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martinsyde rob

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About martinsyde rob

  • Birthday 26/12/1984

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • From
    whitwell near worksop
  • Interests
    shooting, fishing and bikes
  1. should be out this week got open licance send me your number
  2. hi dan send me your number and a little about your self ie age, fire arm cert??? dont think im out this weekend but will be one night next week and i dont live to far from you if you fancy a night on rabbits, dont get massive numbers but have a good night
  3. Didnt know where to put this so it is here Thanks to tulkyuk for a great sale and great gun cant wait to get out with it
  4. thanks for advice im shooting on the fields just need more pracitce and wind from reading other posts. I know about blank days as i do pike fishing and have had more blanks than terry wogan him self thanks for the advice and encouragment
  5. Hi there hello to you all. I need some advice, ive got a small bit of rough ground that has fields on three sides of it, i have shot pigeon on it just by walking up with the dog and taking them as the odd ONE flys over. when i try to decoy them they dont want to know there are loads feeding in the fields but they just fly off after first shot never to return. I have tryed all the pattens you have shown on the site but nothing even got a rotary still nothing same every time. what would you? by the way im new to all this a s you can tell
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