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Posts posted by adp

  1. I know what your saying adp, but if you indicate to a vehicle that isnt there, would it be fair to say that persons observation skills are somewhat lacking.


    Yup.. However having people indicate at all would be a good starting point! What does that funny stick near the steering wheel do again?


    I generally assume people don't have much observation at all - riding a motorbike for the last 10 years has pretty much confirmed that!



  2. following on from my last comment, I HATE MIDDLE LANE HOGGERS ! there i feel better now, they are to unpredictable. heres one for you then, what about vehicle users who indicate when no ones about, good habit or unaware of other road users near or around them ?


    I think its a reasonable habit but is often argued that you should be aware of everything around you.. people are however erm - human (generally) so indicating anyway seems reasonable.



  3. From what you have described, it wasnt a good piece of driving, especially as it was an instructor.


    The first law of the land is 'we drive on the left' and if lane 1 was clear she could have moved to it, however, lanes 1 and 2 on the motorway are for TRAVELLING IN, lane 3 is OVER TAKING ONLY - so she wasnt doing anything illegal, especially if lane 3 was clear for you to over take, she was just inconsiderate. In fact you were the one who acted in the wrong through your actions, not her, however frustrating and annoying you found it. A good driver would have observed it, and dealt with it in a positive manner.


    How many drivers on here sit in lane 3 when lane 2 or even lane 1 is free of trafic? you are equally as bad as the drivers who sit in lane 2.


    As for using a phone, there is no excuse


    Bzzzt - wrong, Lane 3 and 2 are for overtaking ( Traffic _SHOULD_ be in the left most lane unless it is a filter lane or similar - or hard shoulder )



  4. Ask them for the password that you sent them to authenticate and check that they are the authorised contact for communicating with you - I get REALLY annoyed when they start telling me its due to the Data Protection Act as that is complete and utter ********.


    Hey ho... It's usually down to them trying to sell you something!


    One chap held on for about 20mins trying to get me to "authenticate" myself - that shows persistence, he still wouldn't give me his home phone number so that I could call him back however!



  5. Yay - it's snowing in cambridge now... Hopefully everyone will decide to go home early and the crashing will be out of the way by 6ish. I was wondering about taking the fronty in this morning but hopefully the mondeo will be fine.....



  6. I prefer to call normal geographical numbers where possible as I mainly use my mobile rather than a land line - have you looked at the 03xxx numbers? They are normal geographical type numbers that aren't tied geographically - the main user of these I've seen so far has been the BBC (along with the ISP I use that will provide them via VOIP - aaisp)

  7. I'm currently in the market for a new(to me) shotgun and am planning on going around the local shop's to see what's available - I've recently been using a mates 682E Gold which I like but is a little dear for my pocket.


    Are there any places in the ely/cambridge area to go and see or to avoid?


    I've found a list of local places from the search on fieldsportschannel.tv but would appreciate info from those that know :good:





  8. Did you ask for his name and employee ID along with the details of the legislation that they would be using? Its amazing when you start asking jobsworths for this kind of information how many will run away. I do get really annoyed with the amount of dog c**p that gets left around on paths particularly if I am walking the mutt in the dark so it's possible that they are reacting to complaints about that kind of thing and not clueful enough to note the difference between you and the annoying dog owners..

  9. I've recently got a few cb radios - with the better range than your typical pmr and nobody really using it... I even fitted a radio into the car ( I promised myself YEARS ago that I would and now despite not really having a use for it... )

  10. I've been reading the books I got before we picked up our now 13/14 week old lab the last week or so and they are suggesting that you shouldn't throw anything for the dog at this stage.. concentrate on hold and give ( hold when you put something in the dogs mouth, give when you take it )


    One command only and then insist :lol::yes:


    Do some walking in the correct place and say heel, sitting etc..


    I think the approach if you want to pet dog and a gun dog are a bit different :look:


    Oh - and apparently no squeaky toys..



  11. Have a fantastic day and honeymoon! I got married in may and life is great - don't listen to what the nay sayers say..


    The day'll go really quickly after a slow start ( well mine did... )



  12. I've recently discovered that CB has been de-regulated, so if you want a half decent range it might be the way to go - it also appears that all of the annoying kids that were playing and annoying on there when I last touched cb radio have gone off onto facebook and myspace.


    It seems like the way to go to me..



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