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Posts posted by astraman1

  1. if you cut between the muscle and bone on the leg you can put the other leg through the cut effectively makeing a loop with the legs then just put the next rabbits leg through the first rabbits and make a cut and push its leg through


    that will make you a chain and you only have to carry one the rest hang off the first


    so you could make example 4 chains of 5 rabbits and only have to hold on to 4 rabbits even tho youd have 20

  2. well im not one to get in on arguments but i do have this to say


    not one person here but the original poster knows why so many were shot or what he is going to do with them


    they could have been shot for crop protection or health reasons he could be handing them out around the neighbourhood to old and needy people


    so to come on and say its a discrace and bla bla all you keyboard warriors should not jump to conclusions before you find the answers


    allthough i am from derby i do not know the original poster these are my views


    that is all

  3. As the title say,s for left-handed air-guns? There is no bolt to operate, a scope is generaly used so eye dominance is not an issue. I pose the question because, although I,ve been shooting for some time , I have never used a rifle of any kind but I am considering getting one to use on the squirrels. I shoot of the left shoulder, and being aware of the percentages of left-handed to right-handed amonge fire arms in general I can see where it may be difficult to pick a reasonable second-hand one :yes:



    what do you mean no bolt to operate i think you will find you can get bolts that operate on both sides

  4. 26 year old male looking for shooting land all livestock, boudaries and rules respected


    i shoot with a sub 12 ftlb air rifle, i am safe can shoot day or night anything considered


    willing to shoot any leagal quarry and any edible quarry first offered to the landowner


    just pm me

    or email me



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