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Everything posted by winniedog

  1. Hi, A rather less contensious question. Is there anyone out there using a Pedersoli Muzzleloader with non-toxic shot without a shot-cup to protect the bore? The bores are chrome lined, and the USA dealers suggest sometimes it is 'therefore ready for use with steel shot'.. I am waiting for delivery of one (american-spec multi-choke version) of these beasts: the idea of a 'front-stuffer' that was interesting was the fact you could probably put anything down it from tin to bismouth (within reason).......I know Ian at Claygame has some (a new line) interesting looking 10 Bore compressed card cups that will do the job, anyone tried them yet. I live in the middle of moorland: and really want to get away from lead of any kind. Steel would be the prefered route. Best wishes......and thanks for the welcome to the forum
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