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Everything posted by Jimmycarruthers

  1. I got my ticket for a peice of land that surounded a farm where I used to work. But as my boss at the time was a total !!!!£$ I decided to leave and then obviuosly lost the use of the land. I do go shootin with a mate over at Burton, but am lookin for some where else local so I can come home from work stick the gun in the boot and go out for a couple of hours without gettin too much ear ache from the wife!!! hmm sounds like you have not had much luck with meeting up as well mate! Have you just got an air rifle? I know of a shoot over at wishaw that I could ask for you JIm
  2. HI, Please help!! Once apon a time before work commitments and babies I used to go shooting every week-end with my mate and our rimfires and enjoy flippin bunnies. But then came more work and then a baby, since then the shooting went on the back burner. Im now self employed and 2 years on I have loads of spare time at the week-ends and no bloody shooting grounds!! Does anyone out there know of any good shooting grounds around sutton coldfield area that would like to meet up and go for a shoot? I have been shooting for the last 20 years and am a very responsible shooter. Cant keep my rimmy in its safe for much longer gathering dust!!! Cheers Jim
  3. Hi mate, im from Sutton Coldfield, just registerd as need to find a new shoot after a long stretch of no shooting due to Job and kids!!! Do you know of any where round here that you shoot,,,, I have a .22 rimmy Cheers Jim
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