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painting decoys


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If the pigeons are near enough to notice a full crop they should be dead!!! This is similar to the old days when some pigeon shooters cut off the eyelids of dead pigeons before placing them in their decoy pattern. Approaching pigeons looking at their mates feeding are mainly interested in a clear landing spot, with a good exit, in case of trouble. The last thing on their minds is whether they have a full crop or not. Getting the overall picture right, plus good camouflage, is the way to go and shoot them before they can see full crops. :lol:

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I ALWAYS use dead birds as decoys. I might pad the pattern out with a few shells if I need to get some height and movement. I know that plastic guttering has been used in the past but 20 or so shells are cheap enough and last forever. I also put a few crow decoys out to one side of the main pigeon pattern because crows are suckers for inspecting pigeon decoy patterns, and my crow call is the final con that brings them in. I sometimes shoot more rooks, crows and jackdaws than pigeons but it`s all pest control and farm managers love it!!

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I once read an article in which the great Archie Coats once described using pieces of crunched up paper to draw the birds in. I think that there is a heck of a lot more shooting being done these days to fool them like that though.

The Humbrol paint sounds like a good idea though, because it is a proper paint for plastic models, so it should adhere quite well to plastic shells. :lol:

I have been threading a short length of fishing line through the backs of my deeks so that I can hang them from lengths of wire. It really does make them move around a lot in a light breeze, and when you have a dozen or more moving around in all directions then it really adds a lot of movement to the pattern.

I can’t get out shooting until Tuesday at the earliest, so I will have wait and see if it works…lord knows I need something to try and attract a few birds in. :D


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Amazing, i was just about to post a similar question with the addition of painting other parts. Have just tried this today with humbrol. Painted obvious white parts plus white on nose,red on beak followed by yellow on beak. Touched up any eyes with yellow and a black felt pen for the eyes. Am going to try an experiment and do one with loads of white flecks just like a ferral. All paint was matt finish and they look great. I hope i have not made them too pretty - time will tell :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Jim the Geordie

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My earlier post still applies. :lol: If the pigeons are close enough to take any notice of piddling little touch ups with Humbrol paint they should be DEAD!!! :thumbs: Stop mucking about lads and go out and shoot some pigeons instead of exercising your grey matter on artistic presentation. :*) Or failing that enrol at your local art school. :)

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Invector, point well taken, however i would say i'm lacking a bit of confidence and though you and others would view my next comment as sad, at the moment i like to get them down on the ground as i miss more than i hit in the air. Example, last outing only two opportunities - One on the gound dead, his mate wounded in the air and escaped to the trees to die slowly - not good, i felt bad about that :thumbs: :)



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If pigeons DON`T land in my pattern I want to know why!!! I`ll let you into a secret - ALWAYS USE DEAD BIRDS. I`ve had pigeons land not 5 metres from my hide and sometimes right next to my plazzy crow deeks so there can`t be much wrong with my set up.


I do sometimes shoot the odd bird on the ground, particularly if it is on its own. Pigeons watch other pigeons and if you stay hidden its mate sees it land and comes in as well. They don`t associate a bang with a bloke in a hide using a bloody great 12 bore to kill them. As far as they are concerned Percy pigeon just landed amongst other feeding pigeons and they want some of the action too. Every day of their lives they are being guided by what other pigeons are doing and, as ambushers, we must exploit that trait. Shoot them on the ground by all means, after all it is pest control, but the satisfaction of taking birds on the wing is better than sex!!

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