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Posts posted by sanibel686

  1. On 06/07/2021 at 09:43, sanibel686 said:

    Price reduction to £2150 collected 


    On 29/06/2021 at 10:55, sanibel686 said:

    For sale my XP50 helion 1 thermal spotter Purchased 7 months ago and boxed in mint condition, with most of the warranty left obviously.

    Upgraded to latest software and only used for 2 stalking trips out.

    Prefer buyer to come and try it for yourself but I will post it at a pinch.

    £2250 guys




    IMG_20210618_173703 (1).jpg



  2. A friend of mine (who doesn't use forums) is looking for a new gun and I said I'd help her out.
    She wants something on a browning frame in a 12 bore, pretty (meaning good condition wood and game scene decoration) full length stock (big lass!) multi choke (changes her mind a lot!). Her budget is £800 but of course anything lower would be appreciated as, frankly, she is of modest means.

    If anyone has anything of interest please pm me and I'll get in touch.

    For the avoidance of doubt I will take full responsibility for the transaction in accordance with forum rules, if this is an issue please advise. 

    I live in South Shields Tyne and Wear she is just east of Penrith Cumbria. FTF pref but RFD ok for the right gun.

  3. We have been hunter gatherers for around 1.8 million years pretty much since the dawn of homo erectus (hey you boy no sniggering at the back!) when the "hunter" part of "hunter gatherer" became hard wired into our DNA.

    This is in part why, in my opinion, we are hard wired to enjoy our sport. The same thrill of the chase, greater peer status through the execution of superior field craft, bringing home the bacon (or pigeon breasts) etc.

    Pack Man is attempting to reclassify us as perverts/criminals and his insidious agenda would have us reduced to existing as mere "gatherers".  Of course once a law is passed we will outwardly comply but how long will it take for the hunter yearning to exit our DNA? another 1.8 million years?

    He has the perfect platform to sow his propaganda and he is imposing an almost Catholic sense of guilt (for "doing nothing") onto anyone in power who will listen. It is naive to think the march of this individual and his band could be stopped or even disabled by reasoned debate. What is needed is to meet them with the same level of cunning, vitriol and contempt they have shown for us.  I don't know exactly what this would look like but I know I would contribute to crowdfunding it, as they did.


  4. 15 hours ago, ClemFandango said:

    Why? It was never legal to just shoot pigeons for meat. It still isn't. 


    You couldn't be more wrong, you aren't thinking wide enough, The history of wildlife management was borne out of the long held rite of landowners to consider ALL wildlife as a simple resource to be used as they wished, then came the forest laws and eventually the Game laws, which regulated the right to kill certain kinds of fish and other wild animals.

    Therefore it has been illegal for a relatively small period of time in the grand scheme of things to kill pigeons solely for meat.

    To the current day where this pest has been growing in numbers year on year there is no need to have artificial constructs preventing it's killing for food.  


  5. In my view the agenda of a "nominated body" for our side should include.

    1, Proof of non lethal methods being used prior to the use of lethal methods is removed as a requirement; on the basis that there is enough evidence to prove that such methods are marginal to ineffective and also that pre-emptive control in the general  vicinity is also a key tool in crop protection meaning that you don't have to be sat in the actual crop field!!

    2, It appears that the current law of tresspass linked with being guilty of action likely to cause a breach of the peace is just not being used. A new crime to be considered; tresspass with intent to harris, or actual harrisment of anyone carrying out a lawful activity, particularly if the person(s) carrying out the lawful activity are doing so with a shotgun!

    3, Lastly my key issue which I will return to time and time again. Rabbits are technically classed as both vermin and ground game, I can shoot them to control numbers, reduce crop damage etc etc and importantly i can also shoot them solely with the intent of putting them in a pie for my tea.  Why  can't we achieve the same dual status for pigeon????? or do they exist on a higher level than english partridge and grouse??

  6. 4 hours ago, ditchman said:

    i think the GL liecence ...........needs to include the phrase.......... "the ability to harvest birds for the table"..........................now what is wrong with that ?

    How about we reclassify them as game...... closed season 25Th December  simples!!

    I do have a problem with the adjective "harvest" in this context though. I know where you're coming from but I prefer to be straight. 

    Remember the good old "Licence to Kill Game"

    I cut and shut this from a BASC page

    Game and game dealer licensing dates back to the 1800s.  It is thought that the requirement for a person to hold a game licence to hunt game was introduced primarily to restrict poaching. There are now much stricter and more effective measures in place to deal with poachers, making this piece of legislation outdated and ineffective. The abolition of game licences//removes a redundant layer of bureaucracy for shooters

    If the authorities considered the Game licence to be "a redundant layer of beaurocracy" and got rid of it in 2007 (I think) after almost 200 years then is it possible that we can come out of this with less paper? 



