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Posts posted by jethrofurness

  1. Hi all thanks for a good thought provoking response, I was thinking about a .243 as my variation as the chap i did my apprenticship with had one for deer control, but i suppose its a case of happy medium? a heavy large caliber that will anihalate the munty or smaller round ie 222 or 223 that might not be man enough/ leagal.


  2. Hi everyone i know this is the biggest can of worms about to be opened but........... I've possibly got the oppertunity coming up in the near future to shoot muntie's and was wondering what caliber of rifle to go for when i ask for my variation on my licence as at the minute my biggest rifle is a .222 using 50grn balistic tipped remmington rounds ( shop bought not home loads. ) If anyone can point me in the diretion of an existing thread or offer advice that would be good.

    Cheers Jethro

  3. Hi Mark I have been to some really scummy places both with the army an with work when im away in the wagon.

    If your confronted try to work out which chav is the biggest n*b an give him so much verbal you could be mistaken for someone with turettes if that fails bite his nose off an run like ****.

    but in all seriousness dont do anything to jepordise your chances of getting your gun licences in the future, chavs have nowt to loose you have!



  4. My dad got a call from the fraud department of his tesco credit card to ask him if he'd spent $1100 dollars in new york state and then $275 in michigan within 20 minutes of each other, at the time he was sitting down to sunday dinner with my mum in Stockport, Stick to your gun's and the bank will be ok with you it just a real pain in the bum!!!

  5. Why? The idea is to deplete the numbers and not to build up your shooting stock. You're there by the grace of the farmer to protect his crops.




    Quite true everyday should be a pigeon day, its like this pigeons = damaged crops = p****d off land owner = your **** at pest control dont bother comming back!!!!!!!

  6. I've just built one myself, I used 3 rod rest poles the telescopic types that i found dumped on one of my permissions, a ford escort wiper motor of my dads van and the rest of the metal was in the worksop scrap bin.

    the big problem was decoys so me and my stepdaughter bought some foam camping matt and made a hardboard template and painted them up.

    I think the grand total was about 3 shillin's an sixpence,

    It sounds soppy but when i took it out and birds came to have a look and we got good effective shots i was pretty chuffed!

    I'll post some piccys soon.

  7. Ha Ha I drive a DAF XF on low loader work with STGO cat 2 plates on an we only do about 40-45 mph on motorways an considerably less on smaller roads! You can only imagine the **** i get off car drivers especially when you cant get somewhere an you block everywhere up!

    Oh by the way heres one for the car drivers among you when a wagon is up your a##e in road works its because the Tacho that displays the speed is bang on where as cars usually read 4-5 mph over so you may think your doing 40 but really only doing about 36 or 7 mph

  8. Be very careful with this. The General Licence issued allows people to shoot pigeons under certain circumstances. ALL BIRDS ARE PROTECTED BY LAW ( yes, even Pigeons ) and the General licence allows you to shoot Pigeons if they are doing serious damage to crops.............( and there are other reasons)


    1) Your farmer has cows!!!!!!!!!! I don't think the Pigeons will cause any problems to them. ( I appreciate cows eat grass!!!)


    2) You say your farmer normally grows peas but is leaving the field as grass this year, I doubt this is classed as a crop!!!!!!! he won't sell it or eat it!!!


    Might be worth asking others on this site or a phone call to your firearms office. The last thing you want is to be prosecuted for unlawfull shooting of birds!!!


    You need to know what you can and can't do. For example, are you on flightline and the birds are affecting the crops of a neighbouring farm and you are protecting them :blush:


    go on the BASC website and read about the General Licence, worth a read when you get a chance and will help you understand what can and can't be done.



    Any crop grown in relation to agricultural purpose's can be protected including fodder crops such as peas or whole crop wheat both of which are grown for feeding livestock,

    Sorry to be so anal but we have enough trouble with anti's to start with before we start trying to reck each others sport

  9. Jonno you come across as a complete empty head but thats beside the point,

    the really important thing is to wish the family our condolences not dwell on the ramblings of a dribbling retard!



    My condolences to the family of PC Gary Toms,


    maybe if the laws were less in favour of a soft touch and not upsetting the scum that walk the streets and the the police could use the full weight of the law Gary would be with us today?

  10. Hi has anybody got a Bristol 1000 egg hatcher for sale?

    PM me if your interested cheers jethro


    Help I need to know how to move this topic to 'for sale' as i was left a note by my mate who has got one to sell so if your in need of a 1000 egg thinginemy bob pm me


    cheers jethro

  11. Before you get your CZ cut down just check wether the end of the barrel has any 'choke' because i know that the CZ 17Hmr's have the end of the barrel tihgtend in the manufacturing process and shortening them will affect the performance, this may not apply to the .22lr though.

  12. Cheers Matt just had alook on his website and they look good, Im moving to near swaffham at the begining of june so diss would be spot on only about 35 miles away


    Regards Jethro

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