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here iam

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Posts posted by here iam

  1. Lmfaaaaaaaao I can't help but giggle..... 4 times you have politely asked with no response haha.... It's like you don't even exist and then I look and your called "here I am" frigging ironic lol...,


    They work very well buddy but you might not believe me as I'm the baddy... Aka designer lmao

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: lot of arm chair shooters on here :lol::lol:

  2. WOOD PIGEON the clue is in the name.

    Currently still on the menu are beech-mast and acorns, black ivy berries, red hawthorn berries and other mixed woodland fruits which vary from county to county. Don't forget we have some massive ancient woodlands, massive estate mixed woodlands and 1000's & 1000's of acres of sustainable forestry all of which have little or no public access, in which it is not possible to drive by or through to check and evaluate the pigeon activity.

    In my experience the weather at this time of year is key to pigeons eating brassica & oilseed rape plants, it just is not cold enough to make the birds hungry, a covering of snow will help and/or the birds exhaust there current food source and are forced onto the arable pastures.

    But this is a top rated agricultural pest species we are talking about and there are zillions of them out there currently not causing any problems, likewise the pathetic bags which are currently being made, in the name of pest control, won't even begin scratch the surface of even beginning to make an impression on the pigeon population.

    Now as I drive about pigeon spotting I can often see enthusiastic pigeon hunters set up, their position betrayed by some rotary device, doing their utmost best to try and attract pigeons onto farmland with very little or no effect.

    It makes me wonder just what some of the landowners and farmers must think, if and when they see this phenomena of so called pest controllers attempting to draw pigeons who really prefer other things at the minute than dining on their crops :whistling:

    Really in truth we none of us care about the crops we shoot over only the opportunity to shoot this wonderfully unpredictable sporting bird and I wonder if roost shooting at this time when there is a dearth of them on any rape or other arable is actually pest control ?

    This GENERAL LICENCE system we have does pose questions for us right now - however I like to think that it shouldn't make any difference if pigeons are shot away from farmland now as it must mean less to come on to the land at say immediate pre-harvest time.


    What do some of you guys think about this ??

    Landowners dont think owt as long as some ones their and either shooting em or keeping them of the crops as a scare crow :good: the roost woods we use are next to the rape fields or near still crop protection and when you split em open who going to argue :good: they come from a field some where :good:

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