  7. 16 hours ago, robbiep said:

    If you've been shooting pigeons on that basis for the last 40 years then you've been breaking the law for the last 40 years - and the legal framework isn't going to 'go away', so forget that one.

    What's going to be the case in the future is that you'll have to keep some records (no matter how contrived) to show that non-lethal means have been attempted, and have failed, before you can go out shooting pigeons.

    Note for the pedantic : yes, I know that there is no REQUIREMENT to keep records. But if challenged you MAY be required to show that the other methods have been tried and have failed, and that is why you have resorted to shooting the flying rats.

    Oh dear...

    If you've been shooting pigeons on that basis for the last 40 years then you've been breaking the law for the last 40 years.

    If pigeons are eating a crop and the farmer calls me and I go and shoot some of them at his request then I would be surprised to discover that this was prosecutable, irrespective of what my private thoughts are when sat in the hide! 

    The legal framework isn't going to 'go away'.

     Well.... WJ made it go away..... I'm just saying!

    What's going to be the case in the future is that you'll have to keep some records (no matter how contrived) to show that non-lethal means have been attempted, and have failed, before you can go out shooting pigeons. Note for the pedantic : yes, I know that there is no REQUIREMENT to keep records. But if challenged you MAY be required to show that the other methods have been tried and have failed, and that is why you have resorted to shooting the flying rats.

    I'm sorry to say but this sounds so defeatist it's almost 5th columnist, I'm sure you didn't mean it that way. We need to move this part of the discussion beyond any requirement to individually prove the ineffectiveness of "other methods"  on a postcode basis, or even the need for individuals to cite the general principles of the ineffectiveness of  "other methods" as a defense when out shooting and potentially questioned by the authorities.


  8. On 09/05/2019 at 22:32, PPP said:

    id venture what you mean is you shot the pigeons to prevent crop damage having tried you best with not lethal control and to avoid waste your wife kindly cooked them for you.

    Actually no, I'm trying to frame a conversation at the other end of the "normal distribution curve" of the matrix we seem to be living in, within the UK. 

    The relationship between a landowner and pigeon shooter is, as we all know; glorious, treasured and symbiotic but for me at least it has never been commercial. 

    I have never driven 80 miles, spent my own money on petrol, cartridges etc, sat in the rain/sun/flies, bruised my shoulder, voluntarily and for no wages, etc etc, just help a bloke I barely know make his business more profitable! I sit there in his pea/rape field because I enjoy shooting pigeons as a hobby/pass time and me, my wife and my kids enjoy eating them.

    I'm sorry my first post was clumsy. What I'm actually talking about re instating the simple legal ability to hunt and kill pigeons for the table, without the need to rely on the "excuse" of protection of crops or anything else for that matter.  

    As has been established the GL was nonsensical, contrived  and never correctly applied in practice for 40 years. The shooting population has therefore been killing pigeons without regard to the GL for 40 years and pigeons have still increased in numbers. As a species thriving in the UK therefore pigeons do not need the protection of this legal instrument.

    We therefore don't need the GL overhauling for pigeons, we just need the entire legal framework to go away so that we can shoot them as we do with rabbits? 



  9. Sorry about the cryptic title, it's called catfishing.

    I'm failing to keep up in this fast-changing PC world and I'm losing my grip on what is/isn't acceptable to say, or even think, let alone do! 

    So to pigeon shooting (and also shooting in general), of course I enjoy the sport of it, the social side, the fieldcraft, the marksmanship, the open air etc etc but let me be clear, I shoot animals for the meat and I have done for 50 years. 

    If I'm pigeon or rabbit shooting (and left to my own devices ie not under instruction otherwise from a landowner) I go home when I estimate I can't get any more meat in the freezer or otherwise have an outlet to like minded friends. I then bring home what I have shot so my wife can make a hearty pie without the need to buy a chicken or a leg of mince. 

    Now, this is where I'm struggling;

    One of my permissions is a sheep farm comprised of grass fields and sheep and my wife says to me " hey I fancy making a big pie for guy Fawkes night but the fridge is empty, go shoot something" 

    I go out into the middle of a grass field with my trusty shotgun and see a couple of rabbits at the boundary, a brace of pheasants looking the other way and a couple of woodies overhead. If I shoot the woodies for the wife's pie am I a criminal?




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