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CLA Rip off or good value


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Went to the game fair today paid £42 for me and the missus to get in and was very disapointed with it, thought pretty much everything seemed dear the food and drink people might have well worn masks the money they wanted for stuff. what do other people think of the show. cheers john

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Well to be honest ,I thought it was rubbish this year ,And yes over priced entry fee . There were bargins to be had just depends on what you were looking for , new guns about at real knock down prices .eg Browning cynergy pro sport with adjustable stock where selling for £1625.00 which is £400 off rrp . Cann't say I enjoyed it at all , and with a bacon bap costing £5 a time and a cup of coffee £1.60 on some stalls and £2.40 on others then yes it was a rip off .Not a patch on last years and will think twice before going next year , the norfolk show was a lot better and half the price .It looked like numbers were down as car park only half full when we left at 2 o'clock and no traffic problems going in or out ,infact the lanes were empty when we came out . So in general not very happy having spent £84 to get in plus the fact we were on our way home in less than 4 hours after getting there .



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I Have to say I enjoyed te show, I did think the £26 entry fee was too high, but then having been to the RHS at tatton this weekend at £21 to get in it seems close to the going rate.


I didn't think prices were cheap for anything and all the deals I had seen were people sellling for the same prices as i have seen in the shops.


In the end I brought some carts and nothing else.


I agree with you the food on site was terrible, and £5 for a burger was a disgrace, Still if everyone thinks the food was too much, and brings sandwiches next year, the vendors will have to re-think, how much they can sell tesco value dog food burgers for!




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hi all

didnt get there myself but it sounds like most of the other shows,everything being overpriced,we usually take a picnic but have bought the odd cuppa and a butty ,it really is putting people off going to these events should basc be having a word as im sure that if folk got a bit more value for money these events wuold be better for traders and punters alike, surely the more people attending would mean better profit for all : :yes:

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I went sat its was a good day weather wise and the whole family really enjoyed the day , took food as new price would be silly enjoyed watching the dogs and the pro challange on the clay line . My little girl thought it was great and even the other half liked it so for me thats great . No trafic in or out bit pricey to get in but good day ! :yes:

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I went on Friday, and agree with many others about the astronimical prices. Two coffees set me back £5.60. Never had any food there though - had a McDonalds on the A1 afterwards.


I don't think I'll bother again. I would advise anyone to go whose setting up from scratch... there were some very cheap 2nd-hand rifles, shotguns and airguns, and loads of decoying equipment and books, and shedloads of fly-fishing gear.


But, when you've got all you need, it's a bit of a waste.


Only thing I bought was a 2nd hand cartridge belt..... for a tenner :yes:

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I thought it was brilliant. All those gun shops in one place - can't beat it.


Bought a rotary fo £50 - went halves so cost me £25 with speed controller and battery.

Got an HMR with new sirrocco mod for £310 S/H (not a major bargain but there you go...)

And a Scope with mounts chucked in free.

Dad picked up a brand new CZ 22LR for £345 with half price Whisper mod.


Internet shopping is all very well but there you get to see it all in the flesh and haggle for a good price.


Admit that a lot of the prices were normal (thus to high) and not many show offers.



Have to agree though that food and drink is extortionate, but then they've come all the way with all that stuff and pay ridiculous site fees anyway. Swings and roundabouts.


Edit: there's ways and means of getting round the entrance fees :yes:

Edited by George1990
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The organisers of all these events have to make a killing or they wont run them. They charge thousants of the stall holders and vendors who in turn have to charge the ordinary punter.One way to beat this...........dont go.


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The organisers of all these events have to make a killing or they wont run them. They charge thousants of the stall holders and vendors who in turn have to charge the ordinary punter.One way to beat this...........dont go.



Point taken - But it's the vendors chance to meet all his punters in one go and get his stock moving - Discounts were anticipated but did not seem forthcoming. On the plus side, I met up with Wabbitbosher at the BASC stand and got some nice shiney badges for the kids (Cheers Mick!!) and saw the clumbers working in the dog ring - Get my pup in 2 weeks time and getting very excited.

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I agree. Expensive to get in and rip-off food.


As for the celebrities on the shooting! Liam Botham - More celebrities's son than celeb, bird who won the apprentice in 2008, Radio Nottingham presenter and a Bird who writes TV shows. Reminds me of the Porridge film where they get a celebrity football team to play against the prisoners. "rumour has it that the man who reads the weather on ITV will be playing" - he doesn't!


Had a long chat with Lord Tebbit at his book signing. What a nice old boy. It was fairly quite at the time and we chatted for some time about cooking and his favourite recipies.


Probably won't go again.



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Playing devil's advocate here, at least they seem to have figured out that the future is the youngsters. Adult tickets were horrendous, but student/u18 were a good deal at about £10 for 2 days, which saves a bit for elderly parents. What a difference from the Cereals event where every stand seemed to be forcing beer and food down your throat!

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The prices charged by the food stalls are to recoup what they have to pay for their pitch by the organisers.

You get the same comments after every single event in the UK.

If you don't like the prices take something along to eat and drink (I know it is pain carrying it)


On another tack, I wonder what it is people want to get out of Game Fairs these days?


I went last year and as soon as I got there, I had that 'what am I doing here' moment.

I didn't need to buy anything, I have seen all the displays 100 times before, and then I met someone I knew.

He told me someone else I knew had a stand there so I went and talked to him, and so on until I had met and had a catch up with half a dozen people.

Apparently that was what they were all about until they just became a load of shops getting rid of old stock.


And has already been said, if you just want to go shopping, and nothing else go to the Midland :yes:

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I have to agree about this type of show being over priced,


I was only having a conversation with my mum on Saturday about how long we had been going to the Midland (every year) it amounted to 21 years.

If i remember i think it was about £5 then to get in, but as we were showing Jack Russels we used to get exibitors tickets.


I started camping some years ago with p.a.s it was £35 a pitch plus entrance it now costs £65 per pitch plus entrance thats in only 4 years.And,they try and tell you that they have improved the facilities, like yeh!!!!!! hot water in the showers and toilets that flush :yes:. you can stop in a travel lodge for less.


Sorry MR MONEY grabber but not this year. yes i will be going but not camping i cannot see how they can increase the price's to that extent.

the money i save will no doubt, to me anyway be a bargain.


Can the organisers of these shows not see what they are doing, you only have to look at the Royal Show 170 years but no more,


rant over



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I went for a day out, only thing I wanted was a Buttolo roe call. Never got the roe call, all sold out, but spent alot of money on things I did not know I needed until I saw them!!! The GF also bought me a very nice leather bound limited edition book for my christmas present.


As for prices, well its the Game Fair, its expensive ..end of.

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