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Posts posted by stugun

  1. Hi all,

    Chaps I'm after some powder scales RCBS preferably, I quite fancy the 10-10 model.

    Has anyone got any for sale or know someone who has???

    Kind regards Stuart

  2. A magnet uses aproximately 2 amps per hour with real birds, less if you use say Hypeflaps, so a 17 amp battery will give you 8.5 hrs using those numbers.

    I personally use 15 amp electric wheelchair batteries giving me an hour less use time but saves almost 1.5kg's in weight over a 17 amp battery.

    Another option is to use smaller batteries like a 7amp knowing you will need to walk back to the car to change them over.

    And the lightest smallest and by far the most expensive route is to use lithium batteries. You can use the same maths to work out what you need regards usage time but they are much more expensive.

    Hope this helps



    Hi cos,

    thanks very much for your detailed advice, many thanks to all replys!!!!

    regards Stu

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