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Posts posted by HARRIS

  1. Nothing wrong with homeloads but the only thing to concern your self about is the makeup of these cartridges!

    If you know this person that made them and you are satisfied that they have been made to a good standard with the correct components.

    Donated reloads are a bit like donated underwear. You don’t know the history!!


    Yeah I can see what you mean but i trust him so thats not really a problem, thanks for the advice though :good:


    Will be sure to let you know how they perform :yes:

  2. First attempt at a write up so here goes....


    After several outing with Lez325 from this forum and learning more than i thought possible about fieldcraft, shooting and quarry behavior I took a trip out by myself for the first time in a while.


    After watching my team play rugby this afternoon I decided to take a trip to a nearby permission to what was about. Upon arriving at the farm things weren't looking to bad. As i wandered down in to the run down old yard I saw a trio of crows heading straight towards me. So due to my lacking camoflauge :good: I ducked down behind a nearby sprout of brambles to have the crows fly high over head seconds later. I shot a high crow after remembering what les had told me about lead which proceeded to drop stone dead in to thick cover behind me. Didnt really fancy scrabbling round in brambles so the crow was left where it fell. This first shot had wrecked my chances of a rabbit as the main field for them is adjacent to the yard so no surprises as the field was devoid of life. I decided to walk to the top of the farm as i had disturbed most of the bottom half in hope that all would be ok when I returned on my way back. After a short walk across four fields to the top of the farm embarassingly missing several rabbits on the way i came to a copse in between two grazing fields, another hotspot. Walking towards the copse a squirrel caught my eye and as I walked to the tree it had just climbed two pigeons made of to my right i managed to drop one that dropped on to the neighbouring farm so couldnt be retrieved. The squirell wasnt found either to my slight irritation. A short walk across the field found me in the woods of which I walked down the edge so i could just see in to the field. Needless to say that was a pointless exercise at this time of year.

    Once I had reached the bottom of the woods I walked across the top of 4 grass fields and one old wheat stubble field. Hugging the edge of the woods again this time in the fields this is where the good shooting started. After 3 fields a came across a tree that had fallen in to the field so I hid amongst the branches. Not long after I spotted a group of about 12 crows flying from another part of the woods straight towards me. they came over the hedge about 40 yards to my right and straight over me. I managed my first ever right and left from the group. These shots Disturbed more crows from where the others had come from. A single crow came over not long after which was dropped with the second shot. another small group of 5 or so crows flew over just after I had reloaded, i managed to drop one of the group as in my haste to add to the bag i came out from my cover too early and spooked the group. Two more crows were added to the bag before I decided to call it a day as i had to walk back down to the other end of the farm.

    To my surprise there were no rabbits in any of the spots I thought they would be on the way back. As I was walking down the last field along the edge of the field I spotted in a squirrel on the ther side of the ditch that separated the two fields. It spotted me and started to make towards the nearest tree and after missing one earlier in the day I wasnt going to miss another one so i gave it 1/2 choke and it stopped dead in its tracks. After going through the gate to pick up the squirrel to show my grandad as otherwise i would get another ribbing for not having anything to show for all the shots he would have heard. I was surprised, well I say that I was actually quite amused to find that the squirrel still had an acorn in its mouth that it was tryin to run off with. And it still held on to it when i picked it up. This also tickled my grandads sense of humour and the farmers as well.

    So after watching my rugby team loose their game that I should have been playing in, I was happy with a bag of 6 crows, 1 pigeon, and a squirrel to show for my efforts. And just to add to it the good day when I went in to see the farmer and my grandad the farmer gave me half a box of eley 32g 5 cartridges :P Happy Days.



    I would just like to thank Lez325 here as i used alot of what I had learnt previously from him today and I really think it put most of what I shot in the bag. He really is a sterling bloke and willing to teach a newcomer. Cheers les :lol::lol:


    A few pics I managed from today...







  3. First go at a write up so here goes....


    After several outings with Lez325 of here and learning more than i thought possible from him on all aspects of fieldcraft, shooting and quarry behavior i have been out by myself for the first time in a while.


    After watching my team play rugby I decided to to take a quick trip out to a nearby permission to have a look what was about. On turning up at the farm things were looking average to be honest. I walked down in to the yard of the run down old farm to see a trio of crows coming straight towards me. Due to my lacking camoflauge :good: I quickly ducked behind a nearby bunch of brambles only to have the crows fly straight over my head seconds later. I took a high crow from the three remembering the lessons les had taught me previously. The crow dropped stone dead in to deep brambles so was left where it fell. This first shot disrupted the main rabbit field adjacent to the yard so that blew any chances of a rabbit for the pot this time round.

  4. In the middle of a business studies lesson at school when our teacher looked up from his PC and told us and then put BBC news up on the interactive whiteboard while we supposed to carry on working but just watched the updates in disbelief. :lol::mad::lol:

  5. Well done on your first fox mate.

    The only thing I would say about taking foxes with a shotgun regularly is to watch what size of shot you are using (Use as large as possible) and also do not get tempted to take them at any longer than practical ranges (No more than about 30 yards MAXIMUM) - It is so easy to forget about your ranges once the adrenalin gets pumping!

    Good shooting mate! :lol::rolleyes::lol:


    I much prefer using a rifle for foxing and think that it is a more safe and humane weapon to use but I don't have a problem with people who chose a shotgun to take foxes with as long as they remember these two important things!



    I completely agree, with shot larger than 1's you loose the pattern of the smaller shot and increase the risk of wounding the fox even with using both barrels. But then again it all boils down to the range the shotgun is being used at. If it is extremely close then shot larger than 1's or 2's are ok.



  6. I would like to get some of those large posters you see nailed to trees and what not from the Countryside Alliance to show my support for fox hunting. I realise that they were more available when the ban was being introduced and just after when the major uproar was, but i was just wondering wether they were still available now.


    Im on about the large plastic billboard type not the car stickers :hmm:


    Any help would be appreciated



  7. Just to let you guys know I have spoken to my head teacher yesterday and he said that i have matured well and have really got on well and he is really impressed with me over these last two years. He also said that he would be very willing to speak to them and that there shouldnt be any problems. He even showed me my behaviour record and it turns out the things i was worrying about dont even come up so its looking good. Thanks for all your help ansd support guys it really helped.


    And in regard to them being or not being allowed to approach my school i dont really care just as long as i get my SGC





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