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Posts posted by NeXTGen

  1. I have just followed the links to your post Edwin, and now I think to lie down! My brain hurts!


    I am AMAZED that some one with dextrous fingers and a soldering iron hasn't started knocking these up and flogging a few for lamp dimmer switches, instead of the £30!!! ones that Deben sell. I'd buy one!


    Really? Hmmm...(sound of brain gears changing).


    Can someone send/show me where to find/photograph a flapper motor or its spec, and I'll knock up an tutorial with piccies (and let you know how I get on at the higher-tech end...) ??



  2. Depends on how techie you want to get - simplest way is as above - dirty great big rheostat (variable resistor) like an electric heater/fan switch. Then you can go to transistor/mosfet current control. Beyond that, there's pulse width modulation based systems. The major difference between them is efficiency. A variable resistor wastes quite a bit of energy, so if you're using a battery, you'll get less flapper time from it. PWM systems are not actually much more expensive, as they are used for most radio control models.

    Gives you very fine grained control of the speed and (almost) no waste if energy.

    I've got circuit diagrams of simple PWM and current control versions you can cook up using a soldering iron and a few bits from maplin, usually cheaper then the kits.


    If anyone is interested, PM me and I'll see if i can scan and post them?


    Have a look at:





    About half way down the page is a good quality much simple design...




  3. Winchester X2 - bombproof, cycles everything I ever put through it.... about 350-400 s/h, X3 perhaps has yet to be as extensively tested. Not cammo, but pretty.

    Hatsan make a very pretty and effective Luxano (wooden, updated escort).

    The *new* escort (with the new buttplate) is a very nice proposition.

    Appears that the Webley and Scott is a close relative...




  4. After thinking about this some more, I do feel that whilst my new found Jedi abilities may work on simple targets, anything a little more demanding will be hard to gague lead and also height. I will give it a try, but think I will end up putting the Easy Hit on just to maximise my scores.


    Itching to get out and shoot some clays, but family members want to get me some of the shooting bits for Christmas, so feel a bit naughty about going out at the weekend and using it all, only for them to wrap it all up to give to me 2 days later.


    Easy Hit - great bit of kit, but I picked up the "longest" one and fitted it, shot for a while (scores improved) until on a sunny day on some high birds I found my eyes drawn to it and not the clay - it was bright enough to blot them out in my vision! Took it off for the day, but planning on putting it back on as I think my scores have suffered on other days - tempting to use a little tape to shield a bit of the optical section so its not quite so bright!


    One thing to be aware of when fitting - the foam/sticky that comes in the kit will raise the sight by about 1-2mm, and this is actually higher than the existing bead on mine, resulting in the mid-bead not giving "figure - 8" when I started using it. A little waterproof silicone sealant as a semi-removable glue did the trick neatly and without raising the bead.


    I use "The Force" for fast movers - I find it difficult to judge them otherwise... :-(




  5. Have had a couple of dickey cartridges recently (probably damp and my fault!). When they don't go off properly they can leave 'orrible brown/grey smoke completely obscuring the view down the barrel - I thought I'd got a blockage on one, but it was just the smoke. Had it been a blockage, I wouldn't have seen it had I not blown the smoke out.

    Its harder to check on my X2, but when you have just had a shell leave unburnt propellant in the breech, its worth the check!

    <2p's worth from a newbie-ish>

  6. A small collection from a newbie...



    the only other bloke with a superx2 that i know off. good taste in guns mate hard to beat winnys


    Its a great gun - comes straight to the shoulder and shoots straight!

    I took it for a blast last sat. at Worsley, and my goodness it flings those empty case a long way :-)

  7. Ostrich,

    An apple "crumble" that wasn't, and became known as apple surprise, the surprise was that it was vaguely edible,

    Chocolate covered ants,

    Fermented fish pie (in Sweden),

    Mint and Clove soap. It looked tasty and was all natural food grade....


    What is it about apple crumble that makes it variable in the extreme?:good:

  8. I'm with GordonR on this one - second hand quality gun will be a pleasure to own and take care of. Cheap new, though good, has the possibility of leaving you wanting more after 6 months.


    You can get a lot for your money, asking the right people!


    Personally I ended up with a very nice 12g ClassicDoubles (its a Winchester 101 Trap really), that suited me straight off, and I can't fault and wouldn't sell (!) thanks to Gordon. I could have walked out and bought a Lanber/Rizzini (?) but I took some time working out what a good gun fit felt like and trying anything and everything I could...


    From what I remember, the Lanber balance felt all wrong for me - compare it with the Beretta 686 they're semi-imitating.... (to my untutored eye).

    Lincoln looks interesting, I've not picked one up though.


    Browning/Miroku are very different beasts to the Beretta school of thinking. Just depends on what fits and feels good - you'll get that much more satisfaction if it feels good in wallet and in the shoulder.



    <quick characterisation>

    Beretta = quick, light, "pointy" and slightly less muzzle flip

    Browning = (with the exception of the Cynergy) usually heavier, progressive,"swingy" and lower recoil (weight).


    For clays, you can be really "quick" with the Beretta, snappy shooting, but myself, I prefer a smoother (weighted) swing, and can hold the weight.


    Don't get tempted by flashy bits like extended chokes, porting, removable triggers, shinier engraving if the gun doesn't fit as well as a cheaper model.

    (Hokay, my 101 is ported and a 32" barrel, but that how it came and I love it....)


    So far I've found that for me, Winchester's seem to fit "out of the box" in the majority of cases, so I've picked up an X2 to have some fun with...

    (though I've recently found that Webley and Scott seem to fit similarly).


    If it fits *properly* and is in your price bracket, and looks good, use a bit of instinct and a lot of advice, and don't feel pressurised.


    Worked for me!


    <buys Gordon a pint next time he sees him!>

  9. Hi, I've recently re-joined the world of shooting in general (used to be a target rifle shot a while ago) and clay shooting specifically, and have been looking at the opportunities for shooting (in various forms) in and around Cheshire, and was recommended to have a look here on the forum!


    Hello! nice to meet people!




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