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Posts posted by jonnyoftheboy

  1. Chaps


    Haven't been on PW for ages and am not shooting at the moment.


    Hence I am selling some carts, as I am stuck for storage space.


    I have a few thousand.....




    Hull Comp X 21g plastic wad @ £110 per thousand


    Hull Comp X 21g fibre wad @ £120 per thousand


    Pick up only in Maidstone, Kent


    Must have and show a valid SGC


    please pm if interested, no timewasters please.





  2. gents

    not been shooting for a while, and not been on PW for a while, but do let me know when you are next planning a visit to willow or anywhere..... as I will see if I can make.


    there is a bunch of us from kent that post on PW that meet up occasionally.



  3. after buying a Zoli kronus I went to shoot last week,a total disaster,missed everything and ended up with a brusied shoulder and cheek area and about 30% hits,so I decided to finally book a lesson,I also took my Auto and we patterened the guns and made adjustments untill they were both shooting where I was pointing them,he gave me some tips on gun mount and head position,then onto clay's,he watched me shoot then started making suggestions,almost immediately I started hitting them,for the rest of the lesson with some tutorial and help I shot over 90%,i was so impressed that i,ve booked another lesson,if you haven't had a lesson and are struggling then it's time too! It was at Greenways near Canterbury and the coach was Sam if you live around here.



    oh yeah you flash ***! taking lessons now are we?!!! lol!


    better watch out eh next time we meet up?


    has pete had some as well?

  4. another vote for karndean.


    I have had wood in the last 3 of my properties - 1. 22mm junckers wooden floor, 2 & 3. good quality engineered 14mm


    and they look lovely.... but take a lot of looking after, and they can take a battering.


    with dogs, I now swear by Karndean.


    oh yeah, I also have a natural stone floor - travertine.... DO NOT TOUCH! can't believe how soft the stone is.

  5. Hello all,


    I'm a proper newbie from West Malling area, would be intersted in a meet up to shoot/get advice?


    Have had a go at a few local clay shoots, after getting the bug on a Red Letter Day my missus got me.


    Have bought a Lanber U/O and am eager to learn how to use it!




    Hi Akita Boy


    there are a few of us in Kent, and we have met up on a few occasions.... so keep scanning the forum for the next one, not sure when it is planned.


    i have been shooting for 2.5 years now, and remember what it was like when I 1st started.... especially as when I started I knew no-one who shot.


    if you fancy a trip to west kent ss... give me a shout. They are obviously only open mon-fri.


    I haven't been able to shoot much so far this year due to being so busy, but need to change that!



  6. not sure on rules ref. food on planes now.....


    last time I was in mexico was before the liquids ban etc.... and we packed loads of food and sandwiches. Just be aware, bin any food not eaten before you leave the plane. we picked up our baggage and went through immigration.... hand luggage had the rolls we had not eaten..... mexican immigration made you open up most bags.... they went crazy when they saw the food - no foodstuffs allowed to be brought in to the country -=- doh!

  7. You either allow capitalism, innovation and greed (because greed is what essentially drives a succesful company) do it's stuff or you nationalise it (over regulation is effectively nationalisation in all but the name over the door!)


    Nationalisation tends to create bloated, inneficient, unprofitable, boring, dull, jobs for the boys organisations which end up sucking up cash not creating wealth.. Communism and socialism are great concepts...... on paper, but they don't work in reality... I'm sure none of us would be craving the 'equality' everyone benefited from in the former soviet union :rolleyes:


    **** happens, firms fail and most industries learn by their mistakes. The scale of the problem with the global finance industry and mortgage backed securities is not something to be scoffed at but the problem was execerbated out of all proportion because of the media and the way it was reported. A direct example was Northern Rock... the run on the bank that ultimately made the gov't steal the bank from the shareholders was created by nothing other than the media and the way it was exagerrated and reported on national TV...


    As far as I'm concerned, the global financial crisis has become a self fulfilling prophecy... abit like the property boom... the media told everyone life was good and you should buy property and... life was good and if you bought property you were quids in... then the first rumblings of trouble started (including NR in the UK) and the media told us we were all in trouble and it was the end of the world as we know it and, guess what..... yep... the end of the world was nigh!


    It would (if possible) be a wonderful historical excercise to be able to see what would have happened if the media had reported things differently... alas, we will never know!


    As for bankers bonuses and the media and thus public outrage...... if you want that kind of earnings potential, go join the industry... 99.99999% wouldn't last 1 week... the pressure and expectation is incredible, the hours rediculous and most traders, as an example, are completely burnt out by 35! The rewards on offer attract the best, brightest, fastest and most commited people.. The bonuses are paid for achieving specific set targets which mean the company (or subsidiary thereof) and therefore stock holders make huge profits, it is part of their contract and they deserve every penny... if they don't deliver, they don't get paid... it's not like the british businessworld of old (pre 1980s) where the elite got paid a fortune and did very little for it... these guys give their body and soul!!! If they didn't get the bonuses they will simply go elsewhere, to other industries or other countries and we will lose thier skill and the profits they bring (including revenue into the public purse!) Should we ban rock stars or football players because they earn so much more than those of us who have average jobs with average aspirations ???



    at last I hear some sense on a topic such as this..... rather than the usual "woe is me"/they are richer than me and spent my money/jealous drivel.

  8. Ltd company everytime, unless your turnover is very small.


    you can be sole director and 100% shareholder, new co. rules came in some time ago negating need for 2nd director and co. sec.


    one piece of advice though, may be worth having a co. sec.... someone like the mrs, just in case you get knocked down by a car.... there is at least someone able to sign co. docs etc to sort stuff. if you are sole director and no co. sec.... and car runs you over.... pain in the **** to sort.


    main advantage of ltd co over sole trader, your company makes a profit, your company pays its corp tax at 21% on that profit, the money that is left.... you are more in control of how you distribute it. take it all as a dividend, take some as a dividend... making sure you do not go over higher rate tax, and leaving rest to take next tax year, etc. all very flexible. means you are more in control of how much income tax you pay, and how much (if any) NI you pay.


    if you are a sole trader, you make a profit, you get taxed at income tax rates on the whole profit.... you pay whatever class of NI. no flexibility.


    I would pretty much always go ltd co. route, unless your turnover and profit is going to be pretty small... in which case most probably not worth the aggro of the extra accountancy fees, etc.


    if your T/O will be £50-100k.... Ltd would be advice.

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