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Posts posted by nipper

  1. It took about two months to decide the steps along the side of the Toyota were coming off!

    It lowers you ground clearance considerably and you end up bending them.

    I thought about putting rock sliders on but ended up leaving it clean.

    Unless it is some kind of heavy duty things you are putting on,I wouldnt bother.


    It was brand new Toyota's running board type steps I had and they are paper thin .

  2. Could be worse, they could have 4-5 dogs (+ the two mentioned above regularly) 2 cars, 1 motorbike, 2 tractors, 15 lawnmowers, visiting god children, and a looney dragging wheelie bins along besides his car... ;)


    I win!


    OK!OK! You Win!!! :good:

  3. The fox will wait untill the weather gets harder and walk across the ice!

    He would be better getting young ducks that could at least fly when older.Pen them in untill then.

    The other alternative is feed the ponds regularly and the wild ones will come anyway as long as he doesnt shoot them.

  4. In my experience 10 week old poults are ******* to keep in the pens I would not have them later than 7/8 weeks that way they will settle a bit easier and will not be flying outta the pen every 5 minutes! Personally I feed mine on pellets until 12/13 weeks and gradually add wheat from there on. With the pellets phased out within about 3 weeks.


    + 1 on that !

    Spot on advice :good:

  5. "I have no problem with dogs being licenced and chipped its the put them down if they are not i would have the problem with."


    In the short term there would be a lot of animals put down.In the long term because more and more dogs would be chipped as puppies, it would be reduced to a minimum once the situation is under control.

    How else do you get to a sensible start point.The alternative is a ready supply of stray dogs for the next however many years.


    "Follow your logic the charities in Africa should let children die to make room for more children."


    Charity begins at home! I do donate to a couple of charities of my choice and they are UK based.

    The Africa/world charities are a difficult thread all on their own for many reasons and dont belong on this one.

  6. As I thought. ??? Your happy to let them struggle on .


    I dont donate to dog charities, because My opinion is that a lot of the money is wasted .


    The only way for them to free up more cash is to free up more space.


    Or you double your donation to them?

  7. I see you are a dog lover. :rolleyes: Lots of dog charities look after dogs until they are re homed or die. Why stop at dogs why not put down any dogs cats or any wildlife that's found injured. You should give some of the charities a ring see if they have any jobs going you could put down sick and injured animals you would probaly enjoy it.


    Your right ! I am a dog lover got four of my own,health checked, chipped and registered.

    But I will not donate if the charity is throwing good money after bad.


    Your answer is yet another one of those sarcastic little digs that has no real attempt at a solution in it?


    So come on Mr ordnance,what is your answer to the problems of dog rescues being short of cash and full of unwanted dogs?

  8. "in exchange for my loss of freedom."

    "significant curtailment of freedom"


    Right on Wolfie! Power to the people! (You might not be old enough to remember that programme ?)






    Considering the total amount of animals being chipped safely.These two links are both examples of how miniscule the problems would be.

    I never asked for a breeding licence.Breed away! But you should care where your pups go and the new owners are reputable.So they wont mind covering the cost of the chip (£15/18).


    Of course it wont stop chavs and muppets breeding stray cra* ,but at least when they are picked up they can be cleared up instead of costing money they cant afford.



    Does the bitch chip them on the way out?

    Or in your utopian future is all home breeding illegal?

    The RESPONSIBLE breeder will ensure that happens .(If he cares about what he is breeding?)

    That should stop the puppy farmers!


    In my utopian future....EVERY DOG will have an owner thats traceable.

    Simple really!


    So what is your answer to the stray problem Sneaky?

  10. Nipper, perhaps you aren't aware that the large animal charities (such as the RSPCA) are run purely for profit. They could re-home the animals if they tried, but it's cheaper for them to put most of them down. They have vast amounts of money, and their only focus is making more.


    With re-homing dogs, it's a matter of won't, not can't.


    I completely understand what your saying.

    But the problem wont go away untill it affects people where it hurts! THATS THEIR POCKETS !

    My answer to the problem may be severe,but at least its an idea!

    As with a lot of things these days,unless we change the social opinion of something it will stay and bite us in the rrrs for a long time.


    No politicion is going to say anything but "AWWW! Poor likkle doggies" because he will loose votes otherwise.

    No hard choice is easy .So what else can we do ?


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