free of charge and also free to join . I have not used the library for ages though as I have "the washing machine manual" by haynes but it is 2 years overdue . So have to build up the courage to go in and face the fine :*)

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Try these windows xp+office xp for dummies (don't be offended by the titles) as they are good basic books , they have a deal when both are bought at the same time for £21 . If you think thay are simple they have many other books , just have a look at users ratings next to them .



How can I buy a book that has Donkeymagic on the cover :lol: :wacko: :lol:


Thanks Ill get a copy.



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Thanks Martin..


Last night my Sister who speaks fluent German conversed with a Austrian Gunmaker via the internet who was keen to see pictures of the gun. As it is a non ejector it is likely to be around mid 1960,s ( which is what I thought) Is hand made and probably a walked up game gun or built for a smaller man or lady shooter. The gun would almost certainly be worth substantially more than the £300 quid I paid for it..


Ill post some pictures and keep you informed, but sounds as though I could have bought unknowingly a nice little sleeper ! DEL BOY :lol: :wacko: :lol:



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