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Viewing Topic: Had to fess up to the farmer tonight......
Just now
Viewing Topic: Kalashnikova Deactivated Egypt AKM Assault Rifle 7.62
Viewing Topic: Porn at the House of Commons
Viewing Topic: Premium petrol/diesel - any difference?
Viewing Topic: Miroku / Browning Chokes + key
Viewing Topic: Beretta SP1 Fallin' to bits
Viewing Topic: Magnum boots opinions please
Viewing Topic: sky tv
Viewing Topic: Eley Grand Prix
Viewing Topic: Channel migrants
Viewing Topic: Gun Cabinet And Musto Vest
Viewing Topic: Ralph Grant 8 bore SxS
Viewing Topic: Need help with washing machine bearing repair
Viewing Topic: Chagos Islands - Interesting.
Viewing Topic: .17 HMR in my sights
Viewing Topic: TSS
Viewing Topic: Cottage Pie With Apple Pie And Brandy Cream
Viewing Profile: snarepeg
Viewing Topic: *** PAC Mini Dog Training Collar ***
Viewing Topic: Keeping Guns & Having Kids
Viewing Topic: Posting pics from you phone with pics!
Viewing Topic: Channel Migrants
Viewing Topic: Winchester Super Grade XTR Lightweight, great wood! 12 gauge
Viewing Topic: Boss taking you for granted