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shotgun loaders

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In my opinion, with the demise of the sturdy compression-formed* case (hull), the trouble-free churning out of shells with a progressive are gone. Saying that, I have five of them that still give good results with quality shell-cases like Fiocchi and the B&P Gordon System if you know what you are doing!.


* These shells, unlike the three-piece Reifenhauser parallel tube case were injection-moulded with a tapered bore which was very thick and strong at the base. The Winchester AA, Blue Light and Remington RXP cases could be loaded over and over again.


To start off, a second-hand Lee LoadAll II with its numerous measures (bushes) would be a good buy and would get you started. The 'non-seeking' crimp starters on these presses 'cut' a good crimp when the shell is positioned properly. (That is with an inward crimp-fold facing the operator).


The other press I would recommend, 'though far more expensive but sturdier, is a second-hand MEC single-stage 600Jr. However, you only get one bushing bar with these, unless the previous owner invested in an adjustable Universal Charge Bar.


Then, when you have one or the other of the above, you will find out that reloading anything other than the larger and smaller gauges (including the .410 bore), it just ain't worth it. You can buy 12 gauge shells cheaper!



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