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Everything posted by abductee

  1. Yeah my Lincoln Premier, has just started doing this to me only yesterday, it's not cocking correctly, as there is no internal movement when you pull the trigger (like the saftey is still on as described by bigdog), its defo not a primer problem as no mark on the cartridge/primer either, its not the barrel selector either opening and closing again seems to fix it, I shot about 75 yesterday and it happened about 3 times within my last 20 shots, After cleaning it last night I did about 20 test fires with those empty/blank cartridges you use for storing your gun and prolonging the life of your spings etc (cant remember correct name for them) anyway it worked 100%, so think it's as it gets warm it gets a bit gunked from the excess oil from the incorrect storage for the last few months because I have been storing it barrels up, have been told to store barrels down as any excess oil after cleaning will run into the stock and the trigger mechanisms when stored barrels up, common sense really and so obvious when you think about it, it just never occured to me :-( I think it will need to go in the shop for an internal clean to get it back 100%, and its still under warranty as only new in March other than that its been a great gun so far, but I'm still a total newbie and learning every day
  2. Nice thred even though it started off being a little iffy with the negative comments now for me to mess it up, being a total novice, and only ever having shot at club grounds, I noticed some pics were posted as private and some as public land... So whats the score, where can you shoot and when do you have to get permission, especialy if its public land!!!!!! Thanks
  3. nice one should be at the end of August
  4. cool not as bad as it looks on google maps then, thanks for the info BTW email responce from west edinburgh shooting school said: LOL looking forward to the weekend away now
  5. thanks for the links spotted the braidwood cheers, shame about morton much closer but skeet only, hmmm maybe, but I prefer sporting. clunys is across the water and might be a bit of a trek round, only been edinburgh once years ago, and I flew but remember the traffic was bad back then so will have to rely on my Cus for advice on that when we get there., but the more potentials I have on my list the better. I also found West Edinburgh Shooting School website yesterday, waiting for an email back from them as it looks like its all tuitored shooting only, anyone know of these guys?
  6. Hi Guys, I'm visiting relatives in Edinburgh in August, does anyone know any clay shooting grounds in the area, (within say an hour of the city) preferebley south or west Edinburgh if possible. google has thrown up ClayBusters, but wondered if any of you guys would recommend any little Gems that might not be easily found on Google cheers Andy
  7. yeah same here I just think its important that you pick up the bird with both eyes... then I squint at the last moment (I'm right handed but have equal eye dominance, no matter how hard I try when point at something in the distance I see two fingers with equal strength, I think its all those 3d and magic eyebooks I had as a kid)
  8. Hi All, You all seem a very friendly bunch... Found you by talking to Webber in a gun shop in Wigan when looking for a gun for my wife. I'm fairly new to shooting, never done a live shoot, just clays at the moment... but will be asking you lot for good places to go when I feel I'm ready for it. I am pretty handy with websites (html, css, joomla) as well as forums (PhpBB) and graphic design and animation, when I can find the time, so any help or advice dont hesitate to ask. Andy - aka Abductee
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